57 of 1949 - Granting to D. & R.G.W.R.R.Co. (Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company) franchise to constru ROL` CALL i Salt Lake ity, , VOTING W-N Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck Matheson . . 9 .d -z-t_ Romney Lingenfelter Mr. Chairman . . / AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD CO,IPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD TRACKS OVER AND UPON SIXTH WEST STREET BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE STREET AND SECOND SOUTH STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS THE WEST HALF OF FOURTH WEST STREET BETWEEN SOUTII TEMPLE STREET,AND NORTH TEMPLE STREET FOURTH STREET NEAR OVER AND ACROSS THE WEST HALFOF FOiJR I. WEST Il T REAP, TITS IINTERSECTION OP SAID FOURTH WEST STREET WITH FOURTB.- NORTH STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS FIFTH NORTH STREET,BET LEN FOURTH WEST STREET AND FIFTH WEST STREET AND OVER AND -ACROSS SIXTH NORTH STREET BE- TWEEN FOURTH WEST STREET AND FIFTH WEST STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS FIFTH WEST STREET BETWEEN SIXTH NORTH STREET AND SEVENTH NORTH STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS EIGHTH NORTH STREET AND SIXTH WEST STREET NEAR THE INTE°RSECTION OF SAID EIGFPI'H NORTH STREET WITH SAID SIXTH WEST STREET, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. A franchise is hereby granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, to construct, operate and maintain standard gauge railroad tracks over and upon Sixth ':Jest Street between South Temple Street and Second. South Street and over and across the west half of Fourth West Street between South Temple Street and North Temple Street and over and across the west half of Fourth. West Street near the intersection of said Fourth West Street with. Fourth North Street and over and across Fifth North Street between Fourth West Street and Fifth West Street and over and across Sixth North. Street be- tween Fourth West Street and Fifth West Street and over and across 57 • Fifth West Street between Sixth North Street and Seventh North Street and over and across Eighth North Street and Sixth West Strut is near the intersection of said Eighth North Street with. said Sixth Most Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the center line of said tracks bet';ng more particularly described as follows: TRACK A. - A track on Sixth West Street becinnin g in the existing freight main track at a point about 200 feet south of the south line of First South Street, thence turning out to the right and running northerly about 175 feet; thence north parallel with and 15 feet east of existing freight main. track about 150 feet to the center of First South Street; thence northerly and northeasterly on a 7 deg. 15 min, curve to the right about 275 feet to the east line of Sixth 'Trost street at a point about 190 feet north of the north line of First South Street. TRACK N. - A track on Sixth "Test Street beginning in the above described track at a point about 30 feet north of the north line of First South Street, thence turning out to the left and running southeasterly on Sixth West Street and across First South Street on an approximate 15 deg. 30 min. curve ` to the left about 275 feet to the east line of Sixth West Street to a point about 90 feet south of the south line of First South Street, said track being a relocation of an existing spur track in Sixth West Street. s TRACk C. - A track crossins the west half of Fourth West Street from a point in the west line of Fourth West Street about 315 feet north of the north line of South Temple Street, runnin^; thence northeasterly across 'Fourth West Street on an 8 deg. 45 min. curve to the left about 250 feet to the original center line of Fourth Test Street at a point about 125 feet south of the south line of North Temple Street. TRACK D. - A track on Fourth West Street beginning in the original center line of Fourth West Street at a point about 110 foot south of the south line of Fourth North Street and running thence northwesterly on Fourth 'pest Street and across Fourth North Street on a 1 deg. 30 min. curve to the left about i+70 feet to the west line of Fourth West Street at a point about 220 :feet north of the north line of Fourth North Street° a 1'CACK E. - A track crossing Fifth North Street from a point in the south line of Fifth North Street about :50 feet east of the east line of Fifth West street and running thence horthwester{ ly across Fifth North Street on a 1 der. 30 min. curve to the left about 140 feet to the north line of Fifth North Street at a point about 505 feet east of the east line of Fifth West Street. • TRACK F. - A track crossing Sixth North