6 of 1930 - Vacating lots, blocks, streets and alleys in Park Crescent Subdivision Blocks 26 and 27, 5 Acre Plat ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 192 Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - �(�Finch - Lake C ( ' '�"" /�'� / 2-t_ Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING Lots, Blocks, streets, alleys `4- and portions thereof in Park Crescent Subdivision in Blocks 26 `V\ yLand 27, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and in part of Sec. Ck { 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of "aft n1 l•' Lake Ci-ty, Utah: 1;;" SECTION I. That all of Blocks 1 to 5 inclusive, Blocks 10 to 16 inclusive, Blocks 18 to 27 inclusive, and Lots 1 to 7 inclusive and 43 to 48 inclusive in Block 17, Park Crescent Sub- division in Blocks 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and Section 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 _., S. L. B. & M. be and the same 6 are hereby vacated as lots and blocks of a platted subdivision. SECTION 2. That 23rd East Street, from a line 187.00 feet north of the north property line of Michigan Avenue to the north side of the alley 583.00 feet south of Yale Avenue; 22nd East Street, from a line 162.00 feet north of the north property line of Michigan Avenue to the north side of the alley 583.00 feet south of Yale Avenue; Padley and Connor Streets, and the alley 155.00 feet east of 23rd East Street, from the south property line of 9th South Street to the north side of the alley 583.00 feet south of Yale Avenue; Connor and Lee Streets, from the north property line of 9th South Street to the south side of the alley 319.00 feet north of said 9th South Street; Lee Street, from the south property line of 9th South Street to thka north property line of Michigan ie - -2- Avenue; Michigan and Yale Avenues, from a line 165.28 feet east of the east property line of 23rd East Street to the east property line of 21st Last Street; the alleys in Blocks 2 to 5 inclusive, 7.0 to 13 inclusive, 16 and 18 to 21 inclusive, and '.4- to 27 in- clusi_,re, Park Crescent Subdivision in Blocks 26 and L7, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and Section 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & 2., and that part of alley in Block 17 of said Park Crescent Subdivision from the north property line of Michigan Avenue to a line 162.00 feet north;of said Michigan Avenue; the alley 583.00 Meet south of the south 'p operty, line of gale Avenue, from the east i :aroperty line of `east East Street to the east side of the alley 1185.28 feet east of G'.3rd,..L;ast Street; the alley .319.0 feet north the north property line of 9th South Street, from the west pro- 411 perty line of 20th I ast Street to the alley 148.0 feet west of said 120th East Street, and from the east property line of 2:0th East Street to the west property line of ,',1st East Street, and from the east property line of 2lst Last Street to the west property line og 42nd Bast Street; be and the same are hereby vacated and declared Inc) longer public alleys, streets or ways. Provic.ed, however, that ! the title and ownership to Parleys Canyon eonouit as nor, existing ; Ls not disclaimed, abandoned or vacated, notvithstan,fin anything ,din this ordinance contafined to the contrary. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners, H ! it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants? 1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect imxlediatel±. SECTION 4.This ordinance shall take effect upon its pub licit a � I Passed by the Board o 28th day this of January .r.. D. 1950. 1 it ' f i R Ilkr I.II k 'CI y i,ecorder.. g r it I' I f — -)- : tr ) , .. -t- c, n 1 (, i 1 t c I , r t I r )c , i _ . I t'-L I t ) )r ,l u r e f 'J .,K - ' ir �p, .,it I 1 (_ Yp` c-... Z Cyy �. v �, . ylr I._z,„4 jg t .- 8 mi , rl 6 t - 2 r-3 t ,, J kit , t J _ I N l F ♦ -1 t Ask 5i.