6 of 1931 - Amending Section 1785, relating to street excavation \O ' ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, L.,: , 193. VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton Fehr Finch /14 Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result JNnSCir .Un1I'fIh0 ELCTNfl 1735, 0eyised Ordinances of Salt 'Melee City, Utah, 1050, as a-menuce by an o7';'Lmehce :reseed by the hoar, of So 1.,liesioners on - Act 10, 191, ;Lre to street (reeve- Lions. le it oroainee by the iToard of Commiseion(ars of Tall; 1,e'(;e tit , Utah: ::=CTION I. Thet Section 1735, SecT ccii Orihances of Salt. 1,:f(ie City, Stab, Tfl anintied by en o7r.i-lance re roe by the 'oar(„ of Co-mmissioncra on ( ucust 1D, 1. tT 1, rclLtn- to street cxe(Nations, be la,c the same is hereby enendeL to rear as foilev,s: 07CTION 1705. :'1;N:IYT , (f'zLICETTONfl,, NNf:f, FEES. 6 No ;remit for eny stYeet e7:.caVation shell he issued until mritten ;lication therefor has teen :lade to the Commissioner of '1treets one eurlic lar:rovenents, si:]ne( ton carty -,a1-1m- the exc:vation or by the arty at those instance it I- to he mate; nor until the a-erllcant has Cliii nith the Commissioner of Streets anti Subitic im:rovements a bone or indemnity to the city, with sureties to be ac)roved by the 1Soar; of Commissioners, confitioned that the erson nel:in(: the excevation vill erect (n6 nintin about sLIC excavation, and until the street if, restored to,Its nore(al cord Lion, eofficient ;;uerfa, si;n,la, barric(aacc ena lishts, to .(re- . vent ciccient, Lne: will, as soon as nay Sc after the completion of sale turk, restore e:id street to the same condition in which it -4t.-- cristee hrior to said excavation, and wilil remove rocks, dirt in rubbish from the street, a:tie rill save the city Marmleess 1 1 from w.: and 1'1. clath,s, 7_iablites, ,1emands or dtaues, for I any one sll injurcs CO bersons or !:roeerty arsing in. any 1 ner out of or dy r of any such excevation. : ech hOil sbal. be for the su cY ;iv- ,.,u:. L),00n.oG) toilers, for c)tcevis- 1 tiodn in tti streets, :f071.. C.:,, hobevex, that any serson oscrat- 1 I Cl' in, 07 usinm, any of the streets uneer a franchise, or any1 serson %it°, in the sursuit of bi- remuler callin , ':la' freeuent ocusion to ondn or make excevatiode in the 2ubl10 streets, mak file a born.: s.ifb dor[torate surety In the num or Tun Thoussnd ( 10,000.00) oil conditionec as above, to cover all cacav,Ot- h tons mLee for s trio' of tso years from the Cate of filing h such one, but hermits for all excavations, escelst for the re-1 alacament of strbet railway ties and n- Tis in unoaved streets,' must he adshied for and issued before it shall be law.ful. to ma .s, any such excavations; drovieed further, that in. mEieting ank 1 excavations throuc'h "ILO , or beneath stone blocks, the: exca.-- ! ton shall be cut perbendicular, at the sides sne ends, frorr ' the surface, the full lcnmth. er uleth of all excavations, to the necebsoTy ['( 'tin; provThed further, that ae soon as may be 1 1 after the excavation in made aide! the work uneerground is com- ulote the excavEted trench shall be -.romutly beekTilled under! the direction ane to the atisfaction of the Commissioner of 1 • 1 1 , tracts and 'Public imi)srovements, and at the expense of the q sarty l'king the excavation; in backfilling, the material usedi 1 i for that )urpose shall be thorourhly srinkled and. tarupc:et, or sufficient civantity of water used to sromerly settle the mE-1 feria" so used; and after completing an excevation anC bsck- 1 1 . 1 filling, all dirt, rocks and rubbish shall be removed from the! strect;. brovf6ed further, trot vile:re a c.•.h.mit is issued to ex-1 I ! cavte in any street that is tsIsvce, the serson maing such ex-1 1 cevation shall re lace the excevatcer material, except the s)ave; • • , meat, and shall 1'rinf the backfill flush with the surfaco of'4 ! 1 . !! ! the Payment and shall mainti_in such Excavation. to the grade of the :!avement until such time as the Paavement is ralccad by! I the 1tract eepaTtment; provided further, that in the avant thei a( z.rfilling is not; Cone to the satisfaction of the Commission-A _ ! er of 'tracts and 11ublic IMurovaments„ then he may do such ,aoll,k 1 i as is necessary to properly hankfill such excavation, and. the ! • expense thereof shall be aid by the party making the said exa ! cavation, and the said Commissioner may refuse to issue any other permits to said_ darty until such expense charges shall have been paid.; provided further, that failure on the dart of. any parson to comply with any of the provisions of thin chas- • !I ter shall be a sufficient reason for the Commissioner of i Streets and Public imorovements to refuse to issue a permit -tr. • 1 ! excavate in the streets of this city; urovidnd further, that , 1 no excavation shall be permitted to remain omen in any street of the city for a g lonerperiod than te -e n days. If this rovi4 ! sion is violated the Commissioner of Streets and Public Im- provements may fill any such excavation. at the expense of the! , adrson making the same; provieee further, that the Commission+ 1 er of Streets and Public Improvements shall charge and collect, 1 upon issuing any domit, the following fees and charges, to-w#: Permit charge for excavating in any street . . • . 4I.00 Replacing cement siCewalk, der sq. ft 0.25 Reclacing all standard pavements incl.- Portland. cement concrete, sheet as2halt, bituminous con- crete, penetrated macadam, oil mulches, 7er sb ft 0.95 Replacing oil mattes, der Sc. ft 0.45 1 ! Insdecting each one hundred lincar feet of trench I or dortion thereof ID ,t,1.00 1 (t.Ixcept that the permit charge of 1 .;.00 shall be deemed 11 to cover the inspection charge on. the first one hundred; linear feet.) 3hCTION L- in the opinion of the 'Hoard of Commissioner0.-,1 L it is necessary to the peace, health one safety of the inhabitants 1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance -become ofiective SECTION Z. This ordinance shall take effect upon 1 :0)lica-1 tion. passed by the 7oard of Comniissioncra of Salt Lal!-c City, Utah,.11the Cay of , A. ,!. ll ay or. City Recoreer. 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 1kl 45., _v_,.., 4 , M oQ rd cr. If w i i a t {