59 of 1909 - Ordinance 59 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 579, 581, 582, 586, 587 & 588 of R.O. of 19 . _
. .
An orinrnos amendin.H rnd re-oractint Sections 579, 801, 582,
5ac, 507 rnc, 510 of the Revised Crflmancor of 251t T.rke City of 1903,
,-;a6 lections 535 5nd 593 of rr.-!i 7,:ovinod ordirr•neoe e.:1 onerded by an
orinHnco 1:,n.Hed by tho ity 0o,::reil of Srlt '44o City, Utah, 1.!arch
2, 1906, end rr.droved by the Aror '..a.rch 3, 1909, odd sections and
ordinrace rolr.tin to weithts end inecraresi
Bo it ordHined by the City Council of Hplt eke City, Utah:
V 1. Cb t ,ectior.b. 579, 581, 582, 586, 567 end. 588 of the
Ioved Ordin5nce;., of it Luke City of 1903, and FActione 565 and
593 of 000 Revised Orin .ncen '.ronded by en. ordinance prn.00d by
the City Council of Colt LHke City aarcb C, 1908, ond oporoved by th
Actin Ileyor THrch 3, 1908, ,e-i0 Hections /Heletirp5,ts end or&insnos
role tint to weithtH 'nd mereurer, be, en0 the urr.,s ere hereby amends '
and re-onactud. eo as to rood . 1,, follows7
579. A?.,:,177T.1.-77. .7-777r:7777. 'The Or Hh51l hrve th- -,
,..owor to pioint, dn'in t ti-:e torn 0or 7c177..ch he fn (goofed, sub-
ject to confirmation by the Coune 1, e competent ponen to the
1)oition or.' in Cc' of 17cf5htH rod mccfnire:;, rioo sht,11 al5o per-
70-51 rho antlec of oil inpreter, f.zi ,,v!:e 'Moll hold o'fics unt 1
fhe .ion.15y root suceeedin the oNdirefinn ot' the tova of o7fice
al' tn: e,7) :1.nti - jo,nyc. Ths compon!letinn of ouch o 'ficer is
hooch:' fixed nt _ _
por zmnum, ,p ,yli,, monthly rro to 1: -.15.rico of ot7i::r city
!,f ,
501. DO=.1. It 1.11fill ?lo - :,.e duty of rnid Innpector and I
lor to f,br..k. Hnd Hol. tith r; .-iffid, or by ';utlr: u card the -_
on e.H 10 ]1'.)-i aeoll .J1:00r, J.11 '73'151;ltr. '.'::L r,o005r00, :“31310 , hot,.s,
steelytm.H, chock.inF., oc :.)utir. enc Otr wsibior.: inHtrITonts
';717..ich he shrll find to conform of which hnil be so rdjusted n%,
to ecnifem to t.c ectnbliod tonderds. .tt :Mall be hi.,.; .duty
and he is hereby authorized to Inc cot end ewemirie et least on.e
•: 4)
1 59 , -,,,
in each year, and a. . such o stoner r3 ho tide.; think propor, ell
etneal,r rBF.. oheekin;r• comput-
ing file f?:Jur^;=.. SCp1CS, Gc'f:rtic;, %. -.
or other weWhint.v,s inee+eurir.f and corrputinp instruments as
ti:_t all oor.l any public• weihins: scalesii a,Yo.re:,e.id; �arovi%ed,
shall be tee,ted enci sealed ever; . montu . And he shall de-
liver to the owner of all ouch acdes corti;'ioete of eecuracy
of such eeiehts, raea;uree, ohockini; on3 compatinF. instruments as
ohall be found to be correct, or ,',hsll be roiii-ored c:rroct. It
shall be unlawful for any )or-;on to refuse or Pail exhibit
I *
such weighty and men saret,,, scales, beas, steol.i' rdr �� s .r..k'in�, s,
s n trunc;�.,., to a In, ,;ootor and
computing! or other .�ei�,iin�
Beeler for the -purpose of exr^dnati pie r of inspection r 3 afore-
said, or to obstruct him in the perfo;•Ys:f e 0" (;' c' du tie. im-
posed on him by ordinances It Otall be hip, duty to keep r reoor
of all scales, beans, otoolyerds, checki'n,r, eorlpntinf and other
machinery and ap?liencen ,Lose for weihing, mer':-.irtng, chocking
or computing by hian tented a=ulel ac a ste l repaired or rlado to
conform to the establAnhed str.ndards, peal tro rmeunt of money
charged and collected by him "or oath c.orvtces, which record
shall at all times be open to the ip pocti on the r e.vor, City
Council and City Auditor.