Street from a point In the south line of Sixth North Street about 185 feet east of the east line of Fifth. West Street and running thence northwester- ly across Sixth North Street about 152 feet to the north line { of Sixth North Street at a point about 111 feet east of the east line of Fifth West Street. TRACK G. - A track crossing Fifth. West Street from a point in the east line of Fifth West Street about 190 feet north. of the north. line of Sixth North Street and running thence north- westerly across Fifth West Street about 269 feet to the west line of Fifth West Street at a point about 425 feet north of the north line of Sixth West Street. -3- f (:TRACK H. - A track crossing Eighth North Street and Sixth West Street from a point in the south line of Eighth Norte Street about 90 feet east of the east line of Sixth West Street and running thence northwesterly across Eighth North Street about 152 feet to the north line of `eighth North Street at a point about 16 feet east of the east line of Sixth i`:'est street; thence across Block 109, Plat 1C+, Salt Lake City Survey, to the east line of Sixth West Street at a point about 28 feet north of the north line of Eighth I-'.orth :Street and running thence northwesterly across Sixth West Street about 269 feet to the west line of Sixth "West Street at a point about 262 feet north of the north line of eighth North Street. I. - A track in Sixth West Street and Eighth North Street [TRACKbeginning in the last described track H at a point about 90 feet southeasterly from the west line of Sixth West Street, thence turning out to the right and running southeasterly on Sixth West Street and Eighth North Street about 345 feet to the south line of Eighth North Street at a point about 42 •feet east of the east line of Sixth West Street; also a track beginning in the above described track at a point about 230 feet southeasterly from the west line of Sixth West Street, thence turning out to the right and running southerly on an 8 deg. 30 min. curve to the right about 200 feet to the south line of Eighth North Street at a point about 20 feet east of the east line of Sixth West Street, the two aforementioned tracks being a relocation of existing industry tracks. The location of the center lines of said tracks is graph- di.cally shown in yellow upon the attached print, which is hereby 1 Pi ( made a part of this ordinance. SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise, the grante s, their successors and assigns, shall be subject to the following conditions, viz: (a) That said tracks shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of said streets, and if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of Commissioners, the grantees shall, at its own expense, change the elevation of the tracks so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said streets where said tracks are construcp- ed shall be paved, repaved, resurfaced or repaired, then said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall pave, repave, resurface or repair between the rails and for a space of two [ feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material use on said. streets, or with such other material as may be approv- ed by the Board of Commissioners. In the event said grantees shall fail to pave, repave, resurface, or repair and surface any area as herein required for a period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Board of Commissioners so to do, the City shall have the right to is -4- pave, repave, resurface or repair between the rsi is or said surface or area and the grantees agree to reimburse the City for the total cost of said work, labor and material. (c) The said tracks shall be lamed and the road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and { ordinary use of said streets upon which they are laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall he laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantees in all water ditches crossed by said tracks so as to admit of free passage of water. (e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the grantees, their successors and assigns, upon the tracks IIaforesaid. Neither the engines nor cars ah&ll be permitted to remain on said tracks. (f) If, in the replacement or maintenance of said tracks said grantees shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement, sidewalk, curbs, gutters or waterways on said streets, it shall replace such pavement with the same or such, other material as shall be ordered by the Board of Commission- fjers and shall replace such sidewalks, curbs, gutters and water- ways to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, And shall so construct the gutters and !I waterways