59 of 1953 - Annexation extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, Essco Annex, Petition No. 769 by Essco Corporatio ROLL CALL I AUG
Salt Lake City,Utah, 195
1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen . .
Lingenfelter ,
Romney . . .
00 V I, EAS, on the 3-rd day of August, 1953 there was filed with
mM the City .iecorder of malt Lake City, Petition No. 769 by the Essco Corpora-
tion, (heinq the owner of real property situated in the tract hereinafter
.-i described) requestinrt that said tract of land be taken within the limits
(3`-of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and
p',y certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake City
m o
�zEnpeneer° to he filed with the City hecorder.
ct 1'JIIE',SF;AS, the said tract of land is conti,r;uou.e to Salt lake
o City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and
13 t
0 made a part of said city; and
'hIL'i'h:AS, the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after
°rc exam_i_n_in said petition of said owner of said tract of land and consider-
ink; the circumstances t'aee•eof, voted by unanimous vote of all members
Or of said ';oaru '.n favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City
Ts and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory
',a and the extension of the city limits of said Salt Lake City accordingly.
m NOW, THEREFOR J, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners
of belt Lake City, Utah:
SECT.-ION l: That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enl.arfed so as to include the follewio
described tract of land in Salt Lake Count ,, to-wit:
Bem,innin at a point which is N 0°01.' E 3(+2.76
feet from the East quarter corner of Soc. 22, T1S,
115, SLR&L; thence N Oo 01' E 420.19 feet; thence N
89° )!9' N 105.90 feet; thence S 440 07' N 105.90 feet;
thence S )11° 02' W .155.17 feet; to the North line of
the „t,e )t hway; thence S 38u N 50.0 feet; thence
S 51 02' bl 361.88 feet; thence N 38° 58' II 50.0 feet
to the point of ber;inninq. Containing 2.07 acres more
or less.
- 2 -
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ,,._round as
shown upon the map or pint.
DIcA' •2 and declared t}'a tho whole r�r
the aboa%; descr1bei crty be _nd ?.creb:: zone- cc .denti.al.
„ ..3?
AVD .n:a e.oelaa,:') that vr'-)ey,
ordinance La J' :: eiInc the 4,1d tract' o`" land above described she,11
Lir pee w i_1;han cor_no'' (c 1' nii;s o, alt I ,,1rc City
grid zoned a res as in the or canoe r.rovided, sad
all ordinances, jnri ;c.i."t-ions, ru.]es ',nd obl . _t ono of op nerta,ln:i.
in;, to said _,al.t G,,?re City are extended over Inc. mace noii_ cable
and ncrti.neni to the said tract of land, and the streets,
blocks, alloys and wars of said tract shall he controlled and
,governed b,y the ordinances, rrles add re"ulatiors of said city in
that; betel.1' and the monuments of the Glty n in=cc eha.11, thence-
i'orth be taken therein as the standards o" :;.ocations and ' stances.
x,.'C'i'I:ON 2. loon the .);assan,e of this ordinance t',e CItY
[lecordcr or' ":'1 t 1_,a'ce ';_i t _all, fil ana she i s '-)ereb ' c_'.rected
to I'i:Ic with the ilo�rr,�ty IC'ordor of al t iate Jour', s. copes or the
man or plat above mcnt:i_ored dn]_ cacti clod and ac'_.;_-,oa]er'"ed, as
'rages, o Ha'a ^ th a certified copy of this
S'10'f'10C 3. In the o:r:inion of the Lloard of Com1'nissioncrs,
it is orcnssary to the peace, tee Lth and safety of the; inl ) 1tants
of "aft hake GI.i;v Lim this ordinance shall become offeci?.ve nrso-
dI ate]
S,;','' QP; -{. This ordinance shell take elf'cot, at once
cr,,or: Its ''ircL p'Col ica'_.ion.