582. r.: ,U, , TO 11'. j A,•n :te.rv-•fl. Every
person ueini-e weirhts, neat-fsures. sc:lrr.., betAs, eteolvare9,= or
other wei;rhin in€tray^or.ts in .:ei:hir,,:, rror;>nri_if', co:r uting or
checking any articlos „u-chroo;d o • intended to be .,nror,rsed or
sold in Solt Lake City, or in thu we`rht, Tncaf,z'zre,nert or value
of which other persons or too mihl I n aro i ni,er; <,ted.. ;,J ail cans:
such 'ai rht^, ll e neeeren, beR'ia, .:i e'1 ae.. inri .,orlon orlon or
other weirs'line, oheckin, or oo'putio' alultruments to be sealed
or marked an to aec.,racy oft surd st and co^sputation before
using the same, and annu',lly t'nerafter, by the Sealer of Weigh's
and Measuros end .)i7. Inspector, and it shall be unlawful for any
parson to u:.te or ;jer>`.tit to ho used, or conceal any v,'eirht, meas-
ure, aealoB, steelyards, beams or other instruments for weighing,
checking, computing or measuring any article' purchased or for
purchase or sale in acid city, or in the we:i,r:ht, measurement or
value of which otter poreono or the public are intorosted,not so
envied and xrar'ked on aforesaid; or use r permit to be used in
buying, ssljinr;, .arsi hie! oornnatin , cheoninsg or ;nePnurin,,, sny
false weights, mea,norno, ece.lr+:=, besmn, steely>=.rds, or other
wei hir.;, :omputing or chocking ins:trunnte abeth,Jr tb's servo shal
have boon inspected and sealed no a°orenni,d or not.jc. Vhenever 4-
any Jordon e:nall ohsr.ige hi<: pirsco of bu ine;s all vei[nta V
met::;;arao, scales, bea.,!s, steely,rh; or ot'tor wet, hir,g, computing,
checkink; or aes.aurin, ins tra>taents used in ;mid. business shall be
inspected, sealed end. marked within FAX da.yn after such change
has, boon node. 'F-
Si .tiJ . . i i r ..i-) i.t'".btu' . . 5T.A11Di7D, There
i in hereby e.;tauliehed within this city it strsnderd of ,soirhtts and
• measures for the sale of ast7 coarmodities herein, sod it uholl be
unlbwlul for soy person, firm, r:.t<a-ocie,tirn or corporation to sell
or offer for snlo in this city, any t o:nroPity which is not in
cont'o;;:iCy no to weiptt ;rid mersure vritA such astondr•rd, to-wit
tooh ton, pound, htulf r,n2e1, ,nd 3anrter ;.ound shaal.l contain
the numbor of potrn;.a ,:nd ounces avoirdupois w,; et end Troy
A ton shell ounaai it of ,i.)":J pound!, avoirdupois wei;•ht; a
pounc: wall consist of 13 m:.ncori weight, or 70°f
g>ainis Troy ,Jei }.t; a half-pound, 3 ounces svoirduuoin woi !ht,
or .:7bG groin:. Troy .ieiidi'; ra;di a qunrtor.-pound, 4 ounces avoir-
dupois :.eight, or 1dTh grains ;roy ooipht.
Each t,r;llon, half-gallon, quart, pint and half-pint shall
contain the following cubic inches:
?Iseh gallon. cubic inchos; each 11).!1, cu-
bits inches, ouch 4uart, b7.75 cubic in:ho:,; dInt, 23.
cubic ihcheii; nnd each hnlif-pint 14.457 ,ulido Ainhes,
Tothin herein contained shall he corstrue9 to revent the
sale of ve,retables, fruits 'And harr.!.n-; in orl .tntli unbroken
pac-,Kaos, por pnexF.se, nor to irovot, V,o ,.1.0 of fruit at a
hued price per piece or n other a frnsh by the
bunch or doen; that ,chin c)1(i in Loxes,
it sU,i,. unlf,v;enl to sell any boxes oobi,-indr,r lo-0 than a
whole quart or pint, try mc“.,nre. One c-,uvH , dry rt .ro, dial
contain G7.26 cubic in3hes, nod one pint, dry mensure, 7.3.60
cubic inches.