that they will allow the free passage of water to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. SECTION 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so as i I ! to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors, persons or corporations to whom a franchise may have been or may hereafter be granted from paving, severing, laying gas or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing, or in any manner improving said streets, but all such improvements shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said tracks and the operation thereof. Olh.en Salt Lake City undertakes to place any utility under said ; tracks, the grantees shall at their own expense underpin and pro- tect its tracks while said utility is being placed under the track . SECTION L. The said grantees herein, their successors an -5- jassigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and fran- chises herein granted and in consideration of the same, does bind themselves, their successors and assigns, upon its acceptance of 'ithis franchise, to save the City harmless from all suit, claims, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, i ibich shall be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever. against said City for injury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by reason of the granting of this franchise or by reason Hof the operation of said tracks, and that the grantees, their sue- 'f �cessors and assigns, will pay the amount of the judgment, determin4- Iltion or adjudication which in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found against salt Lake City, and the said Grantees, their suc- cessors and. assigns, shall appear in and defend all actions brought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, or maintenance of said tracks,provided, fi :;however, that said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall 0have had notice of any suits and an opportunity to appear and de- fend the same. UCTIOIT 5. This franchise is granted for a period of fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided, however, that if for a period of nine consecu- tive months during the life of this franchise said tracks or any part thereof are not used for the purpose for which this franchise is granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the use of said tracks or any part thereof, this franchise shall be voidable the option of the hoard of Commissioners, and if so ordered. by the board of Commissioners, said tracks shall, within thirty (30) ddays after notice, be by said Grantees removed from the street amd )the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of sail Tstreet with respect to grade, materials, and construction to the I lsatisfaction of the Connissioner of 'Streets and Public Irnprovementsl. jIn the event of failure of said grantees to remove said track and .to restore said street upon said notice and within. thirty (30) days !thereafter, tho work may be done by Salt Lake City at the expense of said grantees. S;1CTION 6. Unless this franchise and all the terms and 4 U- ;conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantees !herein within thirty (30) days after this ordinance becomes effec- tive, and unless said tracks be constructed prior to January 1, !`19550, then this ordinance shall be null and void. SLCTION 7. T'hereas in the opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect' immediately '..after publication hereof. Passed by the P,oard of Commissioners of. 7,alt Lake City, xr loUtah,';rthi.s ,L,:/ ,day of sC it :,.'19 < X 7 i;ity ,,ed rder. f AN ORDINANCE 'a point about 90 feet south of the south hoe of First South Street,said AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO track being a relocation of an ex- TEE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE toting spur track In Sixth West WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, S,rect. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, 'TRACK C.A track crossing the 4 FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT,OP- svlst half of Fourth West Street FRAYS AND MAINTAIN STANDARD Luna a point in the west line of ANDGAUGE RAILROAD IXTH TRACKS S OVER Fourth f West north liner 15 feet AND UPON O WEST STREET north of the torch line of South E li T WE E N SOUTH TEMPLE Tempe northeasterly Street, running thence .STREET AND SECOND SOUTH Street on an across Fourth West STREET AND OVER AND HACROSS to le¢n g deg 05 min.curve IRE WEST HALF BETWEEN FOURTH WEST b°the left about I250ne feet to h L 513 ET SOUTH MP West center 1poi Of Fourth1 PLO STREET N AND RORND TEMPLE etE StreetEthat a point about lof THE AND OVER O ACROSS feet south of the south line of THE ETWEST HALL' FOURTH WEST North Temple Street. STREET NEAR. THE INTERSEC- TRACK D.