6 of 1942 - Amending Section 1246 Revised Ordinance 1934, salary Supervisor of Streets ROLLCALL ,' 6 e NA Salt Lake City,Utah, FEB: 3 iy42 194 VOTING Groillb'in - - - - I move that the ordinance he passed. Krpss: - - - f V I • Matheson - - �a McConkie _, kt octxiaxx - - - _ / , Td0 5. _ _ Mr.Chairman - - - t= AN ORDINANCE g, Result - - - - .V 0 _;T /AClF i ,Fti1'1 IC `SC"TC.'d 1 7z'-6 01' 'Lie n v:i- +ed Ordinances Lir Spilt Lake City, t'tr:Lr, 19. ', relUitini.i to Streets. Be it orneined by the boa ia. of or1:Lia Oor a of. ,`Thit Lake City, Utah: SECTION :L. That Section _LiniC o_' tie Pe r. se,. Or..iii„ncet; o 1t Lake City, TJteh, iO i, reintinfi to Streets,ts, Le iiidd the same is h.ei'elrr amenr_ie to _ Sollo=.,°;: CFC. Iiii6. „1' t i;I,s can 1 _ I'. ICLlT0.1 Tar bo;rrh of commissions en eaeoirit a co In to rt rapeon to tie o l'Si cei• o_' sune:visor of strenies and iribil a t to.n litho snail receive a. of to P -teed ,100.00 per 1,_0.nunl, payable montaly. ."he .supervisor of .streets ,.nr;. isiri'eti.on shall, berets hp Fnteei s upon tie antics or' niie of:_i ice, take and subscribe t-ie con,tit.lti on t n_to of of:'i_cF a socu.e bond rLiita i c,or,. and sc1'L'iciest sureties to be , aeovo 1. iv the lrorrrd oi. commissioners, 'H e to t e .tits'', in t to [.)enel. slim o: h,000.00, coi.editionel for t'I sit'it! i:_ -ac ,,r'-n,:roe of tide n;tie.- of iliF office, and tie t or ail moneys received by nine as silo,' officer, accordine to ltes in, t-re ordinances of t to said. city. fiLCTTON 2. In tIin o role-. of tie ' oc.ri. of Commissioners, it is 'necessary to the peace, aeelt t _aid:, 'et;., oi. 'CAL' inhabi- tants o1' C, It inks City that thisordinance i,'.,1- t-'se e-fect im:nedin.tsly. to --.!!''Cr2.:TTI : . Ti.i_: o .2,.,.'isioc *`,:L.1_ k: 'ocl,c,r- u ,oti it:. , i r-O: , t,-'. i.1 c-tion. , pa; -c ; by t'it° 1 oc r, c.,= (ocl:II -- 1,)Lirl'; Cl 1' :,::1,P ljt: 1,, 'Cats Id_ ,;;y ,--)14./ "..,azr _ ; ,1 L;.,"1i,.-,'," , ty • i ,. . 1 -'- .-,.•.-ir...-...-..--=. ''. .,.;`' f... . .4., f ,'..A ",-':,-1:1 ‘-'S,j''''..• la a -- ..-, .- / J I 1( 6 oemdAdd dr :-1 .-... '..-, rigisollOthi BOW of aommilasel '41 AND PASSED FEB 17.3 1942 , • 34.4,4pristeemaget .--5' T., z prxx5RouR I), / ''; (_ 1 Publication in 2 F t ,-:-.3 1942 • 1 I il agtappi4004tAilt. . CITY..SCORDatt • 4 ,,,. • 1 , I, . , Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake • Leo H. Young AV QE AMAN I N ORDINAie.ed Ordinances of SECTION' a t Llako �Sa�4e ot.tne seY Edd I Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- City, 190k ealoe tNt ae 9Meete, -,g0Ot by the B d pf Comore her„ f ti It Lake o,ty Utabt vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper SECTION Thant 9 tl 194it of the ti.. $evlaed 0 81 f 9 It Lake Cily.Utah, '1BJ4:relate a to RV be d the came .., le hereiPamended so read as published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State AND IRRIGATION. The board of com- of Utah. mleelonere y a Bpolnt a competen person • to the office perceive of etreeta d 'enoeftion who shall receive a salary not to ql 40,200.00 per ennum payable month- . That the advertisement Ordinance relating Thp d..her nt streets and irrigation lie o]lop,t he a tars mob the duties of the office,take and'subscribe the ca bond tional with goodh of and sufficient aure and tlea execute be i .with good •the board of•commissioners, to...streets.. p9Yable to the City,in the penal of • 65,000.00,conditioned for the faithful mper- formance of the duties of hie office, d ,L.C.,...Oor.g. 3-],.�.�.-7f6 • the payment o1 all rdoneye receied by him as uch..officer,according to law and the ordinanee9 01 the d tty.. SID 00ION"2. i0, It-is n ec ofa the toB the eace health and if safety ache inhabitants bi the '.of Gilt TCake'City t ala ordinance shall tkko Ri_fect inlmediat}oi•. feet at c 0: on Bret pu hall take e 'effect at' ee upon It ilr�t publication.. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Passed by the Board'of ommteetonere of • -belb CedeCity,Utah,this,3rd day of Feb. 42 .,w:•, • every, A P. 1B "f'' AB JENKINS, 4th day of February A.D.19 --- MCSor. B'hel fe0gDonald,Clip Recorder. �Ptinlle„ad;9`eo._-4,i9aa.. and was published One...time • the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D.19......._ ertising Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Fifth day of • ...... February A.D. 19 42 Notary Pu I' I E. 04 *I• 0 • --