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6 of 1945 - Amending Section 5712 and repealing Section 5713, relating to streets-scaffold and ladder bonds
ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco f Mr. Chairman . ' AN 'ORDI'NANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5712 of the Reviseu Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, and repealing Section 5713, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lie City, Utah: SEC. 1. That Section 5712 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 5712 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, build, maintain, swing, or use any scaffold, ladder or staging over or upon any street or sidewalk for the purpose of cleaning, painting, repairing or remodeling any building or other structure, or for the purpose of erecting, painting, cleaning, repairing or servicing any awning, canopy or sign, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining from the com- missioner of streets and public improvements a permit for the occupation and use of the street or sidewalk for such purpose and for such periods of time and under such limitations and regu- lations as may be required or promulgated by the commissioner of streets and public improvements and paying the fee or fees herein- after specified. Such permit shall be effective for the calendar year in which it is issued; provided, however, that any suck per- nit may be revoked by the commissioner of streets and public in- t; provements when the holder thereof fails to comply with any ordi- nance, rule or regulation under which it is granted, or when in the opinion of the commissioner of streets and public improve- ments public convenience and safety require such rovocation. When granted such permit shall authorize the holder to use and occupy, 6 -2- during the life of said permit, any street or sidewalk for any of the purposes hereinabove stated at the several locatio s for which the holder shall have paid the required fee and at such other locations as hereinafter specified. (b) No permit shall be granted until the applicant there for shall have placed on file with the Board of Commissioners for the benefit of the city and the public a surety bond to be effective during the life of said permit and to be approve. by the Board of Commissioners in the sum of $5000.00; provid- ed that at any time the Board or Commissioners shall deem the said bond inadequate for the protection of the city or the public said Board of Commissioners may require the bond to be in any sum not exceeding $10,000.00. Said bond shall cover a 1 operations carried on under and during the life of the permit and shall run to Salt Lake City and to any person injured and shall be conditioned for the payment of all damages that may be adjudged against said principal or surety, and shall save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, or de mend , arising from any bodily injury or death at any time re suiting therefrom, and any damage to or destruction of proper ty, arising in any manner out of any operation or operations being performed under the permit. (c) Permits issued under this section shall be non-trans ferable and any holder of a permit allowing any other person, except his duly appointed employees or agents, to use said per- mit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall have his per- mit revoked. (d) The holder of the permit herein provided for, before commencing erection, building, maintaining, swinging or use of any scaffold, ladder or staging over or upon any street or sidewalk at any particular location for any of the purposes hereinbefore enumerated,shall first file with the comnissione, of streets and public improvements a written statement showin. by street number the location or the several locations where such tperations are to be conducted and shall pay to the code- -3- missioner of streets and public improvements a fee of one dollar ($1.00) for each separate location so shown. (e) Any person, in lieu of furnishing the written state- ment hereinbefore required, may use and occupy streets and sidewalks and operate under said permit by filing with the commissioner or streets and public improvements a written statement giving as near as can be the location by street num ber of all locations or where giving exact locations is impra.- ticable, giving the approximate number of locations where operations under said permit will be conducted during the lif: of said permit. The permittee shall pay at the time of sill g said statement a fee of one dollar (41.00) per location so shown on the statement so filed. The payment of said fees shall authorize the permittee to operate under said permit at the exact locations shown in any such statement, and general- ly at any location in the city; provided, however, that withi ten days after the expiration of each ninety day period durin; the life of said permit the permittee shall file with the oom missioner of streets and public improvements a statement unde oath showing the street number of every location at which operations were carried on under said permit during the ex- pired ninety day period and shall pay to the commissioner of streets and public improvements the fee of one dollar to the number of locations not theretofore paid. If at the expira- tion or termination of said permit the permittee shall have paid a sum in excess of one dollar per location shown by sii verified statements then such excess shall be