59 of 1942 - Amending Sections 252x13 and 252x14, relating to milk and milk products and prohibiting dipping ROLL CALL J. OCT 22 1942 q. ArA Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 VOTING move that)the ordinance be passed. Matheson Mcfostka ex T�esc, � Mr.Chairman - - - A DINANCE Result - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 252X13, 252X14 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 17,1938, and Section 252X16 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 6, 1942, of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to dairy and milk inspection. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 252X13, 252X14 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 17, 1938, and Section 252X16 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 6, 1942, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah., 1934, relating to dairy and milk inspection, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 252X13• GRADE "C" AND/OR UNGRADED PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade "C" and/or ungraded pasteurized milk is milk which has been pasteurized, coiled and bottled in a milk plant con- forming with all the requirements of Grade "A" pasteurized milk and which does not meet the requirements of Grade "B" pasteurized milk. SF:C,..252X14. GRADES OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS WHICH MAY BE SOLD, No milk or milk products shall be sold to the final consumer or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores or similar establishments, except Grade "A", "B", "C", and/or pa— graded pasteurized, certified and Grade "A" raw milk when pas- teurized and bottled as herein provided. SEC. 252X16. TRANSFERRING OR DIPPING MILK; DELIVERY OF MILK AT QUARANTINED RESIDENCES. (a) No milk producer or distributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one container to another upon the street or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except i) -2- a bottling or milk room especially used for that purpose, except as may be specially permitted by the health officer in the case of milk being delivered in bulk. The sale of dip milk is hereby expressly prphibited. All pasteurized milk shall be placed in its final delivery container in the plant in which it is pasteurized and all raw milk sold for consumption in the raw state shall be placed in its final delivery container at the farm at which it is produced. It shall be unla ul for ls, soda fountains, restaurants and similar es ishme is tot. or s :e milk except in tie original c �a3�er f p,whi `�' °� itr.ws jeived from the pro- r,•, o ..� ducer or distr tor} prrc)Ldedgbth in t case of mixed milk drinks the mil ge ,sha :.be° urt fro :Vile original con- e;.° tainer of a ca city n 44 e° ee dale q it, or shall be fro' a bulk dispensg"r approved by to , alt icer. (b) The delivery of milk to and the collection of milk containers from quarantined residences shall be subject to the special requirements of the health officer. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs publication. 607. Passed by the Board of/Co "ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this'k(t day of - , A.D. 19/.2. Mayor. City Recorder. r. _ 'T.,• _ \\„, (IF.74.X • E,27'777C1C: Ct. L;',",C;Lf.JCP., ,.,• '"? ri 1;7a OTc7 r77.7/1..7. -0(,17'14:e77p1. T7'63114 YU, •":-• J.7. 77 r97,5 r j • 131- TC OJTrf J( IX „ 1:0 P].J( CJZi- 0; '7V.-7 UTTSI T.,LOM TIT(3,1; (P) (TGITA, oT.:, TKfD GTOU nT. ..., H)1,0 AG( 11110 -Tc.---1,„• \ • T3JOI. ;CT 77( :„,n1 ,-610 cc.f. •'7. 7:;; ,7f ,7".. 72 t. • \ .41111 1 11-3 Lo r„, r• 01: C•4 cinc:2J, (1111r 4.4 4.) a. t1/42 drisi "-r pp-rchg T, _ 04—, 'Nib at'r* Z at cluct FT— 7,71:W.7; T.72 OT. • 170- 21,17 T il7fj SST - ,:r •• zog T_Ofr !, rg,gr,r cç kj.TTC:17 - Viv.N% .77-}r7.T.7)T1 TT: r TTG T.' 2 2..1727,- pc; Hi:_r Tr: -•".7! '5. 