59 of 1941 - Amending Paragraphs (a) and (b) Section 1370, Chapter LIX, relating to traffic and travel,--turns ROLL CALL PLC NA" Salt Lalce City, Utah, l,`} , 194 VOTING 441 AYE' Goggsn y' I move that the ordinance be passed. `fir Keyser - - - Matheson - - Mc o kie xs Mr.Chairman - - - a , AN OR NANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PARAGRAPHS (a) AND (b) OF SECTION 1370 OF Chapter LDI, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 26, 1941, and known as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on the streets. Be it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ctty, Utah: SECTION 1. That paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 1.370 of Chapter LTA, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 26, 1941, and known as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1370. (a) Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and at a speed. not to exceed ten (10) miles per hour. The driver shall then proceed in the right-hand. lane after the turn is completed and not turn into the left or center lane until traffic permits, and then only after a proper arm signal is given. (b) Approach for a left turn sht#l1 be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so us to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered and at a speed not to exceed ten (10) miles per hour, and the driver shall complete said turn by entering and proceeding in the left-hand or center lane and shall not turn into the right-hand lane until such time as the traffic permits and then only after ffi proper arm signal has been given; provided, however, that this shall not apply to street railway busses making stops at regularly designated far sid.c loading zones. -2- SECTIOI'l 2. In the olvtnim of the Becrd of Commissioners, Hr. JP, neces- cry t.o the pesce, hen lth cd safety of the lets: i tante of Ea]t Inks. C It,y [iv t flArt s ord.Li ore Iec.site effective limed intely SECTI51151 15. ThiF ordinance shrill tske effect coon its first pubiicti00.l IL/14 r• 'Esaed by the Board of Commissi74e of Sslt Lake C!.ty, 5th, this JQIk (1'I,v 191'1. Moyer. t?' • fi „ 4;1 V., r-, • ' tr7i. --a e,t ti.CIT I t't rn rt p, I 9 Ft M .r r i r- , , proof of Publication Suitt l e•tittto of. uwrtra STATE OF UTAH .ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE - I M.CONNC12 AN ORDINANCE Agl,•RDINANCE AMENDING PARA- � tN D Rv SECTION fChap 1x Revised being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Ilan y f Salt Lake icay,nhn.Utah, 1934, ae ^4 tied by an°Minim passed by t ((g[�ryaty Commf9etoq a of Salt kn.l!iLy.'IHNo.3 June yg 1941 and THE SALT LAKE TEl a newspaper,published at Salt Lake TT evelblllr No 31,re te..1 g to itr$111c cad oval o!I'�'$$a gyreate.d ID 1 e P4 e''990ard of own- 1 a 4`lity,Utah: g ICN > ifaragraphe (a) City,State of Utah. and ,)o1 Section 1370 of Chapter LIX, ReV e. Ordinances,ofi Salt Teske City, Utah,1pas`eaebymthe Boa d qfq c mi P.n 0rdin.flee !mending ara ranhs mlaeio era of salt,Dake City,Utah,on; That the Notice £ o Sung 0, 1941, and known as bill Nu. 31,MI Unit to traffic and travel on the etreetsi be and the same are hereby (a) and (b) of Section 1370, etc. amended to read as follows: ------------------------------------------------------- QE TION 1370. (a)+B h the aright turn for a right turn and turn hall be made as close as prac- ' deal;to the right-hand curb or edge Bill ri 59 of fOeeQf 0)mdie Per hour. The at a speed not to ten (1 drive tl shall then hand lane after the turn 1s completed ,/and hot turn Into the left or center• -"----""'- --'--' - lane anti!traffic permits and then ' only efter a proper arm signal is given, (b)(Approach fora left turn shall be of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- made iln that portion of the right half 1 of the roadway nearest the center line thereby and after entering the Inter- llth fuss to lioh e veftheintersection rn eto ins paper in its issue dated the - right of the center line of the roadway being entered and at a speed not to . •etcGe ten(10)miles per hour,and the driver completes said turn by en_ day of Dec- . 193 41 or ceronterdlproceeding ne cent)shall not left-hand into the aght-hand lane until such time as and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on the Herne permits and then only after a proper arm signal has been given; however, t this shall not ' apply to street railwayb busses making' Dec. 11 :ltops at reglarly designated far aide for oading zones. --- HSEC ION2. In the opinion of the oard f Commissioners.It is necessary 1 Time to the peace.health and safety of the thereafter,the full period of oral ancetsof come effective imntehdi- atellY..y' take'e4lfeet uponT This firstnance publicatioant the last publication thereof Pasieil by the Board o1 Commissioners of Salty Lake City,Utah,this 10th day of Dec tuber,A.ABBD,JENKINS.Mayor. being in the issue dated the 941. -lth. day of (Seals ETHEL MACDONALD, A BIl 0.59. City Recorder, Pui)f ryed December Ilth, 1991. e ,A.D.193 41 Suscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Dec. , A. D. 193 41 _ Notary Public. My commission expires ---_Nnv_2b..,.--194.5 Advertising fee$_-- _ - - PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 011r #ttit Kafir Ittjram County Entry No