58 of 1959 - Amending Sections 19-1-9 and 19-1-13 of the R.O. 1955, relating to Licensing, Selling and Consumpti Rec.108 200•1.58 Q.P.
ROLL CALL 1 Salt Lake City,Utah, in 'r1 ri , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . .
Christensen . . �-
Geurts . . . ���
Romney . . .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 19-1-9 and 19-1-13 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore
amended, relating to the licensing, selling and consumption of BEER,
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 19-1-9 and 19-1-13 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relat-
ing to the licensing, selling and consumption'of BEER, under Title
"INTOXICATING LIQUOR" be, and the same hereby are amended to read as
"Section 19-1-9. Fees and number of Licenses. Applications
provided,for in this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter
provided, which fee shall be deposited in the City Treasury if
the license is granted, and returned to the applicant if denied.
"For Class 'A' retail license per annum $50.00, or any
part thereof.
"For Class 'B' retail license per annum $200.00 or any
part thereof.
"For Class 'C' retail license per annum $400.00, or any
Cv part thereof.
"For Class 1D1 retail license $400.00 per annum, or any
part thereof.
"For Class 1E1 retail license $200.00 per annum, or any
part thereof.
"For 'Seasonal' licenses at the rate of $50.00 per month
for the season or period for which it is issued.
"For 'Club' license at the rate of $200.00 per annum.
All licenses issued hereinafter shall expire on the3Dii day
of June of each year and shall be issued for one year, except 'Seasonal'
licenses, which shall be issued for any number of days determined by
the Board of Commissioners.
- 2 -
"Provided, however, that the number of Class IC' retail licenses
issued shall not exceed ninety in any one license year; provided
further, however, that the number of Class 'C' retail licenses now
issued and outstanding may remain in good standing and be re-issued to
the present licensees as provided by law until revoked or terminated
for any reason whatsoever, but in no event shall any new Class 'C'
retail licenses be issued except renewals as above provided, until
the issued Class 'C' retail licenses outstanding total less than
ninety in number, at which time new Class 'CI retail licenses may be
issued but the said new licenses issued shall not increase the total
number of all issued Class 'CI retail licenses in excess of ninety in
any license year; and
"Provided, however, that the number of Class 'D' retail licenses
now issued and outstanding may remain in good standing and be
re-issued to the present licensees as provided by law until revoked
or terminated for any reason whatsoever, but in no event shall any
new Class 'D' retail licenses be issued except for renewals of existing
Class 'D' retail licenses as herein provided; and
"Further provided that if at any time during the license period
the nature and character of the licensed Class 'B' premises shall change
from being primarily and principally an eating establishment as herein
provided in Section 19-1-4 to that of being primarily and principally
an establishment for the selling and dispensing of beer, the said
Class 'B' license shall at such date terminate and be considered revoked
and it shall be unlawful for the licensees to carry on or conduct such
business from the date of such change.
"Provided, however, that when any licensee sells his place of
business, the purchaser thereof may be granted a license to operate the
business providing that he has complied with the requirements and
possesses the qualifications specified by the Board of City Commissioners.
"Be it further provided that there shall be no more than two
taverns situated on any lineal block in Salt Lake City. For the purpose
of this paragraph, a tavern is defined to be any place operating under
a Class 'C' retail license, a 'SEASONAL' license, or 'CLUB' license as
provided in Section 19-1-4 hereof. A lineal block is hereby defined to
be both sides of a street between the beginning and ending of any series
of street numbers measured east, west, north or south according to the
present street numbering system of Salt Lake City, having a common number
preceding the last two digits contained therein or, in ease the street
numbers do not contain three or more digits, the whole of such series
of street numbers, as, for example, from 0 to 99 West or from 200 to 299
South, and excluding all side streets which intersect any other major
street at a point between the beginning and end of a lineal block, as
measured on said major street. No taverns shall be allowed on the
side streets which are excluded from being lineal blocks in the preced-
ing sentence. A corner tavern shall be included in the particular lineal
block indicated by the street address of such tavern. The provisions
of this paragraph shall in no way affect the rights of present licensees
to continue their operations so long as their licenses remain in good
standing and to have their licenses re-issued as provided by law until
revoked or terminated for any reason whatsoever.
"Section 19-1-13. Sale or disposition of beer between certain
hours unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any licensee or any employee
thereof to sell, dispose of, give away or deliver any beer or to permit
the consumption thereof on the licensed premises between the hours of
one o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock A. M. of any day."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
nec.tun 200 o-,a y.r.
- 3 -
Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this af day of , ,1959.
( S E A L )
BILL NO. 58 of 1959
Published August 5th, 1959
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No. 58 of 1959,
An Ordinance relating to the licensing,
selling and consumption of beer.
was published in said newspaper on August 5th, 1959.
Legal Advertising_Clerf
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th clay of
August A.D. 19 59
Notary Public
My Comr isosV s pire f 961.