'ssr;e,l 1,- tile ,',o€a.ra of oncrs ad 'iit Lake ,lI by,
dtcl'il, c,_a:1,?7thdzi' of
b -! '
C -i t y 1' e c c ,r d e r.
BILL NO. 59.
Published September 1, 1953
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 27th, . 2c 1953
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 9th day of September 1953 tic
(SEAL) .
BILL NO. 59 Deputy CityfRecorder.
Published September 1, Yl.m 1953
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Bessie Judges, Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, Utah"
t icelic
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Augus 27th, 1953
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this 2nd day of November, 1953 Irxx .
BILL NO. 59 jL !City Recorder.
Published September 1st, xp9gx__1953
c--1/4/ v9/ 71 7t"he/IA'171
V.349 0 7 Recorded NOV 3 1953at//',1 7 et,
Request of SALT LAKE CIT.,-
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
er, Salt •k C t tab
;Ike By Depat`/�
Book /04 Page 1/3 6.t'• D•"�
AN ORDINANCE Inc point of beginning. Containing 2.07
acres more or less.
the same has been correctly.
LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. slaked out[upon the ground as shown
WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of upon the m Oat.
August,1953,there was filed with the AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
City Recorder of Salt Lake City Peti- and declared that the whole of the
lion No.769 by the Essco Corporation above described property be and is
(being the owner of real property sit- hereby zoned as Residential "B-3."
dated in the tract hereinafter described) AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
takuesting that said tract of land be and declared that when this ordinance
en within the limits of Salt Lake takes effect the said tract of land
ort City,and
be madeed and)certified accurate map
by within hve e described
limits its of said Salt
a competent surveyor
and a
approved be Lake City and zoned s Residential
the Salt Lake Cite Engineero to be "B3" as n the ordinance provided,
filed with the City Recorder. and all ordinances,Jurisdictions.rules
WHEREAS, the said tract of land and obligations of or
ertaining to
is contiguous to Salt Lake City and said Salt Lake City areextended over
there is why it should and made applicable and pertinent to
not be annexed l e to and made a part the said tract of land,and the streets,
of said city. and blocks, alleys and w of said tract
WHEREAS, the Board of Commis- shall be controlled and governed by
o of Salt Lake City,after a the ordinances rules and regulations
ts a
said petition of said ownerof of said city In that behalf and the
said tract of land and considering the monuments of the City Engineer shall
circumstances thereof. voted by v thenceforth be taken therein as the
vote of all members of said standards of locations and distances.
board in in favor of annexing said tract SECTION 2.Ursa the passage of this
of land to Salt Lake City and directed ordinance thy City Recorder of Salt
that n ordinance should be passed Lake City shall file and she is hereby
said territory and the exten. directed to file with the County Re.
lion of the rite limits of said Salt Lake corder of Salt Lake County a of
City accordingly. the map or plat above mentioned,duly
NOW 'THEREFORE, RE IT OR- certified and acknowledged. a RAINED by the Board of Commission- sided i a such cases, together with a
of Salt Lake City.Utah: certified c of this ordinance.
SECTION 1: That the city limits of SECTION 8 In the opinion of the
Salt Lake City be and the same
are Hoard of Commissioners, it is neces.
hereby extended and enlarged a to the peace. health and safety
% f to include the following described as
of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City
tract of land Salt Lake County, that this ordinance shall become ef-
fective immediately.
