6 of 1905 - Ordinance 6 of 1905 – Providing license for public dances. au ORDIL'l1Ca' i44.
An Ordinance Pro-,dc?_i_rs, -diccnse for 'ublic Dances,.
Do it or a inoii ,, t City Council of .,,r1 'aka City:
Sec. 1: It shall be unla-:rf°;l for any , Orson to engage in tin business
of conducting public dance's in d^s,ce pavillions, dace balls, or other
?dace: in C o city limits of Salt dud-m I.ity without tired obtaining
,I-iceeense. Such person or .- ersors shnl.l pay s znu,U in treasury
erre D.nldred Dollars CA00.00) 7?iio license .>. l i be payablo Quarterly
in '.dvniice.
Soc. ": Any pers(.-Y enraging in business of conducting public dances
shall conduct tibcm in an orderly manner, and shall not permit eny person
intoxicated to be in tim place -.here such _public dance is: cov.dvted, and
any person engaged. in tte business of conducting public dancer shall not
permit any boy or girl under t. e age of /% years to attend or remain.
at public dances given at any time.
See. 3: Every public dance given by any person. engaged in t o business
shall be supervised by a member of tic regular PolicePore() of ;adt Take
City, -ohich policeman shall be selected b;; the City Council, and his
salary fixed by the swine, said salary to be paid by the person or persons
engaged i._ giving such public dances.
-fez- 711,
Sec. / Any Herron violating any of the movi ions of this ordinance
shall Cc deeiaed gu-ilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine of not more than One :-a_mdred Doliars(,„100.00)
or by imprisonment in the city jail not mere Ian thirty (30) days, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
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