The City Coancil, at the e-,:penc;' of no r.ity, :11s11 drovid,
and maintain the necessary end approved standards ..vitb their
several necessary subdivisions for the ;)urose or totine and
approving the wciolits and ,Terburns to bo .;:uld in the City.
586 I"n;, , AY, )",5 ii
" r
J.11 ice, grain, col, co'Te, send, hry, itrFt , Mt0, rrn,, short,
or middlirws, nn,i fruit, -11(: veFotlble „ Knoptto , Auvid,Ad in
5ectica 535, pare:Insnd or sold th.,2 ii ttiPhi 0 it T:r1k19
City, Anil be purchased and sold by r.oiht nnd
coal when sold by the sock f,hall onntnin 1,)0 wnrds net -reight
per 6eck.
687, 37,,urst) 0 3econ:, 1, 1,7 dealers ring in
their possesHitui re,uirnd by tlAte cater to ha
oiicaeined tested, shall haacre c,7,11inb or J,:livorins' such ar-
ticloti to the Irarchasor t.Aer,'Aof. -,Accure Inspector
end Cooler, and deliver to saLd pirchaA7 a nOrt; 'tC of their
accuracy of odmpuzation as wall e aoour,,cy of weizhing.
588. feet collectod for services by said office,'
under this chapter, shall be by him covered into the City Treas-
ury daily or weekly, and shall be accounted for in full;
each settlement ho shall tal.e i'rom the Trenouror duplicrite re-
one of vdlich lin shall nio City Aucitor. 6aid
frispecter and SoF,lor chs7.1 collect fer each examinati )n, testins,
8enlin;n and oortifli-i', or he-roinoteco :•oquired, tThe f!ellowing
tees, which shril bo collected '.from the emote o the weishts,
mos:iuros or other srticlez te
Com_duting Jcal:=s- 0.50
An: nt:=dly,,c3 or hoar, .C.)41U:1, floor, pleA:orm
or other cooler by which ray to weiOled not
o::cooadinij 2?0 .YOU/1" .26
Any such instrument by wilen be welgood eve'.
bI ,Jouloic oneeot exoOobite 60., pounds .130
Over 600 pounds and less then 1001) poondo - - - .75
aver 100 paandi„, not a oeeciin 2),0 pounda- - 1.00
Over 2000 pounds 2.6('
Railroad Track 3cales 5.00
.Lny liquid tierure crAcodt nlLk Uoltlos
Any yard stick
To Cr yore yr.rds in lonth :,nrked on s
Counter, each . .05"
And the weights attached to any scale or-tvriWt-xf5nv
turAniryoulteted be colored a part of.' the enloa. It Cecil
not be lawful for said Tes2ector and ,eslcr to collect and re-
ooive the aforesaid ch,•.rgee more then once in each six :lenths
from tee carte porscn for tha instrrofunt, unless unhin-
strument ie found to he nut of order, not -?.onfo-c'.1riblo to taro
,stoncird, or in case of ohr,n1,n oP )1t,ae or ).q.114ineso; provAed,
the., cosi one nubile sosie,1 shall he tested out fens paid, every
;(54444 'montns, ns J-eovled in :;sotio:-i
)srforried in in-
spectioL olls to storossjd, I he Inocotor of Out cmi '",onlor of
'2;oights one leasures collect in slyanoo, iron t7p, our,
ovq]Jy, the oil inspecteq, for the In:
the followinr fees, tc--it:
Vor ell oils and gasoline in tank ooro, 1/b of :1 cent per
cot olio in cases, one cent :ier gallon 2or lots from one
gallon to twenty-five gallons. CIF
For all lots from twony-':ive eallon9 to flfty EvAlons,
three-fonrth of a cent ;or gallon;
2or all lots ovor fifty one-hlf cent der gallon.
The acid officerrnli kn,,p correct account, of til fees
collected, and irion fees will be by air:. covorad into the City
Tr4selyry on the first Monu!s4 t;:nir collection, and
mi3Ofbe accom,, Lia$ by statemont thereof duly verified by
. • t. said .0.ifficer.
W3CTIO-11 L. All ordinaecesand resolutions or partfordirlOiCe4
nd resolutions in conflict here7fith are ,-1 ,rilby re::)nalod
tent ofs4c11 conflict.
, .
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