57 of 1901 - Ordinance 57 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 70. _ r- --- - __1 Bill No. 07 for AN ORDINANCE LEVYING THE TAX AND FCR THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE- OF TENTH EAST STREET BETWEEN SOUTH T EMPLE AND FIRST SOUTH STREETS, IN SAYER DISTRICT No. 1. T ORMNE]'S'B�}rTHE Q I I C OL+TNC II 0 -1SItLT LAKE CITY: ' Tee.' 1. That s tc�,✓Oity cottc-il doth hereby levy the tax and f ✓ r provide'foi< th aeseSismea't upon property hereinafter described, abutting q6.the 4estr;si�e of Tenth least Street`between South Temple and Firts n SQath.3 rraet -in,•,Seyier„biistrtct No: ,lf, to defray the expense of construct- , i't} .a sewer u,n' ,^>aiet s#,t{eet, opposit said property hereinafter described, 42 to be ay?ecia�y ff fectsd and benefitted by said improvement, and it is hereby/adjtidgel, determiJped and established that the,same will be especially, benefited tliteAiy to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said 1 4' pardels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in , accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said street. The tax lereby levied and to be assessed is $even hundred Ninetythree Dollars, or $1.30 per front foot, and the Treasurer is hereby directed to assess in accordance with the provisionsof this ordinance, to a depth of twenty-five feet back from sid street, the North 305 feet of Lot 1 and the south 305 feet of Lot 8, Block 57, Plat "B" Salt Lake City Survey. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon apixoval. ,-.-!-!1-,..),Ems/R�- - pawsd by li the e "i.tv'Cous Y si.i of Lao: City 7, h De 1.`? , 7 xu; od 1 to the Mayor or his :anoroval, i:y Re^,oc D . tppross -. . J this _- dray o 'Oe .-.o _- . 901. pa.....627Z.7"./- 0-t • ' ct 5 1 , • • cp , off • tN • ;,, 111 ,,