refunded upon proper claim therefor being made. (f) The following persons in lieu of furnishing the written statements and paying the fee of One Dollar per loca tion as hereinbefore provided may be issued a permit to run for the calendar year, which permit shall authorize the hold er to occupy any street or sidewalk in the city at any time or place during the life of said permit by filing the bond hereinabove provided for and paying fees as follows: -4- Public Utilities, a fee of $125.00; persons servicing electric signs, a fee of $100.00; Persons installing glass, a fee of $50.00; Persons servicing or installing awnings, a fee of $25.00; Persons painting or cleaning buildings, signs, sign-bpards, and other structures, a fee of $25.00. (g) The holder of such permit shall furnish the commis- sioner of streets and public improvements in writing the names and addresses of all employees and agents whom such holder shall have in his employe in the operations covered by this section and the commissioner of streets and public impro e- meats shall issue to such holder individual identification cards bearing the names of all such employees or agents and stating that the person named in such card is permitted to do the things enumerated in this section for the term of the per mit, and it shall be unlawful for any person, or for any agen or employee of any person holding such permit to engage in an' operation for which a permit is required under this section without first having in his possession such identification card. It shall be the duty of the holder of such permit at the time any employee or agent terminates his service with him to recover the card theretofore furnished such employee or agent and to return the same forthwith to the commissioner of streets and public improvements for cancellation. (h) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any public utility operating under franchise from Salt Lake City while engaged in the construction, operation, maintenance, servicing or removal of street lights, lamps, standards and equipment erected or used for the lighting of any street or alley. SECTION 2. That Section 5713 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets, be and the same is hereby repea4ed. Section 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel . SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon', . „... -5- its , fist gablication. ,. . ',. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2;EL&ay of , A.D. 1945•,,,.,!' . . 0,-A City R cor r. ...4 it 04, i 0 A'--, i2 .), '1 ,, • ,4..7 ope - .,— 7 .4'54 0 i me .:/4' • n4 II ( •.„.., el A 11 . . . . r t 5 )• , I ' i. is r. ,,w!.-,.ja._ ir y Li NI I r ,k_c) 1I 11 by 5 Pio %r ir I �I � l I 9 I � I ii � i! Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Melba T. stephens • Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Legal Notice City,published in Salt Lake Salt Lake Count?f in the State AN ORDINANCE t AN ORDINANCE AMENDING of Utah. SECTION 5719 pf the Revised Or- dinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1044, and repealing Section 0713, relating to'treete. Be ordained Named by the Board of That the advertisement Comisslonere o1 Salt Lake City, Utah: the Revised Orddinances of Salt Lake An Ordinance 5i11 section 5712, relating City.Utah.19m4,relating to streets. be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC.4719 (a) It shall be un- to Streets• lawful for any person to erect, build,maintain, swing, or•use any scaffold, ladder r over er open any etree((or sidewalk for Salt Lake city Corporation the Durpoe of el Ins. Painting, repairing or remodeling any build- -Ing or Other structure, for the Purpose of erecting,paintinng.clean- g,repairing or servicing any awn- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the •ing, canopy orw sign, for soy Cher purpose. Ilhout first obtain-tog from.the ommiesioner o1 January a4 D. 19 e t is and public improvementsa 26th day 0f J nuar45 permit for the occupation and use of the etroetor sidewalk for such time and en such period of and was published 1 time time under such limitations ) tdromlte tie teaoprougad by h required commission- er of streets and public improve- rants and peeing the fee fees the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the hereinafter ective ed. Such permit 1 shall be effective for the calendar year in which t le issued:provid- ed, however, that y such permit day Ofa A. D. 1 may 'revoked by the comnnseiou- Janus • of streets and Public imPrOve- ments when the holtlaz thereof fails to comply with any ordinance,rule -� or regulation under which it is _ - �-- ---the• coma when m the reef. f Advertising Clerk W commissioner f streets and public improvementsd safety require midi re- vocatiublic con- on. When granted such per- mit shall authorize the holder to useand OCCUPY during the life f aid permit, i sti•eet ee sidewalk l(" ab any e1 the purposes herein- 4 a above statedhat the several all have for which the holder shalt have 6th otaid the reoud her locatlo e1eGas.hereinafter epee ,d at ouch to before nee this day of flied. February A.D.19 Notary Pub • (b) No permit ehall be ranted until the supplicant thereforshall placedoniloitth the B rd of Commissioners f the benefit of the city and the public a surety bond to be effective during the life of said.permit and to be approved by the board of Comml0aloners in the sum of 10000.00;provided that at any time the Board of Commis. signers ehall deem the said bond inadequate