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57 of 1963 - Amending Title 15 of the Revised Ordinances, by adding to Section 16, amending the Fire Prevention C ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, September 24 , 196 3 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . , Harrison . . . t/ /� �� //�/ :5'.fMR'i1.9• �Y Smart . . . ✓, Mr. Chairman G/ AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fire prevention, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 16 entitled "Nurseries and Nursing Homes." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fire prevention, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 16, entitled "Nurseries and Nursing Homes," to read as follows: "CHAPTER 16. NURSERIES AND NURSING HOMES. "Sec. 15-16-1. Definitions. (1) Nursing Home. A nursing home shall mean and include any building or buildings used for the lodging, boarding or nur- sing care on a 24-hour basis of more than five (5) infants or children, convalescents, aged persons or rest patients, but shall not include hospitals or government-operated mental or correct- ional institutions. (2) Nursery. A nursery shall mean any building or build- ings used for the daytime care only of infants or children for more than four (4) hours per week. "Sec. 15-16-2. Local alarm system required. All nursing homes in operation in this city for the accommodation of fewer than fifteen (15) persons and all nurseries accommodating more than twenty-four (24) and less than forty (40) children shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic fire detection and alarm system. "Sec. 15-16-3. Fire department connected alarm system re- quired. All nurseries accommodating forty (40) or more children or housing any children above the first floor, and all nursing homes accommodating more than fourteen (14) and less than twenty- five (25) persons shall be protected throughout either by an approved supervised automatic fire detection and alarm system connected directly into the fire department's alarm signal system by means of a master fire alarm box or by a supervised automatic fire detection and alarm system connected to a pri- vate alarm indicating panel located either in the fire depart- ment's alarm office or in a continously manned central station 57 - 2 operated by an approved and qualified firm or company specializing in detection and alarm service, which has direct communication with the fire department's alarm office. Included as a part of the automatic fire detection system, there shall be at least one manual fire alarm sending station, located at a readily accessible and visible point in the natural path of escape from fire, which shall be connected into the automatic alarm system. "Sec. 15-16-4. Standards of alarm systems. (1) The alarm system shall be so arranged that either the manual or automatic activation of the system will sound a dis- tinctive alarm audible throughout the building. (2) Detectors of the automatic system must be the equivalent of either the rate-of-rise type or the combination rate-of-rise and fixed-temperature type, except that suitable fixed-temperature detectors may be used in furnace rooms or other locations where normal heat fluctuations would unnecessarily activate rate-of-rise detectors. "Sec. 15-16-5. Maintenance of alarm system. The proper maintenance of the private local alarm system and of those alarm systems connected directly into the fire department's alarm signal system up to the connection at the master box shall be the re- sponsibility of the owner, operator or person in charge of such nursery or nursing home. Such owner or operator shall also be responsible for the expense of connecting into the fire depart- ment's alarm system for that portion of the connection that ex- ceeds one-fourth (q) mile from the master box. "Sec. 15-16-6. Inspection. The owner or operator of each nursery or nursing home shall be required to make a suitable in- spection and test of the fire detection alarm system at least once each month and shall have the alarm system inspected and tested at least once each calendar quarter by a qualified technician or licensed electrician. A report showing the condition of the system shall be filed with the fire marshal following each in- spection. "Sec. 15-16-7. Automatic signal for malfunctioning of systems required. Each system shall be electrically supervised in such manner that any malfunction of the system, such as power failure, short circuits, breaks in wires or other condition which might prevent or interfere with the operation of the system, will be indicated by a distinctive audible and visible trouble signal at the office or other designated location. "Sec. 15-16-8. Exceptions to alarm systems allowed in cer- tain buildings. Buildings fully protected by approved automatic sprinkler systems and buildings meeting the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for Type I or Type II construction, or for Type III construction not more than one story in height, and also the requirements for Group D occupancies shall not be required to have fire detection and alarm systems installed as herein required for nurseries or nursing homes; provided, that such Type I, II and III buildings shall be equipped with an approved manually operated alarm system designed to sound an alarm audible throughout the building, with manually operated sending stations installed on each floor near all main exit ways and in the natural path of escape from fire at readily accessible and visible points not likely to be obstructed. - 3 - "Sec. 15-16-9. Automatic sprinkler systems required. All nursing homes having twenty-five (25) or more