—A track on Fourth Weal LION T SAID FOURTH H heer line in the original STREET WITH FOURTH NORTHcenter iine I Fourth West Street STREET ANT OVER AND ACROSS at a poll.lion[]]0 feet south Nof orth FILTH TORTE STREET BETWEEN south line a thence orth- FOURTH WEST STREET ANDE ecet and running thence rS reet AI ND CRE' STREET' AND OVER westerlyact on oouth West Street AND ACROSS SIXTH NORTH and g. Fourth North Street t STREET BETWEEN FOURTHS WEST abode 450 a veto the rot AND AND FIFTH WEST STREET ourt 4'IO feet to west linepoint of AND OVER AND ACROSSBETWEEN FIFTH Fourth Weer South at a point WEST STREET R NTH about f F feet north of the north NORTH STREET ANDDSEVENTH 1 toe of Fourth North Street. ACROSS STREET AND OVER AND TRACK S.—A trackm crossing Fl the ANDOS TIGHTH NORTH STREET North Street from a North t AND SIXTH WEST STREET NEAR uouth 000 fofeet Fifth s North Street EIGHTH INTERSECTIONR , OF WITHH about ss0 feet east of the east EIGHTH NOR E STREET Rne i Fifth West Street and SAID SIXTH WEST STREET,in Salt v ing [hence northwesterly 'sake City,Utah. ss Fifth.North Street h a 1 Pe it ordained by the of 0 31 m curve to rth line Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ofabout h North 000te north 1 J SE of Fifty NO felt east Street f n paint SECTION 1. tA franchise as here- rut 505 fee[West of the east v granted Western t the Drover and Riony, h C of Fifth ruck Street. alnc s Rll asroadsigns. C ton- TRACK F.- A [rock crossing Sixth its s and nm Sint to c North Streetliar offeet Sixth North t Street darn gauge railroad Steet overand aborts 185 Peat c of the cast line Spun Sixth West Street between econd 1'Fifth till Street and running South r 6tre0' and Second thence northwesterly 1 Sera.oo the the Street and o and a North Seer about 15Nrth et the west Sole of Fourth West End t a line of Sixth 1 North Street between South trees a Street and the a point about lt1 fees east of North Temple Street and I and the Glint track Fifth West Street. .cless the west half le F'on of West TRACK 0511 teed track crossing Fifth Street near the treetse c flan F said West Street from a point t Fo0th tee Street with Fourth oast line of Fifth West Street Fo.lh Street and 0 and n out 190 feet tricot of the north Wash Northt Street between Writ Filth Street running thence treat about and o and a Sixth North a Fifth Weer Street Fiat[ arld over S West Screed was St to thet a oft Fifth and Fifth West Street and West Street at a paint about 9of over and across Fifth West otxt north of the north line o[ boastri et berth N NorthSix Street North St ver 61CK West Strack acros Eh gh and a TRACK S.et track crossing Etghth ant310 across Eighth North Street and `forth Street and theSixth u✓ Street seetlrcWest o Street near the inter-t a poInt St the southt line eof t with of Sixth EiWest NortStreet, Street clot Lh North eastst about 90 feet vi h said BUth West Street,in Salt net 0f the east line of Sixth Lake rity.ack being the center line lS West esterl and running thence said trucks being more particn]¢rly re oh000y across Eighth North TACK . foltrws.ack or liarStreet about h otl to the north TRICK A.i track t Sixth West poi of Eighth North Street at a Treat beginning t i t the expoing inn faboutix lfi feet east at the east n1 freight mafn trackat n point lane of Sixth West Street; ,thenceSalt .neat 2Fb feet south f the south eor ss City survey. ee. Plat cal Salt• line of Firth htc thence Lake Chy seste S to the east line turning E to the rightutand le of Sixth West Street at a polt _en northerly y about 175 feet: lint ut 28 ht north f the north ]het ea north parallel with g and 15 line E Eighth North Street northwesterly Irac east,of existing freight m naming thence r about track about out}eat t0 the h encrr e Sixth West Street,i S of First South Street: thence We feet to the west line 0f 0Sixth6 northerly and norve to et u West Street at a point about 2of 7 out.15 f curve to thel right gt north of thee north line o[ about es feet to the point t line ut Eighth North racket. Etxch West rth o at a r ine TRACK I.nd track of Sixth r t be- i9U feet north of et. north line Street and the North Street ark u[First South S un tinning in tte last 90feet track ]'RtCK H.