6 of 1925 - Amending Chapter 67, realting to smoke inspection and abatement ROLL CALL
Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah,._._.,....Llax'G.h._ .,
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr. Chairman
2140, 2141, 2142 and 2143, of Chapter LXVII, of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, relating to Smoke Inspec-
tion and Abatement.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Sections 2136, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2141,
2142 and 2143, of Chapter LXVII, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, 1920, relating to Smoke Inspection and Abatement
be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows:
Each horizontal tubular boiler with more than sixteen hundred
square feet of heating surface using coal for fuel shall be
provided with a mechanical stoker, gravity feed furnace or
other similar construction of approved design. Heating sur-
faces shall,be construed to mean all boiler surfaces with
water on one side and hot gases on the other side, not ex-
cepting surfaces as covered with arches or tiles used in the
furnace construction.
Horizontal return tubular boilers with less than
sixteen hundred square feet of heating surface may be fitted
with hand-fired furnaces in connection with such arches,
baffles, piers, wingwalls or other gas mixing devices as shall
be acceptable to the smoke inspector.
,All hand-fired return tubular boilers oarrying
more than twenty pounds steam pressure shall be provided
with steam air jets. There shall be one steam air jet for
each two hundred and fifty square feet of heating surface
i w
or fraction thereof and the number of steam air jets shall
never be less than three. Bach hand-fired furnace shall be
supplied with dampered panel doors having a free air Opening ',
of four square inches for each square foot of grate surface. '.
Bach horizontal return tubular boiler shall be
set with a distance between dead plates and shell not less
that the following, according to diameter of boiler:
48 inches diameter, 30 inohes dead plate to shell.
64 inohes diameter, 32 inches dead plate to shell.
60 inches diameter, 34 inches dead plate to shell.
66 inches diameter, 34 inches dead plate to shell.
72 inches diameter, 366 inches dead plate to shell.
78 inches diameter, 38 inches dead plate to shell.
84 inches diameter, 38 inches dead plate to shell.
No return tubular boilers of sizes smaller than
these epeoified shall be set with less than thirty inches
from dead plate to shell.
Where it is proposed to use gas, oil. powdered
coal, or other smokeless fuel not requiring a grate for
horizontal return tubular boilers, the height of the boiler
Shell above the floor line shall not be less than the diamet-
er of the boiler up to and including boilers 60 inches in
diameter and three fourths of the diameter for boilers over
60 inches in diameter.
Where 74eohanioal Stokere are installed in oonnec.
tion with Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers, the minimum
height from retort to shell shall be as follower•
*Oilers 48" and under in Dia, . . 42" retort to shell.
Boilers 64"• and 60" in Dia, . . . 48" retort to shell.
Bol,lere 66" and 72" in bia. . . . 64" retort to shell.
Boilers 78" and 84" in Via. . . . 60" retort to shell.
Where Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers with i.
I '
11 ! I
••� Mechanical Stokers are operated at oapaoities higher than thei
rating of the boiler, these heights shall be increased 6 ixt•• ',
ohes for each 26 per cent excess load above rating. Where
I Mechanical Stokers are installed under Horizontal Return
tubular Boilers, the floor of the combustion chamber shall
be level with the boiler room floor, and no structures except
a small pier for the protection of the blow-off pipe shall be
installed in the combustion chamber.
The grate area of any return tubular boiler sett-
ing using coal as fuel shall not be less than 1/60 of the
heating surface where stokers are used and 1/46 of the heat-
ing surface in hand-fired furnaces.
The unrestricted area through the damper on any
horizontal return tubular boiler shall not be less than 26
per cent in exoess of the combined internal cross-sectional
area of the tubes.
Bash water tube boiler with more than 1600 square feet of
heating surface using coal as fuel shall be provided with a
mechanical stoker, gravity feed furnaces, or other similar
construction of approved design.
Bach hand-fired horizontal water tube boiler shall
be horizontally baffled and set with a minimum distance of
six feet six inohes from the floor line to the bottom of the
front header.
Bach hand..fired horizontal water tube boiler fur-
nace shall have dampered panel doors having a free air open-
ing of four square inches for each square foot of grate sure
Bach hand-fired water tube boiler shall be provid-I
ed with one steam air jet for each 260 square feet of heating
surface or fraction thereof, and the number of steam air jets
shall never be less than three.
Each hand-fired water tube boiler in addition to • i
steam air jets and air panel doore shall have such piers,
arches, wingwalls or other gas miming devices as will be eat.;
isfactory to the smoke inspector.
All horizontal water tube boilers horizontally !,
baffled installed with meohanioal stokers shall be set with
a minimum distance of seven feet six inches from the floor tel
the bottom of the front header. Such stoker may be set either
flush front or extension furnace setting provided that the
flame travel from the point of introduotion of green coal in.!
to the furnace to the nearest point of passage of gases be»
tween tubes shall be not lees than seven feet six inches. In
no case shall the distance from the grates to the lower side
of the bottom row of tubes be less than five feet.
Mach horizontal water tube boiler vertically baff»,
led installed with mechanical stokers shall be set with a
minimum distance of seven feet six inches from floor line to
the bottom of the front header. Such stoker may be set either!
flush front or extension furnace setting, provided that the
flame travel from the point of introduction of green coal•in-ii
tc the furnace to nearest the point of passage of gases between
tubes shall be not less than seven feet six inches.
All vertical or Sterling type water babe boilers
shall be set with full extension furnaces, or may be set f lus
front, provided flame travel of seven feet six inches or eclat*
valent to that of extension furnace is obtained.