occupants shall be protected throughout by an approved standard automatic sprinkler system, which shall be maintained at all times in good operating condition and which shall be equipped with a suitable local water- flow alarm and an approved electrical device which will indicate the closing of supply valve or valves by activating a distinctive audible and visible signal at the office or other location de- signated by the fire marshal. "Sec. 15-16-10. Exceptions to sprinkler systems in certain buildings. An automatic sprinkler system shall not be required if the building meets the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for Type I and II construction, or for Type III construction not more than one story in height, and also the requirements for Group D occupancies; provided, that such buildings shall be equipped with an approved manually operated alarm system designed to sound an alarm audible throughout the building, with manually operated sending stations installed on each floor near all main exit ways and in the natural path of escape from fire at readily accessible and visible points not likely to be obstructed. "Sec. 15-16-11. Certain patients not permitted above first floor. Exception. Non-ambulatory or blind patients shall not be permitted above the first floor of any nursing home unless such building is of Type I or II construction, or is protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system as herein specified and also complies with all of the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for Group D occupancies. "Sec. 15-16-12. Effective date for existing nurseries and nursing homes. All nurseries and nursing homes in existence and operating in this city at the time of the adoption of this ordin- ance shall comply with all the provisions of this ordinance for detection and alarm systems and sprinkler systems set forth in this ordinance on or before the first day of September, 1965. "Sec. 15-16-13. New nurseries and nursing homes to comply with ordinance. No nursery or nursing home not in existence and in operation at the time of the adoption of this ordinance shall be licensed or placed in operation in this city hereafter unless such building is not more than one story in height, or meets the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for Type I and II con- struction, or unless such building is not more than two stories in height and is protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system. Such building shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance and with other city ordinances and regulations pertaining to such occupancies. "Sec. 15-16-14. Unlawful to operate without compliance after the effective date. After the date set herein for compliance, it shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of any nursery or nursing home to operate such nursery or nursing home without com- plying with the provisions of this ordinance." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. - 4 - SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24thday of September, 1963. MAYOR �_. T Yt.t O R D E R (SEAL) BILL NO. 57 of ;963 Published September 27, 1963 Lu ul Igm6PS, , • AN ORDINANCE AN OROINAN.:E AMENJING Title 01 IS of tee Revised Ordlnances Salt Lake City, Utah,y 1955,ngelahoh°to fieldprey Ilion, a chapter to be known a Chan- ter to a tilled"Nurseries and Nurs '"6e I.ortlalned by the Board'of C mornissioners r Sall Catee LtlY. Utah, CTION i. Taal Title 15 of tn= Re 1;I O1'5'S nces of Salt 'eke • yen., be 955, eating to lira 0 Nan,be,and the same hereby Is, Affidavit of Publication byb a ante thereto a amended m, e kno.m hapter is, s, 'Nurseries and Nursing Honeoms;'to reap as follows: "CHAPTER G. NURSER., E NURSING HOMES. NURSING Eei "Sect 15-,6.1. t stall. Ill e hHoo reicn.,A nursing n°nt e AH, shop mean and include building buittl used for tie I ng, SS, ne�a9ortdae care on 24.� br of five (5) ,aka alesceCat I sshall not n reos a se or tt- narl nets include hospitals e donoroyerated mensal or oerreh- D M Ockey institutions. (St Nursery,A ur rr shall n r builaing ar ballUinos sea et or the deytime Care only f Intents rchildren °`° ,man '°°` (" Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising eoAt 's Ml ra`e alarm y, inek. Clerk of f the ESERET pNEWS AND SALT LAKE TELF r ired. 16 g home: n Pctanotrlo., rhisfcwof Iap''ptlen tams and all n GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- ro odang or than nurseries ac- commodating fiat and less`man erlly (<o) fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in children smelt be tected ti ovhee our iioan a arm automat" Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. det .16-1a9.Fire department c meted alarm system req oat Ali re a donne Ysing any That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto a accommodating mousing Y COI or more all run above tee arcs door, and more than fourteen accommodatingc s Salt Lake City Bill No 57 of 1963 bptctdiema' roeethroughoutethbyn approv ed su vI-ea automatic fore dtion and 'arm =sem . An Ordinance relating to Nurseries reeled directll Info me fire depart- men',meals of alarm master signal smarm box by supervised somatic ton on by and`alarm stem and Nursing Homes. pC d to a private alarm indicating anel located either In a fire de• tailment's alarm office o inu°usly manned central nation basted by a approved antl uall- t^G firm or"c v se`ielinng company p de has and farm the:b t direct eommala,tieon`wish acluee0 doparlmelnros tbe`ontavettc fire detection system,there shall he at least on manual fire alarm sena- Ing motion,lted at a readily ac- cessible and visible point m the September 27 1963 natural paten escape from fire, was published in said newspaper on P ' vTich shall be connected into the ---'"-----'----"-----'--'----------"'- automatic alarm system. "Sec. 15-16.4, Standards of alarm systems. } ton g tl that`either/the shellobl d0 ilamour aclivartir f 'ha%rs au wbl s throughout t fisheet eve a tllble tDetetors the of building tin (te Detectors equivalent if v/� system must he the eguivalenf of / either the rate-of-rise type or the Combination time, and fixed- ✓ / -Ct /,� temperature type, except that suit ''tL'�t!