—A track Ut Sixth above West II at l point¢boo', stet line of Street beginning in point 1000 de- easterly from et. west line tof g Bribed track at a point about 30 rot West Stregh thence tinning fees north the north line of out a the right and Sling out South Street thencei turning tooth easterly r Sixth Street about Sus to the lef and running south- and Eighth North Street a about easterly First Si Sou West Street san feet et tSt sou Eh acne nt across t Southg Street o Eighth North Street a point approximate left 15 deg 50 m about 92 West east of the east link A14,1'tp the lefo about 275 feett to theof Sloth West he lib also a track ,Spat line of Sixth West Street to beginning in the above described S 7 track at a point about 230 feet mite 00ins said streets,but all such southeasterly from the west line improvements shall be made with as oh Sixth West Street thence tarn- htte injury as practicable to said ing out to the right and running tracks and the operation thereof. southerly ont at 8 deg. 30 min. When Salt Lake City undertakes to curve to the right about 200 place any utility under said tracks. feet to the sou, line of Eighth the grantees shall at their own North Street at a point about 20 perfe underpinprotect e and its :set east of the east line of Sixth arks while said utility Is being West Street, the two aforemen- rioted under the tracks, tinned tracks being relocation SECTION The said grantees of existing industry tracks. n,their successors and assigns, The location of the center lines shall and by the acceptance of the of said tracks Is graphically shown stelicges and franchises herein In yellow upon the attached print, branted and In co nsideration of the u,h Is hereby mad,a part.of tins does bind themselves, their ordinance. and assigns,upon its a ru Si:C franchise, s2.e During the term of sentence sof this ss foam to save this franchisd, she grantees, their- the City harmless from alld suit, and assigns shall be sub: whatsoever, demands and or is pet to ache following a a conditions,v whalyoe whether in law o in fat That said tracks shall be laid coldly nwhich shall be annex grad and conform a the established and o against said any grade Is said streets, and If said r- wan or damage a rendered to said Cityfor in- grade grade is afterward Boa changed byis o or o he dime y'reason sontof ergrant- ofthe Board of Commission- otherwise this se franchise r of the grant- enonse, angers ehele at its o Mg of per franchiser or tracks.r xpense,changet one rmo o th of the ui rite grant o,sh i succ sand ore trucks s as n r sairm to the s that the g.will p their s (b) Whenever arer said streets shall besuccessaid sors er uconstructed - twine 'ation whitheinr pay amount pro- paved, ten said resurfaced their - ;renings which Jn any sun orf and noes51,then assi nsar hall pas sus- neat mayshall be found and assigns shall pass, r ,.pause Salt ir successors andrsthe said ornate repair between ostec their s and as- the rails outside d for rail of Lhe shall appearst and defend seer okind of each rail with d all actions broughtinjury against by atme kind of m¢feria l used material said isas for any Injury ur damage. op b- ots,o with oved other of the construction.said opera, v be eroved by the Board p,o it maintenance that of said tracks, ofCommissioners.ev ace.the however ssaid ssrgnt, grant- In the a eat said grantees shall their and assigns, fart to pave, ice an resurface. o shall have hrtauib notice of a sand repair and surface a Cs shirty and d opportunity to appear and ist required for ¢ period area thine debfiCTIO same. Boa daysC Amer notice. from the SECTION for 5.p rThiside franchise Is Board of Commissioners sok to do,the years r a t fiftye (00) City shall have the righi to paves from and after the date of the repave, resurface dune o repair area nd how, of this ordinance,ae, provided, the rails eOr e said surface i a and hues.vet, that if tel a pewee e the grantes agree to reimburse the aurae months during the City for the total c of said work, life of this franchise said tracks o I abr� and material.s any part thereof are not used for (el The said opera d shall be laid it purpose for which this franchise andthe road operated s to ti band,or if there a suf said unnecessarycad,no Impediment to tie'.abandonment of theta f, said streets et and ordinaryh a of said tracks any part thereof, this arcs etsrruood which they are clnld, lso oft shall be voidable at Commission- to convey and sufficient conduits cry, n of the ceder of y the Board - ee water shall it laid and and ifs o ordered by the Phall, xtams maintained in good tees inn aall the within thirty acre,said tracks i , of said crossed by in all w within ttGex tees removed Cad notice be ter asltthes c se of e said tracks sbytreet said the [ red from the so s to admit of free passage of condition and nif streeti trestored heb to e ontlitfos uniform respect the b glance silo) Salt regulate t City reserves the ofm said street construction o structi 4o grade, right to trains, and control the materials, and c v Commits to theo speedf oofperated ally trains,engines and cartStreet coon of the Commissioner Improvements. operated d the ns.upon then