731-0 • flU17.02, 7 , LoT-71-1-)TP-3(f , :ri )T, qc T..in•nLG(4 71; - •• -, E;Y:GC, Ga,n f: c• 7 o 07-!"-,7 r7- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake ;.. Legal Notice Leo F. Young. AN OIt.D3 ANCEDI AA E,NDISG SEC• "'Y.C[UNS.762Xi3,767E14 a amended by Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- • �n samosas•missed by tithe Bnard f P y Sorttie.-257}Bodo-amendeardi dlby,a and vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper .'dfnance'nerd.bY the Board,"of Comfiie :1"J B. 1747; Ci t" t. aloes o6ainenaee of salt Lnke CUY,vtah, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State tion. tolatlne to dairy and m31k lnspec• tlon. Beat of Sall 1. e' Board to commis `;i SECTION I It-LakS coon Utah: Of Utah. Sea ame•nded a That t ordine to pas.d67y th ea oa nd d by an sir er passedlby theBoar 3 C 1cc, 21 t March 37 �838, and•Benton 787Xi8 aamended•ordinance passed by the Board of That the advertisement '.a1 l�^'"s' - I'or'�Or P{;]OYi 942 of. to dai 'UNGRADEDm°s oe°1idaxiazel the eGRAD1E�]On aAare gnlbR.� �s.l_.nenca i,11 r=-latir= t.o 'Y9ry - : .!--?rlk ------ PASTEURIZED MILK.Grade: _ "C7.anchor ungraded pasteurized mfik I_y;y ny c t 7 on e yyn�1lit Which bee yleeeeyy'pnetenriredu, cooled. 7',4%a•.1j ttldd le' a'milk p1eDt Sorn netaufMthe iilk and etei t Garde eet Daeteurule mink and doge not meet .cc-•Milk,rememte of Grade's.,.vaeteur]a- "ed-milk.• • SEC.799dDC TRADES CH MIL%AND A..PAODUCT9 WHICH MAY BE,, to'o ll or mllk a'edor el was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the to rand to'.the fohn to o an M d t domhm grocery, trade orelmll tablie'et a except Grade - • • gg c nna tirades where0e 23day of '>ctober A.D. 19 n2 ii�8d;�`Fpasturi nd Garde le ra ilk when Daeteurizdd and bottled harem pnbvlded. y SEC.IIII87ggIB.TRANSFERRING OA DIP- and was ubhShed �._n o'"�? 1'6e BTN6 MILR• DELIVERY OF MIL% AT QUARANTINED RESIDENCES. (a) No P ilk producer o distributor shall Wane- ier milk or milk products-from one container to'another Don the street o n:any'Vehicle or ,tare.or in any place the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the except a bottling o mink x en)WapeciallO S leer that fur a Pt n a Dgg'�rnee]wt� seams rd by iha kaailk day of A.D.19 fTelcE In 1{e casts-of- belna de lot red 1n bulk.a The a placed f in ill to h TebY a DreeelY Drohibited. All p e- telivery container ub pplaced its final it tamer and plant in hied it ie pasteurized afnd all raw ' old be komumntIts the ve stateocontainer Ado tising Clerk, be placedthe„farm in Its final it delivery produced. It • shall ebear nlawfulbtch for-hotels,Ds dltnoed,unt. shall be and similar oeatablieh mmeentOriginal to 11 or a rve miles except in the container er hied t ae proof�qa rom it its to.er r distributor. drinks d that the eee of nixed mOd' -from the original need shall be, Doused „7 from they tied on quartconta or at `capacity not td red and eprov r haA from>efore me this day of a bulk exceed approved by the Health col l ctivery f milk from qu to (in The idedelncettieeme Ii be .to health d.�. collection of mink contamere from epos A.D. 19....-. ct the sp.special requirements tidalt be the Derffective 'Immediately. Officer. nion of the Board of Commleleonere,it/le'auese ry' to eel ON 2,In the Ir�erg)t kttDbn'.1t l.r1 d'o;Commeaera ere - .----- - a-- of Salt Lake City.mm iat SECTION 3. This,ordltanc of'', y Notary blic, o tSalt Lake City,Utah,thud 77d daY of AD JENKINS. • Meson. ETONL 3,IACDONALD, ity.Recorder, ' BILL NO,.B@; I:�' Eabllehed Oetbbgr1;,3 1d4de f)() '8 • • o r.e - p t • rt wi• 4 • i(1 .