59 of 1910 - Ordinance 59 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 228, Second Partial Estimate. ,
C-A m'
1 An ordinance oonfimring the assessment upon the property herein-
after described in the territory between West Capitol and Seosad West
Streets, end between Fourth North Street and Fern Avenue, in Sewer
Districts Nos. 1 and 2, for the construction of sewers.
$e it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
`$$CTION 1. That the- aasisaaent list made by the City.Treasurer
as ocrreotsd, epprevs$ end oespleted by the Board of BlusAisation and
Review, heretofore ding Appe92ttelliby the City Caun it for that pur-
pe4e bf the property 4P.Lits,1 ¢ ,L 2, Block 139,.11,at eA' 4, Blook 1';
5 and G, Bleak 20; 1,<;:2, ,3, 4,-4 ad 6, Blook 24; 1 to 16, inclusive,
Daatoh's Subdivision, $lack 25; 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and i, Block 26; 1 and
2, Blooh 29; 1, 2, 3 end.4, Block 28; 1 to 10, inolusive, Block 31;1,
Bleak 32; 1 to 10, inolusive, Bleak 34; 2, Block 30, Plat "E", Salt
Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of Fourth North Street be-
tween Wall and Center Streets; on the south side of Girard Avenue be-
Itween West Capitol and Center Streets; en the north side of Girard
Avenue between West Capitol and North Main Stresta; on both sides of
North Main Street between Fourth North Street and Girard Avenue; on
the south side of Fifth North Street between Wall and first West
Streets; on the north side of Fifth North Street between Wall and Seo
end West Streets; on both sides of Clinton Avenue between West Capita
and First West Streets; and on both sides of West Capitol Street be-
tween Girard and Clinton Avenues, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, of
Salt Lake City, for the. purpose of oonatruoting sewers upon said por-I
Itions of said streets is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made
and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension No. 228.
I.3a00nd Marti $ it�at®. 1 t �� 14�J-4
Fassed i e Ci1T Council of 0eelt Lake C' ' :€r,,r 18, 1910,
and referred to the :._a,,or for his upprova �
1 =-./--
/� `� 't Tecorder:. 1
1 Arproved this / day of Idey, 1910.
1 G � Mayor. 59
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