AN ORDINANCE "De t i rthen provided that
BAN ORDINANCE AMENDING there shalt be no more than two
Seettons 19-1-9 and 19.1-13 of the taverns situated o: ony lineal
Revi.setl Ordinances of Salt Lake block In alt Lake City.For the
Utah. 105n, heretofore s f this paragraph,a inv-
a:aided.relating to the licensing, ern is defined to be an mare op-
selling and consumption f BEER, crating under' Class'C'retail 1-
:der Title"INTOXICATING LIO- a'SEASONAL'license.or
UOR," CLU9' license as Provided f
He it ordained by the Beard o1 Seetiov 191-4 he:eo. A lineal
('onnnissoners of Sait Lake City, hlock i.hereby detmed to re loth
Utah: sides osf a treet between the nit-i- be-
SECTION 1.That Sections 19-1-9 ginning and ding of any series
and 194-13 of the Revised Ordi- led east.
of Salt LakPa City. U:al+, west.north street
numbeotdiug to
Glire t hereieenc , e ded, r d the present sLuke according
g a
yeoeu to the licensing,nsellmp a tern of salt her nib,having
c JCA f DEER. der Title common number m'ecedmg the last
"nNTO1fICATING L14U01i" be. two digits contained therein r,in
and the same hereby are an onded use the.street numbers do not can-
to read as•follows: fain lhrrc +ore digi:.s, he
"Section 19-1-9.Fees and r hole oI such se ca of sU'ee[num-
Ui0 f Licenses.Aesopia nns+u mr bets,as.fnr exa 00 i trom o to 99
vco panied'oy thenfeesslheretn-De endst ercuding 20all toide9 streets
• otter de which fee shall be and
excluding intersect by other streets
deposited in the City Treasury if I street at a point between the be-
he llcens ,granted. and -- n d end [ lineal blocs,
turned to ss iapplicant' denied. I s d i street.
ties Cld A 't 1] p t hat beallowed the
n 85anS b v pa L thereof. ' No
sects which re excluded
n'For Class R'retail license per from he 1 i blocks in the
+r t er tart`
an"For Class 0 or C tail i theronie eof. { ePrecedingsentence,
n y30 90 part thereof. tie 1 shalln li 1 1 block d Idi �t he
{ thet address f h t-v
P Cl nOr retail y 5900 00 pp : m, port 5 I Ti) f fe th
th lf sR ff ti continue
000 ri 'F.m `al license
p I eitoperationstlon as
am t a standing
"For 'Seasonal' at true and t h then 1 s ed
t r So000 P nth for theprovided b until revoked
s or period for which it is or erminated for+anyr'eason
For'Chili'license at the sate . '''Sneehon 191-13.Sate a disposi-
of$300.00 uer nu tin+,of Leer between certain house
All licenses a issued hereinafter unlwful.It shall be unlxw Enl£or
hall expire no the :loth day f y licensee m any en, ui',o
June f eac y and hall he thereof to :ell, dispose of, .,
issued of
one except e Sea- ay r deliver any bem r to
tonal' licenses, which eshall he per Permit the a niriem5lon thereof
ssued Inc r. number of days de- the licensed premises between
tefmined by any
Board of Com- one bomb of o o'clock A.Nl.wad
missioners. - lock- Afyi, f any day."of
Provided. however. that'the seven •2 In the ropimo
number f CI C retail If scs theB d i C r' t le
issued shall t exceed t. i n the h site r
license e provided s f t- f the inhabitants of 5 tt
furtherie however.that the u ber Lake City that this ordinance
of Class 'C' retail licenses t shall become effective sin
issued and outstanding t - et ly
ta i .good standing and ore CTION 3e This t tmnnrnce shell
pod to the present licensees a take effect upon Sts first mrblira-
ovided b>'law unlit r yoked lion.
ter: n ed fora y re o s l are Passed by the BoaLake
Cy. Utah.
but r t vent rsrhalt are -n [Satt bake City. lltah.
new Class in
licenses be Shis e29th day of]uly.1050,
Issued except renewals above
Adiel c.Stewart
retail licenses provided,until the astmm�l 1s'C'
se nr
less than ninety uintstandin t m mbcr, at City Recotder
which time new Class'C'retail li- ISEAL.1
censos nei be Issued but the said R1LL NO.59 of I959
new ed shall not i Published August 5th.1259 (C-tii
iic the rstotal number of all
red Class'Cl retail licenses in
of ninety :n any license
e'a'Psrer dedr however. that Les
number of C.and nei semi licenses
now •and ado nailing aing m
and en not licensees
ass be re
s gent ri,'inn present Imentooa no
Dr ieiinnh by l until r vaked or
tc r.t-tl for 1� elltalsoo n,Lut i shell a
nCw t'ls 'D�oreLr�llttlicenses be
:c-t e apt or'r vats oP c
Ce:vss nil retail rifeenses as
betnin p ov idea and
ulnnni,provi and that II at any
at d fhc license cr rod the
censed cliLinece e the ]l-
sed and
'I3' premises shall
1 eh a'r. from bchrc 1 ails and
as herein
ere ovidedes and tSh Linn
10-1-4 tei11to its oft being r primarily
and Pall.v tnblsncnt
fnr rue+enlling and asncnsina eI
benr. the card Class `B' ticense
benll Al.uldmcch ed revle okearmidd ate sndlld
be ilidawfni IT the Ich bush to
carry conduct such business
f-P the ed. a such change.at
"Provided,however,hi that when
business.licensee sellssells his plthereof
y be granted sarlicense to op-
crate the business P oviding that
me nns ro+plied with the re uira-
tiersspecifnd iedSebv sthe qua-Mica-
tiers of
City Commissioners.