—y.3 }_ 1 S i—s _ ii.: _ .I i • Proof of Publication inuunnuiit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAI-I, ss. County of Salt Lake. AN.ORDIN RCfi A1a 1t121NANf3E V'ACATINb Lete tr rptabDiO In Par alley, c`n SUdrdeln 11, ke 26.and 27 6 Abre Piet C ig id Survey,and lie Daft of ioo,i T 1 S.,It.,1 E salt re.ke ,doe, 1, kilo.Eveleigh being first duly and moat..BE'IT CRBAINEI1 by the and etCao i5etonere of salt peke lar, sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of the SALT LAKE sEt}TION I. That all of BiSake 1 1 fo eI "alolUslvo,-Hlooka 1P.tS,19i In- Stooks 18 0 27, nalbblv6,and TEl a newspaper of general circulation, published every day tto 7, inclusive, and 48 to"48," ha in Block 17,Park"gin! IL"1s1on 1n Bloake as an 27.-a.j at Salt Lake City, State cif Utah. -Acrla"t"C,"'Big Flo}d.'Suree$ afpld Swe 10,T.1 S $'I E„8 .A.&, be and'th sent -are herebyd ae lore-end blee0C4 0l idtlet. That the notice ..An..Qrdinarice..Bi11..#.6. ppbdivlslon..- * Tfro 9. T1C,OO fe Eaetagrlrom'a Ilea 19'h00 feet ttltorth 1 icfenorth property lllue of. chi- I gaitvenue to the north aide tl the alloy 88i1.00 feel:etuth of Tape Me..-' nee; 22nd East,street, from a lino 'late feet north'rd the north prop+,: etty Sfne of IIdidtttgpn Avenue'let Opt o!'Mat nue,Pad101+ 6 p0 the. Uo t.e Derry hn oo you k --- -- gtie te t e north tide le a alley ;080: teat atoe at Yale venue Cen or nd Lee Streeter Tin the c 'nor drpopertyr line Of 9t Houle of which a copyis hereto attached, was firstpublished in said newspaper i Stre t tb the south side of the at- 1 1ey. 9.00 feet north of satd.9th South ,Sara t; Lee street, trodr "the eoath _prop rtyer line of 9tlr South Streeti-to the north.pr Derry line of Mioh1a ill its itssue dated the ..29the. day of J.anABT.y 19..30 gen�y"tvenue;Mlehigan andYale Ave- ue$y from a line I66122 feetofE east of the'east .Best 1Stre t to Drty theeeastlf property"dine of 1 ;Slot Eaat Street;the alloys lit Blooka and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on ;2 to 6,.tncluefve, 10 to 12,Sncluefve, 18 8p�d 18 to 21, inclusive,and 24 to tt27, llnclusive -Park Crescent.subdf- I **10* for *'Y'k'k jvlsi n I & n Blocks 28--and 27r', Acre Plat"C."Big Plaid r;and sec• Lion 10, T. 1 B., Pt, B., ,;1 E., 8, L.B. , 1t i said ParcfCrde eni'nu bd1ovl: -j thereafter, the full period of .one.1near.tiori Mtonng�from the north,property"line of, fobigan Avemte to a line 149.00 feet.1 nor of said Michigan Avenue: the .i allej� 023.00 feet south of,the south.1 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the .29.th. Proerty line of Yale Avenue, from the I the 1 oast propertyyy lin`e pf Stet East'i 188:tr 8 feet to the eaat woof,23id Ewe de Of the "I the alloy 919,0 feet north of rho north'9 day of January A. D. 19. Q. pro arty line o1 9Ea South t. and '�f C/ fro the a west property line of feet Nam" 'fro Street to the-*alley l e,0 of 20th we of said 20th East sheet Sena Ea Street tfro the o property e pwest property tact pro arty line of 21.t East treat to. the west property line of 231Id East.and the Str.et; be Subscribed and sworn to before me this ......7 ..... day of ante are'hereby. ti? lred and declared no longer'puha, ie alloys, streets or ways. PrDvldv.. ad,however,teat the,title and oven • ere.p-td Parley's Canyon conduit es'a ...i'abruary.e A. D. • ne ;faun 14 not dkielalmea abaapp." do-,<d or vacated,.netwithetanding-1, enhing in tine"ordinance contained; to he contrary -- - s rCT10N 2, In the opinion of the":.1 •••• Bo-rd of Controls/donors, 1t ie nao..,t Notary Public. esti ry to the needs,health and ea ea ty of the inhabitants of salt Lake I eft that this ordinance shall take of f ct imm lately t"CTION : Thii ordinance shall,' My commission expires ..SIQV e.2.6,.1933 t t. effect upon its publish n { `eased by the Board of °opine 4 el06ere title'22th day pf anuar14 1 Advertising fee, A. D 1920. JOHN if BOWI1AN i 'I 11� �aayo{4 iltel b17.4dnaldgIIY Reitblder. xi.s, fib Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No. • .1 111.7r,