59 of 1907 - Ordinance 59 of 1907 – Extending limits of Salt Lake City. 11 All 09TI7A7C 7: • An ordinance extendibb the limits of colt ,tinel. City. ViH7lTEAS, on the 26th day of August, 19;7, b. majority o.' the owners of real property- tc t•,o moot of land hereinafter described signed end files witn the City tecurder of oalt Able sity a petition reque;:tin6 that said tract of isnd be taken within the limits of 8olt she City and be made a ptrt of note eitt, and olso caused an acouretd nn end fiat of said tract of io cc to be mndo by r corroetent surveyot and certified by the i Lf Igibeer, to ice flied v'its the said City 1 .fecorder: and the chore territory to contiguous to volt on thy, and no proper rorson exists why it F.Oonl.t. not be mrde a part of said City and the dity eoanctt of '.-btt he ity, a tter examining the said petition of sail otners , und said plutt, and 'buying considered tho airsumstaricos surroan isg t .o esmo at its regulsr meeting next folicnaing the presentation votnd by two-thirds of ail memnere oi! LlAe lit : ouhcil in fryer of said annexution, and directed tia otturnat to prepare an or•Ahance ciakiflf und uoclari_1f alb aninexatioh; therefore Be it orduined b hh tIty eccaleil of colt '.uko tity, Utah: i! 1. tort tte city ILiL0 of t! city be, e7:' the sau! crc p ao extended stol enisrgeh so as to include following described tract Beginning at E. doint on the eouth bouniKry of the present limits! of 7-rlt l..ette City at the center of the intersection of Thninest Pyenub! ! orbij fttc !et . trot; tmlbee south alon,t tne east boinerry hf said city limits d feet more or icon to tbe south side of Tenteet ."!trenue; ! thence south along the center line i' d tr,ct 21:!7 feet !more or less to the center lire of Twelfth 'Muth ! tract: tiience most along toot center line of 7,,,,,1rvq .0,1t1 :itront 792 feet E0'0 or lose to the center line of ti-Ab Itr et thence north rlon' fie center line of ...inth 7.uist dtraet 147! .2 feet more or less to the center line! of Monroe 8treet; thence east along the center line of ronros 8treet 72 foot more or less to a point on the Jresent boundary of tit %take! City in the center of Seventh 'Post street: thence north 0 .7:ipH 06 min, east along the present City boutvie.ry 1t69.95 feet to the center of the intersection of Tempest Avenue on/ 8eventh 8treet; ! west along the present some boundary of t!alt “ak-e ..tity 159'i feett more or less to the place of beginning. 59 SiaCTIOE 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City ,eoorder of this city shall file, and he is hereby directed to file with the COanty ;,,ecorde_- a copy of tb .sap and plat above mentioned, duly cer- tified and acknowledged as provided in such oases, together with a co,xitii:ied copy of ki this ordinance. midnight 6 Cj'ZUih 3. ?hiei ordinance shall take effect gt 12 o'cl-cok A ^ . on the i t = 4;0'of 4•.,;)!,embor • , 007. Pis9seri b;* t;1P.4'1 h. r,ohnli,a of Salt L ?e (:,tz, t4l-th, 1907, and ro ferrea,tci t 'P, .'Ar. for hi.S r1?) rovPcl th5 (Jay of 9antorhor, 15)07, • �._-- _ 11H` or. II � I --- r_I- ------ --A . . '1 . • . . 1). ;„., :r zi r T-.: `v Li i j°id,;?1•./CiarerT, --,o. hr.o:' .„ CA ‘ to ' : 1 • . ..., . . - • 1 1 • -t=t, . o .'; 1 ':,,•' : -0,friAttrifttkl\4 1, `,:r ..f, X:,_,..-„.., Ili ,47,T(1"•-, . f t -"; ; • . . - I ' 1 0 )11 .. I i 11 ' T .