6 of 1933 - Amending Section 1277 relating to licensing of fresh meat and fish dealers BULL IJALL .. , VOTING A/YJEINAY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 193 Finch I move that the ordinance be passed. �,� Keyser Y_- s'%/`Knight i LEE ,V//t' Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1277 of the hevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of uom:nissioners on January 19, 1933, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1277 of the devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 19, 1933, relating, to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1277. FRESH SEAT AND FISH D ALERS. SLAUGHTeR- SRS. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct or carry on the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and sell- ing, or selling fresh meat or meat food products at wholesale or retail, or selling fish or sea foods, or manufacturing, or sell- ing sausage or dressing or selling poultry or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, br to bring into or receive into the City of Salt Lake or to offer for sale therein or to have on hand any fresh meat or meat food products or poul- try or game which has been slaughtered outside of the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, without first making application for and procuring a permit and. license so to do, as herein provided. Any person desiring to engage in the business of slaugh- tering, slaughtering and selling, or selling fresh meat, or sell- ing fish or sea foods, or manufacturing or selling sausage, poul- try or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City or de- siring to engage in the business of slaughtering outside the cor- porate limits of Bait Lake City Where said slaughtered animals or poultry are intended for sale within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, shall make written application to the license f assessor and collector; such application shall contain the name of the applicant, his residence address and the address of his proposed place of business, designated by street and number; such application shall at the tine of its presentation be accompanied by a fee of uric dollar, weh_ich shall be cowed into the city treasury. :when such application shall be made,) j the license assessor and collector shall at once notify the i chief meat and food inspector, who shail inspect the premises i where the said applicant proposes to carry on business, and upon 1 such inspection if he shall find the premises to be in a sanilj tary condition and to meet all requirements of the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the rules and regulations of the hoard d'f Health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a permit with a dif gerent permit number to each applicant meeting said require- ments, which upon presentation to the license assessor and collector shall be authority on his part to issue a license to said applicant for said place of business. Lvery _person so licensed shall have-, painted in a eon- 1 spicuous place on all vehicles used in the conduct of his busfj- i ness the permit number issued to him by the hoard of Health irk letters not less than three inches in height and no less than1 U 5/l6ths inch stroke. +maid permit number shall. also be printedi on all invoices and sales slips used in said business. 1 No license herein provided for shall be issued for a greater period than the calendar year in which it is issued.! the license charge under the provisions of this section shall I be payable in advance as follows: 1 For slaughtering, manufacturing and wholesaling of fresh ' meat, meat food products, fish, poultry, sea food, per a.nnum, or any part thereof ;125.010 i j For retailing of fresh meat, meat Iced products, fish, poultry or sea food, per annum or any part thereof . . 25.0,0 SECTION 2. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed 1to ��.11o5 the peddling of fresh :neat, fish or sea food or poultry teeithin the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah. NaCTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, L -3- • it is necessary to the ocace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take of c:ct i,na diately. SECTION 4. -chis ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the ooard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 1 Utah, this Li day of 1(1,464,..n 19b3. • Mayor, City tecorder. • II l • • • • • • • , . , , I 1 , . c.:,, Ps tt i . ; k... .'14.4. • s:4,4*-.. , 1--'• ' ta--- , I ,':', (`-'1"il 4 , 0,''''' (•.1 ,s,' > 0 t c I :''''. " c :' LN., "0 I ' . k.., ;. , 1 , P ' st/ cap .. CI , 1 P 1 . ,' •.,. .. . i , 1 1 , 1 , , , , , , , , , ... a ... TW, salsas., F. - - - - r, t,' s t e i0cd` ti. `j %its doe by.lin' iunritiee e'CEnirtl of Cogmils• ,f,. .0 .IC 1053,.relpf- M1 ':11. `the• of Cats. 