6 of 1908 - Ordinance 6 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 178, First Partial Estimate. /4
AS 2 2 [eillAlf2E .
4111 An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the prej,rty within
the district bounded on the north by the north iino of Firi forth
Street, on the east by the center line of Eat Temple Street, on the ;
south by the south line of South Temple Street, end on the west by
th:e center 1kne ofhird "Jest Street, in Senor District Zo. 1, for
. the constradtion,bf sewers.
Be It 4rdained'by the City Co ma. of Salt-LekoItity, Utah;
BECTIArl. That the assessment 112t InOe by t4W City Treasurer
4W purrectud, approved and completed by the Board 4aEqualization and]
ReView, hereto ore-. duly appointed L. the City Council or taut pur-
e,,6-f the property in Lots 1, 7, tnd 0, TLeok 97, 1
; and in Lots 4 and 5; Block 96, Blot "A", abetting on Ilhrth Temple
I '
Street between Second West and Third 7ost 'streets, on Socoo3 West
Street between forth Temple and First Worth Streets, on 7;,r:A Worth
Street between Second West end Third West Streets, and on Third West I
Street between forth Temple and liret North Streets, in Sewer Dis-
trict Co. 1, of Colt fzu3:,ty, for tee p.irpo-o of conntructihg sev,er
i upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, nd the
assessments mode end)returned in so1.; completed lists ore lareby
I confirmed.
S7CTI[-I1 2. This ordintnee abli td-e o7fect upon aparov1.
Sever 7,xtonaion Co. 178. First 7trtial
re,,,eaa the City Cohn il of Cull; life aI,ty,Dtab,Jsnhaa7,-
7,1909, and referred to the _neor for fo a
force-ed. this '1 Jay of ,L ]Iir1",1T02.
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