Beginning at a point which is orth SECTION 4- This ordinance shall
O deg 01 min., cast 342.76 feet from take effect at once upon its sirs[pub.
the east arter of Sec. 22. ]icatio
'Cl S R 1 E, SLE&Mtn thence north 0 Passed by the Board of Commission-
deg 01 min. cast 420.19 feet; thence ers of Salt Lake City.Utah.this 27th
north 89 deg 45 m west 105.90 feet; day of August, 1953.
thence south 44 deg.in.
min.,west 105.90 EARL J. GLADE
feet:thence south 41 deg.02 min.
west Mayor
153.17 feet to the north line of the IRMA F. BITNER
state highway. thence south 38 des. City Recorder
west 50.0 feet: thence south (SEAL)
51 deg.02 min..east 361.8a feet;thence BILL NO. 59
north 30 deg.58 min.,east 50.0 feet to Published Sent 1. 1953
Recorded SEP8 19bts at i1Z
t� Request of ,SALT TAKE CITY
1343i32 Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Cnase,
Recorder, Bait aka ou�..Y, ehty
$�e Aet_BY
Book /0 3,3 Page l_2 3 Ref /9 PP•�ou
AN ORDINANCE the point of beginning.Containing 2.07
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE that the same has been correctly
LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. staked out upon the ground as shown
WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of unon the map or plat.
August,1953,there filed with the AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
City Recorder of Salta Lake City Peti. and declared that the whale of the
lion No.789 by the Essco Corporation above described property be and is
(being the o of real property sit hereby zoned as Residential "B-3."
oatod in the tract hereinafter described) AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
requesting that said tract of land be and declared that when this ordinance
taken within the limits of Salt Lake takes effect the said tract of land
City,and also caused an
accurate n above described shall thenceforth be
plat to be made and certified to by Lake
within the corporate limits of said Salt
competent surveyorand neer'Oved be Lake City and toned Residential
the Salt Lake City Engineer to be "B-3" the ordinance provided,
filed with the City Recorder. and all oratinances, Jurisdictio , rules
WHEREAS, the said tract of land and obligations of pertaining to
thcontiguous to Salt Lake City d said Salt Lake City aretended o
ee i. why it should and made applicable d pertinent stnty to
not hey a xed rtoe and made a part the said tract of land,and the streets,
of said city; and blocks, alleys and ways of said tract
WHEREAS, the Board of Commis. shall be controlled and governed by
of Salt Lake City,after a the ordinances. rules and regulations
^ngissaid pe tituon of said exam-
of said city that behalf and the
caidotract of land and considering the monuments of theCity Engineer shall
ircmnstances thereof. voted by thforth be taken therein as the
aniinous vote of all members of said standards of locations and distances.
ard land
it favor of annexing said tract SECTION 2.Upon the passage of this
of lands t0 Salt Lake City and directed ordinance the City Recorder of Salt
that an Ordinance should be pasted Lake City shall file and she is hereby
annexing said territory and the exten- directed to file with the County Re-
eOf the city limits of said Salt Lake order of Salt Lake County a of
Cili accordingly. them plat above acknowledged,
NOW.c THEREFORE, BE IT OR. certified or
acknowledged, as pro-
DAINED by the Board of Commission- tided In such cases, together with a
of Salt Lake City.Utah: certifieda copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 1:That the City limits of SECTION 3 In the opinion of the
Salt Lake City be and the same
Board of Commissioners, It Is uecesr
hereby extended and enlarged to the peace, health and safety
to include the following described us of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
tract of land in Salt Lake County, that this ordinance shall become et.
to-wit: festive immediately.
Beginning at a point which is north SECTION 4 This ordinance shall
O deg Ol min., east 342.76 feel from take effect at once upon its first pub.
the east quarter c of Sec. 22, licatton.
T 1 S. R 1 E, 3&51: thence north 0 Passed by the Board of Commission-
deg. 01 m ea east 420.19 feet; thence ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 27th
north 89 deg.45 min.,west 105.80 feet; day of August, 1953.