s Joret and Public ureoid tedsors and Neitherit upon gin tracks gi the ant of failure of said etoreshall apermitted the o remain n grantees to i said said no- said be permfttcd to remain on restore and th street upon said n ex It! frocks. and withinWork m (30) days (is If,a In the replacement orIhet Salts[, the ityrk may be done maintenance of said tracks said Y Salt Lake City at the expense manners shall v or in pavement,any .Id ONgrantees. interfbs. guwitff the old all u G.Unlessm this francondihise tions waywan, curbs. gutters orwater-lac that all the terms end condo writs ways o said streets,it shalle same that cot the a accented herein in writs such other rment material the l lid by the grantees after withinse cant obyer Board as sommi be or- becomes s e days after this ordinance creed by the Board of Commission- track es effective, and unless said ers and shallg replace such side- racks, .there( prior di Jan- 5 1� orbs,gutters and w ss r�be ull•an ten this ordinance sto cone c co satisfaction the Commis- shall SECTION11 d void. stoner of Streets and Public Lnt theCommission Whereas In the rgen- eer,s, a d shah y rastthet of the 010ini a stake n- th�gutters and waterways that they of exists, this ordinance after pu take will allowe the free passage of wore- liffn^L immediately after publica- n the satisfaction of said Com- lion hereof. lion rolled by the Board of Cah is r dli be co e Nothing s 1n this grant loners of Salt Lake ere Utah this. Salt be construed so s authorized prevent 15Lh tlay of September, A.D.1E Sal, Lake rapt sr its ot- EARL J.h GLADE seers, s tractors, Persons or - Mayor por..Llo wham hereafter may t CIty E.BI00d r ER hr,i been o may hereafter C- City Recortler pia a fas from paving,s er ing,la al- (SEAL) tag gas ormanner BILL NO. 5'! is t:ng,repalring,or in anyypimeann Published September 17.1949. ✓ I Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }as County of Salt Lake ' DOlOckey • 1{_4_Sahlyday, Sgptembsr 17, 1949 jt,duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Legal Notices Legal Notices !den of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper AN'ORDINANCE w Lenaw pppn the attached➢=let•'Iin• Ssilt Lake City,Salt Lake County in the State h 1s hereby made a part of this f AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO ordinance. • THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE SECTION 2. Ding the rnhteeter o their WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, this franchise, the ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, su“essors oa assigns.shall be sub- A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT,OP- led to the following conditions,via: ' SEATS AND MAINTAIN STANDARD (a)That said tracks shall be laid GAUGE RAILROAD TRACKS OVER upon and conform to the established the advertisement AND'UPON SIXTH WEST STREET grade f said streets, and 1f said 9E T WE E N SOUTH' TEMPLE trade la ftetwatd changed by or- /STR,EET AND SECOND SOUTH manse of the Hoard of Commisslon- C STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS era the grantees shall, at its an cc Bill No 57 THE WEST HALF OF FOURTH WEST expense, o change the elevation of the STREET BETWEEN SOUTH TEM- tracks ao as to conform to the same. PIE STREET RTH TEMPLE (b) Whenever said streets where OVER AND AND OVER ACROSS sal tracks are constructed shall ll be Lake City O orp or a t i on THE WEST HALF OF FOURTH WEST Daved paved, resurfa,their euc- STREET NEAR. THE INTERSEC- ee:red,then said g TION OF SAID FOURTH WEST •sore and assigns,shall pave,re STREET WITH FOURTH NORTH Pave, surface orrepair between r STREET AND OVER'AND ACROSS the sits and fora space or two FIFTH NORTH STREET BETWEEN feet outside of each rail with the POIIRTE WEST STREET AND same etekindor with suchal otherd on material FIFTH-WEST STREET AND OVER a,, AND BETWEEN SIXTH NORTH bf Commissioners.ven by Ebe Hoard ihed in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 6TREET BETWEEN FOURTH WEST STREET AND FIFTH WEST STREET In the avant eafel grantees shall AND AND.. ACROSSEI FIFTH fall toe pave, eertrepasny arJWte lifts. NORT1�ETRERT n oyede yea"T-'wt" ,tkir�ty day of A. D. 19 NORTH STREET AND OVER AND (30) d aftert1 ! the ✓ CROSS EIGHTH NORTH STREET Hoard of C t 1 e r pdo do,the AND SIXTH WEST"STREET NEAR Elgty sb lie ham the osigneSSl Y pave, TIM NORTH'.INTERSECTION*: SAID WITH the rein esurfor ac surface i areawmn and oublished O17 September 17, 19�� SAID SIXTH WEST ST In Salt the grantee.agree to reimburse the Lake City,Utah. City City for the total cbar,of said work, Commissioner,: of 6SealeL ke Board City, labor c)The aid material. track..,atI I be laid ublication thereof being in the issue dated the Utah: and tnee toaee operated' as to SECTION 1.A franchise le here- cause unn y;Impediment to by•granted to the Denver and Rio the common and oraisary use of Said,'4 " A. D. 19 Grande Western Railroad Compenny: streets Don which they are MM. : co. Its evermore and ss amnr, t0 con- (d Good and sufficient conduits st uot,,operate and maintain .tan- to convey water hall be laid d'pdpxrd g ug railroad tracks over and maintained In good condition t the L /�9 �`Pon Sixth West Street between expense f said grantees in,all w- /// (,�_^t,_v_C;y,.