The grate area of any water tube boiler using coal`
as fuel shall be not less than 1/60 of the heating surface
where stokers are used and 1/45 of the heating surface in
hand-fired furnaces.
The unrestricted area through the damper on any
water tube boiler shall not be less than 1/8 of the grate
All internally fired booth Marine or Continental type bpjlarsl
� I
shall be equipped with full extension furnaces. which shall
be fitted with down-draft, underfeed, fire arch. or other
acceptable type of smokeless furnace; or shall use a smoke-
less fuel.
The unrestricted area through the damper on any
Sootoh marine or Continental type boiler shall not be less
than 26 per oent in excess of the combined internal oross-
sectional area of the tubes. I
All fire box and tubular return flue type boilers shall be j
fitted with down draft, underfeed, fire arch or other accept-i',
able smokeless type furnace.
Bach hand-fired updraft furnace shall be supplied
with dampered panel doors having a free air opening of four
square inches for each square foot of grate surface.
All round or square cast iron sectional and mis-
cellaneous boilers not mentioned above for heating purposes,
connected to over 600 square feet of exposed steam radiation
or 900 square feet of exposed hot water radiation, shall be
fitted with down draft, underfeed, fire arch or other accept•
able type of smokeless furnace.
If more than one steam or hot water boiler is in-
stalled in one building, for heating purposes, each boiler
shall be fitted with down-draft, underfeed, fire aroh. or
other acceptable type of smokeless furnace, regardless of the
amount of connected radiation.
Boilers used for hot water supply service, having li
a grate area of 4 square feet or over shall burn a smokeless
fuel, unless equipped with an under-feed or other acceptable
smokeless furnace.
• All round or square oast iron sectional and mia-
oellaneous boilers of a smokeless type shall be supplied11111
dampered panel doors having a free air opening of four square,
inohes for each square foot of grate surface. Any other free
air openings over the fire shall be considered as part of the
area required in panel doors.
All boilers used in fire district, Nos. 1 & 2
of Salt Lake City for power, heating, or water heating, and
all Hot Air furnaces. room heaters, or special industrial
furnaces, not equipped with down-draft. underfeed. fire aroh,1
or other acceptable type of smokeless furnace. shall use a
smokeless fuel, provided. that heating plants or hot water
heaters used in private residences, occupied by not more than1
two families, shall not be required to use a smokeless fuel.
All hot air furnaces with a grate surface of more than four
square feet shall be fitted with down draft, underfeed, fire II'
arch or other acceptable type of smokeless furnace.
If more than one hot air furnace is installed to
heat one building, and the total grate area of all furnaces
is more than four square feet, eaoh furnace shall be fitted
with down-draft, underfeed. fire arch. or other acceptable
type of smokeless furnace.
All portable boilers used for construction or temporary pur-
poses, such as rollers. pile drivers, hoists, steam shovels,
and all permanently installed vertical fire tube boilers,
shall use smokeless fuel.
All railroad locomotives operating within the
limits of Salt Lake City and using coal as a fuel shall be
equipped with fire brick combustion aroh. steam operated side!
induction tubes and an approved blower and blower valve; pro«',
vided, that locomotives used only in road service and which
do not arrive at or depart from Salt Lake City more than
four times in any one week on regularly assigned runs, shalli
not be required to be equipped with esteem operated side
y ' I
induction tubes.
It shall be unlawful to operate any locomotive
using coal as a fuel within the limits of Salt ?rake Oity,
the construction of which does not meet the requirements
speolfied herein.
All buildings having a basement sufficiently large to permit
the installation of a heating plant. excepting those building
for which heat will be purchased from an outside source, shal.
provide two flues, one for the heating plant and one for the 1
water heater. constructed in a manner to comply with the re..
quirements of this section.
All power and heating plants over 26 H.P. oapaoityl
shall be equipped with a stack of sufficient size and height
to give a minimum draft of 0.26 inches water pressure over th
fire in the furnace, and all plants less than 26 H.P., 0.16
Unless the height of a flue or stack is greater
than 160 feet the breeching must not drop at any point from
the boiler to the stack. Where the breeching is reotangular
in section the ratio of the dimensions shall not be greater
than 3 to 2. The minimum radius of the oentral line of all
bends shall not be .less than the width or diameter of the
breeching. The area of the breeching in plants not exceeding
1000 H.P. shall be 1/6 of the total connected grate area.
Every boiler of over 26 H.P. capacity for heating
or power purposes shall be equipped with a Smoke Indicator 1
so arranged that it can be readily seen from the front of the,
boiler. provided. that if the top of the stack can be seen
thru a window. door or skylight or other opening, when stands
ing on level with boiler room floor not to exceed 25 feet
from the most distant boiler. no Smoke Indicator shall be re..
In any residence of less than 1600 square f eet'ef
floor area, the inside dimensions of the furnace flue may be
not less than 7x11 inches reotangular, or 10 inches round,
and the water heater flue not lees than 7 inches square or
8 inches round when the top of the masonry chimney is 36
feet or higher than the furnace grate; provided, that the I.
inside dimension of all other furnace flues shall not be lees]
than llxll inches rectangular or 12 inches round and the
water heater flue not less than seven inches •square or eight
inches round; provided. further, that the height'of may mas-
enry chimney above the furnace grates shall not be:lees' than
26 feet if constructed on an outside wall, or 21,feet o* .an
inside wall.
No stack or chimney either for heating.or
shall have any ventilating shaft, air duets. hot water heater
connections, or other similar openings.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the loard of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants1
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatelY.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once
upon publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, the)A—day of ten\ A.D. 1925.
City 1ecorde .
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