thence south 44 deg.07 min.,west 105.90 EARL 3. GLADE
feet;thence south 41 deg,02 min.,west Mayor
155.17 feet to the north line of the IRMA F. BITNER
slate highway. thence south 38 deg. City Recorder
58 n west 50.0 feet; thence south (SEAL)
51 deg.02 min.,east 381.88 feet:thence BILL NO. 59
north 38 deg.58 min.,east 50.0 feet to Published Sent I. 1955
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
WHEREAS, on e filed
f '11�rit�i ('1,
AugCII,, t,orde there was filed with the
City Recorder of Seit Lake Ciao peon
tl'on No.e o by the realo Corporation
gat(beed the owner F real er ertri elt-
retue to he eras@ hereinafter tles land
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
requesting that said Erect of land be
taken within the limits of Salt Lake
r or City,Plat also caused All atemate m.,P vertising clerk of the DESERET NEW S-a newspaper
be made and certified to by f
the o Salto LakervCityr Engineer to be
filed with he City.Recoreel published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
WHEREAS, the Said tract of land T'
there contiguous
nooproper seas L why itltehould of Utah.
ti t be a xad to and made a part
of said cur; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commis-
' Toners of Salt Lake City,after exam-
!ining said petition of said ownsf That the advertisement
said tract of land and considering the
circumstances thereof, oed by un.
animous te of all members f said
.board be favor f annexing said pact �1� 'l-nfl Y'']'1('I' -• 11LI S'a
;of land to Salt nce shout and dlpassed - `
that n ordinance .should be on-
annexing t said territory and the take
ran of the city limits of said Salt Lake
City accordingly.
eon at Sall
Hoard of Gommission-
[ION Lakc City, Utah:
e SECTION it That cityof
Salt fake Citye andod the son's re
hereby extended
Ir bted and enlargedindescribed
to Include the tSaia La descrbed
tract of land In Snit Lake County,
Beginning at s astnt which isnorth
�O des II min.,
east 342.76 feet Gom
the cast quarter c of See. 22,
d'1 S, R I n.SLHt 410 10 thence north e
nor. Ol m east 4.,e fees thence.(n„
north 88 tl111 45 min.,west we t0 05.90
thence south 49 deg 07 min..west 305.00
•thence south 41 des 02 min.,west was published in said newspaper on
155.17 feet to the north line of the
state highway; thence south.38 deg.
38 in. west 50.0 feet; thence south
51 deg.02 min„cast 381.88 feet:thence UJ^i .;-;1-;, ;;i;A ]//.j
north 38 deg.58 min.g cast 50.0 feet to N
the point of beginning.Containing 2.07
acres more n less,
and that the same has been correctly
staked out Upon mound as shown
u the n tat. ,t
that the whole
f the
hereby zoned as Resirt be adential "B-3.d"
nod don thaUwhen hiss ordinance Advertising Clerk
takes effect the said tract of land
above described shall thenceforth be
within he corporate limits of said!'It
Lake City and zoned as Residential
"133" a the ordinance provided,
and all ordinances,Jurisdictions,rules
andand obligations f orextended to )before me this "'t day of
Salt Lake City a ,tended over
d de app01 Is O rand p linent to
the aid tract of land,and fa streets,
blocks, alleys and ways of said tract A.D.19 -'
ball be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations
of said city In that behalf and the
ononurnents of the City Engineer shall
thenceforth be taken therein as he
standards f locations I distances
SECTION 2 Upon the passage of this
ordinance the G t Recordar of Salt
1 k Cit sh II fit d he rs hereby `/✓ _/�L s (J.�-�P- J
directed ofo file Salt Laketh the County.aunty Re-
cordera copy f' /
the may onntllat abovetmentionawIth a Notary Public
tided i such cases, together with a
e ECTI s f this ordinance.
ardSIt o. i the s of tile
anon of a peace,
Commissioners, It a
y to the it health and safis ety
of atht inhabitants of all Lake thatCcf-
1 this ordinance ece shall become cf-
[eSEC immediately.
SECTION l once
is on its r shall
taste effect at once upon its first nub
[°lion. e
Pa ssnd by the Board f h taiasm
e i�.li,
of Salt Lake City, Utah,, n-
this 27th
" at
August, 1'J53
IR[,ity 1e ;ker R
City Recorder
I Published Sept. 1, 19511