'e'F RS a.. ,pd•'2Tmke e k`k 4.k. , '•dad.by Y Soar' mil d� i1,ITY .,fib . an°d rye: t r 'i ^ . ) • • r : e /roof of Publication . minimum A +S OF AMERICA, ' '' .- k N� : , ss. �1''sl M fCWtry o. ..sea d$elauMalta ghtei do1 .ake. l!hitt di9 of .,.1t{,rocueinge ttf",;4 4 ) to to do,as he d / 'dealring to engage in tights rat §f .elaughtering, ea ,Lind wiling,or selling 'roods meat,or selling fish or sea HARRY. Sousa, or poultry manufacturing or selling ] a eNl t .WOI+FF atoease, pPppnul1try same, within being first duly 'the corpetate limits of Salt Lake City or desiring to engage 1n the Aim; bus)nese Of slaughtering outside the sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE ouryormte tunic,of Salt Lake City, where mid slaughtered animals or NW- )try are'intendedfor sale with- Inn thety, eerrl taltket limits writt f Salt e TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day applica- tion to the license assessor and collector such.application shall at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. 'contain the Mane o1 the applicant, deem.reeldep.e e000teds and the ad- dress of lira proposed place of busi- ness,designated by street end:num- ber; such'application shall at the time of its presentation be cocoa- That the notice /�rrt� ��r panted by a'fee of'one dollar,which 1'Jl'�Y111leLt tai'FJ shall be covered into the city tress- ti ury. When.such application shall col ectormad hall at aesessornotify and kr T.T e rr1n.,ry.7eely.�..0 f1 �tIQR collector all at a notify the fh+1{ +M Igo 0 V•i p v chief meat and food inspector,who shall inspect the premises where the said PPPlicar♦t proposes to carry oh,business,and upon shah inspec- tion if he shall find the premises to be in a ary condition and to.meet all requirements: of the Ordinances of Salt Lake City and the ruleasp and regulations of the hOSr.of Health of Salt rake City, he Shall issue a permit with a dif- ferent permit'number to each p- whieht upon presentatiion said mtoethe of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- license.assessor and collector,shall be authority on his part to issue a license to said applicant for said place of business. paper in its issue dated the ..? Pi$ dayof ..Vdrek& 19.33., Salary person-o licensed shall hive painted in a conspicuous vehicles used In the conduct of his business the permit 'number Issued to him by the Board and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on of Health in letters not less than three Inches in height and no lees than 5.itths-inch stroke. Said per- mit ber.shall also be printed March 22nd. pan all invoices and soles slips used for in said business. No license.herein provided for . shall the calendaray in which thereafter, the full period of �e ins eition it is issued. The license cheese un- der the provisions of this section shall be payable in advance as fo1- lowe: For slaughtering, manufac- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ...22nd.... turing and wholesaling of fresh meet,meat food prod- ucts,fish,poultry,sea fond, March her.annum, or any part day of A. D. 19. 33 thereof, $122.00 ) ... e Pm-retailing of fresh meat, meat food products, fish, poultry or sea food,per an- nual.IrorO 2. Not thereof 2$.r- �. `� nuaT10N 2. Nothing In this or-al' / dlnµnee edshall'be construed to 1- / ' -low.the(peddling of fresh meat,Nsh or sea food or poultry within the U corphorate limits of Salt Lake City, Subscribed and sworn fo Ye ore me this ....?21.I4 day of SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is ..,- necessary to the peace,healthand safety of the inhabitants of Salt hra.rch . . 9 Lake City that this ordinance shall tacog effect immediately.SECTION This e. Thin ordinance Nest take effect tion at once upon its filet Publication. ,_YeG_rL Passed by the Board of Coro ��-�4/�-+�(�'�''� misnomers of Salt Lake City,Utah, '"— this'21st dayof-March,19 ._____,_._Notary Public. ,yt LOU18 MARCUS, er. (w) Emit,.MACDONALD,,City Recorder. Recorder. Bill reo.e. My commission expires Published March 22.1121. • Advertising fee, $ Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram Viorkal • . /.fp,4 . County Entry No.