( Pon Temple-Street and Second ter ditches crossed by said Macke South Street and overand acmes as to admit of Dee passage of Clerk_� • the meat half f Four est Street water. Advertising �� between South Temple Street and (e) Salt Lake City reserves the, North Temle Street and over and right to regulate and control the. / teas the west half of Fourth West speed of all trains,engines and oars Street near the intersection of said operated by thees grantees,their sue-' Fourth West Street with Fourth censor.andassigns,upon the tracks North Street and over and a aforesaid. Neither the engines nor Filth North Street between Foiarth eashall be permitted to remain on `Z/Jth day a f West Street and Fifth West street Mid racks. and over and across Sixth North ef) IL In the replacement nE or • Street between Fourth West Street maintenance of said tracks Bad and Fifth Weet S t r e e t and grantees shall remove or Inany over and across Fifth W e a t manner interfere with the pavement, Street between Sixth North Street sidewalk, curbs, gutters or water- -and Seventh North Street arid a ways on said streets,1t shall replace 1 and cef Eighth North Street over such pavement with the sameor section West Street nearN the tree• reother material shall i s on- withn of said th teeth Street tiered by the lBoard of Commission-' Lath said Birth Utah,West Street.In a off ando hall ersaa such slay Lake Cltyy, beinthe centerpar lincul ofwalks,curbs,gutters d waterways saidnecks hello more particularly the satisfaction of the Public Im- dRrCKd.-foltr .totter n Streets and Public Iuct TRACK A.—A track on Sixth mat ptovemente, and shall so construct Notary Pub Street beginning in the existing the gutters and waterways that they • freight 1n track t point will aliow the free passage [water •\ line nt 260 Flrste80uthhst ee of E.thence south tolse onet'.the otlafecNon of said CbDa- • turning t to the right and run- m SECTION 3.Nothing is this grant • sling northerly about 175 feet: shall be construed so as to prevent thence north parallel with and 15 Salt Lake City or its authorized feet.sat of existing freight main agents,contractors,persons or cor- ' track about 150 feet to the center potations to whom a trancbise may of First South Street; thence have been or may harm/toil be northerly and northeasterly on a granted from paving,.ewering,lay- 7 de,1S min,curve to the right log gas or water'maias or Pipes,al- bout 275 feet to the east line of taring,repairing,t=r I any but spanner Sixth West Street at a point about Improving said 190 feet north of the north line improvements injury shall bei made with hto aas of Fleet South Street. id TRACK B.—A track on Sixth West tracks and the operation thereof. Street da beginning Ia pointhe oabout 30 place any Lake utility undder undertakes id tracks, - 'feet north of the north line of the grantees e shall aat d theirect ex- ,FinnSouth Street thence turning p a out to the left and runningsouth- tracks while said utility is being easterly on Sixth'West Street and placed under the tracker across pmate is des.sweet 0 min°curve herein,theirs The s81nd gran, approximate the left bout 275 feet to the shall,and by the acceptance off east line of`Sixth West Street to privileges and Sranchl s hotel, a point about 90 feet south of the granted and in consideration of the their track line a ret locati South an ex- same, and bind assigns,in upon tie an. ,Wing spur Drank in Sixth West ptance of this fran°hlee, to sore Street. the all cult, TRACK C.—A track crossing the claims,ty demands a din Judgments west half of Fourthin W e West line Street whatsoever, whether In law orIn north pointest Street about 315 feet fogad or rendei d`In be ,asserted, in- Temple of Street,norlith thence h jury or damagr against abutting pr City operr ty north aeteriny across Fourth Westor therwlee by reason of the grant- Street on 8 deg.46 in.curve ng of this franchise or by son to the left about 250 feet to the of the operation of said tracks,and figln l center line of Fourth that the ° he grantees, their successors West Street at point about 125 and assigns,will pay the amount of feet south of the south line of the Judgment,determination or ad- North Temple Street. ludication which In any suit or pro- TRACK beginning onn tFourthriginal °elnst Salt Lake City,en shall d the und saki center line of Fourth West lStreet against Salt their successors and tw- at a point about 110 feet south of signs, ign shall appear ind defend the south line of Fourth North 11 actions brought agninet Salt Lake Street and westerly On uFourtth West street reasonnning thence north-, °Sofathe construction, o or pera- and across ecrr 30FoIrthNorth rt to left Non, maintenance of said tracks, Wont 470. feet to curve of theli of provided,however,that said grant. 