�L�i� able fixed-temperature detectors may �`�- - b�a`sed In furnace e as o rooms ot ohear et r gal Advertising Clerk I-_._ Nations woo'.d v ari,v ac,.va,e rate-of-rise 'Sec. 15,6.6. maintenance or system. The p time. e of the private loud proper - I m`ana of mom a rstzms co meters alrecnv into ltlres� a auparto '„curs maims system r x e. e connection signal master the shall,e the responsibility of rge user or person in Z2,"� r y tare' 30th Soto p a gpe ato a's'�atl Ian a to before me this day of be r_ ,stile`loco jhe a g con n fare dexon o he alarm`system for portion of 63 cion that exceeds m one-fourth A D 1!, connection mile from ma it ter x. .t "Sec. 1operator Intipectih The opera or sing home shall inspection n each required tot Clt a re Bete ins a t ono sod test of the fire detection month sys- era tem al.east once each month and •have the alarm system - i % sported and tested at least qualified by a a h calendar vaaC d econtion A a poshntltohall licensed Co^dirt°^ r the Notary Public system shall be need with the fire tar i each m°Sec 15••d.]. Automati c ps pal�lor ncnoning of systems rc ired. Ea<n system shell be eler thallY sv rlfu malfunction r that any power ailu of u theshort scircuit such a Gower failure,short circuits,Its,breaks mlgM`p °aril To rane°rfe oionyllhhth free,the sYs+e , be in- doroled irdvOlemzlnailveai the Zlible office 50 1965, other designated location. ° stems lallowed Exceptionsn buildings. Buildings fully protected by a sect automatic mnznny the systems enls Tf the Uniform 0Vildlnag Code Ice ype 1 r Type II construction, for Tyne III construction n than p story height,and alto the requirements for Group D occu- panciesdetection bed required io terns iestaned as herein re Yedsfor da vldetl�I s s all be equ hell a th a buildings shall be equipped w'�IM1 a oved m ncifruted alarm untl a mane a IM1eopera to the se builtlintalwirh manually operated sender stations nslal led oeach 11oor n ail m a ion and o sr al path e m fire atcoddrli a to he and visiblepoints not likely to he o"Sec. FasinT Iwrenul y9 Automatic utomd d sprinkler systems required. All nursing homes more ac- eahah ed standard by anapproved, which automatic e sprinkler all which shall be malinaln co at on times in good o• ating condition and table shall be c ped with n 'thou ble local electrcal alarm and a oved theco-¢m device winch will valves e a at supply valve o by ac�ige's tlislinclive frin'ble othery loime s pal at the the o location aargnared by the Tire a hat. p1"sec.stemsU Exceptions to dings. nts systems "r certain tlonbuildings. An bn reqticuired sprinkler inm.shall not he u fired is the buildingthe meets rm the requirements of the Uniform constti for Type Typ I and II r for Tyne e l sn construction, om a than o warty In'.,eight,and also the sl ynomenr, fhr Group D occupancies;p pvitled, has such buildings shall be en ped war a approved de manually operated an alarm an throughout to sound Sbuild- ing, lyoperated the build warn manually a erarea sending near linilbai iexit pea n din floor stations m exit r� and on t e :l oath of escape from rite al to of accessible and visible paints not likely to be o11. Certain "Sec.d above . Certain p not >erpatients mil No a e lust floor blind ExceV- omot berY o ea refs shall lu !be of y milled above I first floor1building onne Inless such building any onstruction, or is Type protectedor .ystem o s he e automatic so paler specified ana also mores n herein me requirements Cefor its the nectars Building Code for p D occupancies. i istin nursries a Effective date ho for silting a untl nursing Fames, iAllhi l and nursing homes i nurseries Vrsi n and operating eti this tits •✓.Istonce f Iha Ilse of o ply with on this ordinanceProvision=hall comply with all de- fection an of this ordinance d for 0 lecries and alarm forth in h sn 'der systems set ere this pre l r beers the`first acts of b"Sec.15 11965. "Sec.15 homes co n and nuruIng homes to comply nu or. dinTome n No home not ' or nursing ni ration at the timenurse, one the adoption of this placed it ege •hall be licensed or color cloy morehereafter,less such building ight not e than o Ivry In the a more the requirements y the nrUni- form uct on,or odeunless for che II construction,more o suchtnloss building tot not mare than two stories In height Is is protected throughout inkier by a ved ang shalt oc inkier lh the prow ince ° is s c and with other ions or this ors a.regulations and with city oes chco0 untlni Pertaining to such o nto "Sec.comp,i. Unlawful to operate wittine dl c after theeff live dafe.o Ap't ern+he date set nereln for c o owner o shall to u avrful for a operator of anY nursing home o operate uchen g r omcpns of sout solving or yummy tine nrovisiens of th i=complying SECTION 2. In the s,itopinion of the sa,t o' goo,Commissioners,It is I to Meoo ",M1eSalt and nee, (toy ?,Iv^finkhii.nlc ri Salt Lake C'I v, tl'a�.IFnI ih i�rrd'nance b^_ccmc e. f..,..CT In.n ordlnanre=hap fe'e ee, Whee, vof rionEwi, f Il n1 nn. tc of hSahl�i e'ie City,I,tah,this 2d1h day of Se-le-,u-r,1p" J.BRACKEN LEE, Mayor City e J.Hogcnsen ISORecorder (SEAL) BILL NO.S]of 1961 PUOlishethed Sept.11,1963, fA.]I) 5 7