for the protection of the City or the public said Board f Compr' ioners may require the bend to be in any sum not exceed. ing$10,000.06. Said bond shall coy. r all operations carried o under and during the Cite of the permit and ehall run to Salt Lake City and to any person Inlured and ehall be conditioned for the payment of all damages that may be adludeed against said principal surety, and shall cave the citycharmless from at an and ell claims,liabilities, -- --- or demand,o dea arising from arty bodily Public Utilities,a fee of 1126.00: injurying therefrom,andaanyWdamagme e result- Persona fee of n st0.00 servicing electric*ism,a or deetimetlon of property.arising in Persons installing glees,a fee of' any manner out o1 y Operation r 360.001 aeration being performed under pawnsvlcl0g lnelallmg the permit. awninn. a Ire; of s26.00, /ton1 hell Permits Issued raansferaer ble a d Peesnae painting or leaning any holder ofn a prmit allowing buildings. ire., sign.bearde, and my other Dersoon..except his duly ether"structures,a fee of.$26.00. appointed employees or agents, to ft) The bolder of such permit use said permit shall be guilty of shall furnish the rommiiesioner of A te permit revoked.or and ehall have his in streets public and-oddment (d) The holder of the permit of all a employees; d agents wham herein provided for, before pro such holder ehall have in his em• mending erection, building, main- Dioy in Abe operations covered by Mining, swinging or uee of mar this section and the commission. scaffold,ladder or staging er of streets and public improve- Upon any street sidewalk at manta shall tine to such holder r any particular toMcation for any n of le dam identification cards hear- ths purposes herelnbefore roomer- ing the names o1 NI such ated,shall first file with the c ShePloyees or agents and stating that prude nee 1 streets and public 1m- -the person named In suck card'is, ebovements writen etaement -permitted to do the hngs a m- Mewing by street number the lo- rated in this section for the term Cation or the veral locations Of the permit,and 14 ehall be un- whore h oS pay are to be lawful for 0l person,or fur any • • ducted and Shall py to the corn- agent or employee of any person mleelover of streets and public Ira- holding.ouch permit to engage in Drovemeo a fee of One dollar any operation for which a permitC f (61.00) forr ouch separate location is e0uired under this lion sti mhown. without first having in his pia •.(s) Any Deleon, 1n ]feu of saeion such identification card, It r-t.t (11)of0 the written statement lieuof shall be the duty 1 the holder of h einbefere-required,may a and such permit t the ,00 ,n em- fy ]oyes gent recover hie eery- ' sleets and sidewalks o l- th with aim to r the card ingrate rider'aced m root r El- toy.fore agent and to such e g with the m p ovem of piocru o agent and to return the strewritten and publicmue riving a e forthwith and the written statement giving asnear man of streets a publican]annoy M the location.by hert smote for cancellation, numbeguying n1 all locations or where (h) The provisions of this section ticable,enact s the is oximac• giving the approximate opera- -uttility not operating orders any number•ll of locations where it b from Salt Lake City while enger- e 0s der during Dermot fli be - permit.edape the life of said m in the construction, operation, 'o rs of Salt 15 City,Utah, permit. The Dermitte9 hall pap This 24th day of January, A.D.. n the time f filing said Late- an treat lent a lamps, need 1046. pent a fee of w dollar(e1.00) and equipment erected or ale ed 76r JONN H. MATHESON. location so shown on th state- the lighting of any street or alley. Temporary Chairmen. meet ao filed•The payment of es, SECTION 2, That Section 6711 IRMA F. BITNER. fees shall authorize the permitter f the Revised Ordinances f Salt Lily Recorder. to Operate under said ',arena at Lake City, Utah. se, relating to BILL NO.t 0. euch statem exact ent. and sgenerally any by erepeaed,and the same is here. Ptbllehed January 264h,1046. any location In the elite;provided, SECTION 6.In she opinion of thy however,that within ten days after hoard of Commissioners, 't is the expiration of each ninety day necessary to the peace, health and Deri0d l during the life of said p}astety of the inhabitants of Salt permit the eermlttee ehall file with Lake Ci ly that thin ordinance shall the co ant amrrer f etreete and take effect immediately. public improvements, a statement SECTION 4 This ordinmi.e shall under oath showing the street take effect at once upon its first • number of every location al which publication. Operations were carried onPassed by lees Board of Cont. said permit during the expired ninety day period and shall pay to the m iesioner of street., and dollar tom pthea numbt»rrUgflelocations t theretofore paid.If t the ex ' Diration or termination of said per- mit the Dermitte shall have paid a sum In ese f'one dollar tier location shown by said verb fled shaalt beam refunded suchpo 'proper claim therefor being made, (f)The.following persons 1n lieu of furnishing the written state.meats Per d,paying lo ation the fee of One Dollar herelvbefore : pr0 ided may be foaled ed a permit ' t0run for th0 calendar year, which permit shall authorise the holder to mimic' any street or sidewalk in the city at any time 1 or place during the life no sold i Permit provided for and paring fe bond es ev follow.: It I C C ,- *Fa - . , 11 *ha 1 ......,,, I --'-. ••• - n - - ..•• \....© 11 Si.- ,