'ourth West Street t oint a their ad antis and asesuit,; abont.220 feet north of the north Shell have had name of any cants) line of Fourth North'Street. and fi an end the opportunity Sc appear and 'A.ACK E._A treat crossing Fifth SECTION 6. This'franchise is North Street from a point in the granted for a period of fifty (801 south line of Fifth North Street years from end after We date of the about bee feet east of the east peerage of this'ordinance,provided, :line of Fifth West Street and however,that if for a period of S u n n i n g thence orthweeiely nine- secutive months during the ' ae�on Fifth North Street n 1 ife of thin franchise said tracks or deg:30 min. ° ve er to We left any part thereof are not used for about 140.feet to'the north line te purpose for which this franchise of Fifth North Street at point is granted,or if there is /cost about 508 feet east of the east Na.abandonment of the tow or)IBIS .TRwces of Fifth track crossing Sixth tracks or l be voidable dableof, dR, -North Street from arpointg in the franchise shall Board fdCom'atte south line of Sixth North Street option and i theo orderedfbynth(Board about 185 feet east of the east line of Commissioners,said tracks ghat!. of Fifth West Street and running across Six within thirty(30)days after notice be North Stce eet about northwesterly52 feet to the streetby ld and the Grantees removed orestoredmtothe a north line of Sixth North Street end/don uniform with the balance at a point about 111 tat east of of said street with respect to grade, We east line of Fifth West Street. materials, and construction SO-.We'. TRWeesstt Street froaok m a point gto the h SL eets aandelPubic IMproVeCommissioner of i pro9 said east line of Fifth ofWeet Street grantees too t of failure of said Lbout 190 xfeethrof the north ti.recto ban remove scud track and 10 of Sixth northorth Street y to eds td streetthi upon aid no- running thence y e t about tree and,within Work m (] done ':emu Fifth West Street Fifth be gaitsr, the itytk maayy be done Wet Co so the o Its o t 42h ppyy Salt Lake.City at the minima Wert north at a point about 4or of mild O 6./. tp 9TR♦/ii�e3yOCtN�lKh)nWest SSttreet. noraW_ line of �11'hth thereofsOWphe ptermsy`enddts eenditions be &emoted in writ. North Strrdinance oe tt nd We West Street ins by(We eddys teesafte herein re no with th fQQhth North 6tr.t aoat-so fat Moomn tfective. d aloes gr. id eedt of Ehe t line of Sixth tMeks be 000etrnned prier to Jso- West Street and runningthence eoaaarlyl ale, 0550 then WIs ordinance ei set ehonl tea reef to the norrth 8EClION?.nWhereas lnid. 'Ehs epinc4 bins of Eighth North Sttreet nt ion f the Commisden an omen linent Shout of Sixth West feet`ast Street t e thence effect stimmediateie yin after hpubl ` as Block 109, Plat 'C', Salt Non hereof. Lake City survey,to the east line- Passed by the Hoard of Commie- 'at ninth West Street at a paint •1l slows'of Salt Lake City, niI thle bout 28 feet north of the north 15th:day of September,A.W I9499 line of Eighth North Street and EAHJ,J.GLADE running thence rthweeterly ITNNN Mayor ,rofe a toh Weer Sineet. bout (City F.or000 We feet ee the wet aria f t 2t2 Clh'Recorder West Street at point about 262 ST4 feet north of the north Ilse of Bppaa�� 87 Eighth —A rErlo in 'F �d September 17,194�. TRACK nod Eighth North Streetedta k 1 a to the last 00 described outhk A at l point about he w stet south- . easterly West Sorrel,thence toning -eat to the right and running neotheaterly on Sixth West Street and Eighth North Street about 345 feet to the south line of Eighth North Street at a point about 42 feet east of the eaet line of Sixth West Street;also a track beginning In the shore described track at a point about 230 feet stutheseteriy from Die West line of Sixth West Street,thence turn- southeriyto onthe anig8h t dot.d 30 rain Stave to the right feet to the souths line`of OEighth North Street at a point about 20 feet east of the east line of Sloth, West Street, the two foremen. Eloped tracks being relde Dion Tof existing induetry tracks. he location of the renter line. 4t said tracke.Ja_4iephlolly ahh�wn Sh Proof of Publication OF Attorney