6 of 1934 - Amending Chapter LIX, Revised Ordinances of 1934, relating to traffic and travel on streets (white c Kee
MAR 27 1934
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
Goggin V/JI I move that the ordinance be __
Keyser V (
Knight 1
Mr. Chairman - -1 _��
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic
and travel on streets by adding thereto a new section to be
known as Section 1424.
Be it ordaltied by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic and travel
on streets, be and it is hereby amended by adding thereto a new
section,relating to the safety, welfare and protection of blind
or partially blind persons using streets and public places,to be
known as Section 1424 and to read as follows:
SECTION 1424. It shall be unlawful for any person,
except persons wholly or partially blind, to carry or use
on the streets or public places of Salt Lake City any canes
or walking sticks which are painted white in color and are
7/8ths of an inch or more in diameter. Such canes or walking
sticks may be used on the streets and other public places
of the city by persons wholly or partially blind as a means
of protecting and for the purpose of identifying them to
drivers of vehicles, operators of motor driven vehicles and
other persons with whom they may associate, approach or come
in contact with on such streets and public places. When
carried for the purposes enumerated above said canes must be
kept clean and white at all times.
The driver of any vehicle or pedestrian who asso-
ciates, approaches or comes in contact with a person wholly
or partially blind carrying a white cane as described in
Section I herein shall immediat5ly come to a full stop and
take such precautions before proceeding as may be necessary
to avoid accident or injury to the persons carrying such
� I
I white cane or walking stick.
1 SECTION 2. Any person, other than a person wholly or
partially blind, who shall carry such white cane or walking stick
as is described in Section I hereof contrary to the provisions of
this ordinance, or who shall fail to heed the approach of a person
so carrying such white cane Or walking- stick, or;who shall fail
to stop upon approaching or coming in: contact with a person carry-
ing such white cane or walking stick, or who., shall fail to take
due precautions against accident or injury tip such blind or par-
tially blind person after coming to a stop, as provided for herein,
upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any suns not exceeding
100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not ex-
Iceeding sixty days. The court may in imposing a fine enter as part
of the judgment that,in default of the payment of the fine, the
defendant may be imprisoned in the city jail for a period not ex-
ceeding sixty days.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
lit is necessary to the peace, #ealth and safety of the inhabitants
lof Salt Sake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shallake effect upon its
; first publication. (` /)
�t 1`L GG � ___
Passed by the Board of `mmissioners of Satke City,
Utah, this �7th day of March, A. D. 'a4.
,' Temporary Chairman
City Recorder.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once
upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 18th day of April, A. D. 1934.
City Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
CHAPTER LIPS of the. Revised Or-
dlnancee'of-Salt Lake City,Utah. 1921:
ya dame there''s,a w se t oh streets Leo H. Young
known as Section 1424aew
He it ordained by the Board of Com-
miesleners of Salt Bake City.'Utah:
FDCTION I.That Chapter ISX of'th. Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says-that he is the advertis-
Vtaaih,10844,,relating Go trraffic and Crag= p y
Si on
etdding be and
o it f newel r°ectlen.end-
lating adding the eafetr,welfare and pre- ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
tertion of blind or partially Mind'per-
sons using etreete and public places.to
e follows:known Section 1424 and to rasaac Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
SECTION 1424. It shall be unlawful
for any person, except pardons wholly Salt Lake City
Or partially blind. to carry or use on
the Lake City streets or canoete or.places walking sticks
alt That the advertisement
LWtleh are painted white in color and
Aare litho of an inch or more in diem- Ordinance Bill No. 6, relating to traffic
ter.Such canes'or walking etleks mac -
-be used on the etreets and other Pub-
ilia places of the city by means
or partially blind as a f pro- and travel as pertaining to the blind.
teeth.'and for the purpose°f IdentifY-
lag ers
storehfnr to rivers
driven. ehicleslend°ptb-
.pernone mowith whom they may.a°
elate,u apprOach or comein contact with
on ouch streets and public places.When
carried for the Durpoees enumerated
above said canes must be kept clean and
wklte t all aim_ee. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
mane whoer ae oclatee,vehicle or
or.par•in contact cwitharrying
a person
trolly 2Sth day o f March
as partially nuns strong A.D.19.._3�}.
as deecrtbed in.Section I hereto nand
take slit!, Come to a full atop and
take such precautions before proceed-
ing One time
taor Injury necessary Per to carrying and was published
°uch white cane or walking stick.
Section Y.• Any person, other than
a per wholly or partially blind,who
person r
w lking the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
iaa an 1a described'in cane
e[ion'1 hereof
•contrary o tr who lothi°It ll to heedraills
Pproach of a person se carrying e day of A.D. 19
cane w Walking stick.or who shall
oil to atop Upon at/preaching o'coming
�vcontact can with a person crying
hlt¢ fail r walking eticp Or such
Bali foil to talcs due puch Ions ,
oat accident or Injury a such bind d'9Jertisin ark.
>ipaPLOP. s°lind person prodded for,hereinfter coiulnp
conviction thereof,shall be fined In any
not exceeding 2100.00 or by im-
o,Isomnent in the city Jail for a Porto,'
-let exceeding sixty day°. The court
ai In,Judgment
a fine nter at part
of the Judgment that.in default f the
iinymeht of the fine,the defendant mar
S'Le 1mp Ldal,. GI m.
rlsoned In the city Jail for a day at exceeding sixty e this 29th day of
Section 3. In the opinion of the
.card of ComnLlselon°re,it is Dace°ears
,nhAb the
pf health
and Lake City safety of
Salt this A. D. 19_.31.+.
ordinance shall take effect-Immedle tely.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take /-
effect Pon its Bret publlcatlen• ..
Passed by the Hoard of lltb sell re
at /
of Salt hake ICity.Utah,this 27tb day of /fit
March.A.D.1934. J.%/ �, Y(-�i
Temporary Chairman. ppp yyy
DTH L MA ity Recorder. _ Notarr tic.
Bill(SPI No.
Dui she G.
Published,Marclt 28[h,1934.
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