6 of 1955 - Relating to zoning Adding Item No. 128, rezoning property in vicinity of 2700 South and Highland Dri ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utalz;A l.11 ig55 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . I AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners, relating to Zoning, and a public hearing having
been held.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of
Commissioners, relating to Zoning, be and the same is hereby further
amended by adding in and to said section one new paragraph to be known
as Item 128, which item shall read as follows:
ITEM NU. 128. The following described real property as shown
on the use district map, is hereby changed to the classification herein-
after set out, and said reap is amended and changed accordingly.
Changing the following described property from Residential "A"
to kes&4et04aA "A-1":
Commencing at a point 122.55 feet south of the south
side of Crystal Avenue and 448 feet west from the west
line of Highland Drive; thence south 24° 52' East 272.8
feet, more or less, following the east bank of the
Jordan Salt Lake City canal; thence south 4° 10' west
tiff 48.3 feet;' -thence east 205.09 feet to the northeast
corner of Lot 13, Highland Park Plat D; thence north-
westerly 297.7 feet, more or less, to a point 200 feet
west of the west side of Highland Drive and 122.55 feet
south of the south line of Crystal Avenue; thence west
248 feet to the point of beginning. Being a part of
Block 46, 10 Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey.
Changing the following described property from Residential "A"
to Residential "B-3":
Commencing at a point 196.2 feet north of the north
side of 27th South Street and 205.09 feet east of the
east boundary of the Jordan Salt Lake City canal; thence
east 113 feet, more or less, to the existing Residential
B-3 district; thence northwesterly 82.8 feet to the north
boundary of the Residential B-3 district fronting on
Highland Drive; thence_west 113 feet; thence southeasterly
82.8 feet to the point of beginning. Being a part
of Block 4b, 10 Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey.
Changing the following described property from Residential
"A-3" and Residential "A" to Residential "B":
Commencing at a point 122.55 feet south of Crystal Ave.
and 200 feet west from the west line of Highland Drive;
thence southeasterly 214.9 feet; thence east 19b feet
more or less, to the west line of Highland Drive; thence
northwesterly 214.9 feet along the west side of Highland
Drive; thence west 200 feet to the point of beginning.
Being a part of Block 46, 10 Acre Plat A, Big Field
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board'of Commissioners, it
is ecessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lak ; CityHthat this ordinance shall become effective immediately; there-
forel, this ordinance shall become effective upon its first,publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Satlt Lake''City, Utah,
thi llth d6y of January,,1955. ' -
„ v
r,,, yor .
i ,1! - -5 `�
f, City Recorder
( : 6anuary
A L )
BI LN0. /
15, 1955
Proof of 1nblira#inn
Unite?' 'tars of America
•TION 71144 ORDINANCEt Revised DOldinasnc a
of Salt Lake City, Utah. 1944, as
Board of Commissionersasrelatngtln • ll• a OCICe�r
Zoning, and a public hearing having
been held.
Be it ordained by the Board nf
o SCTN .° lscint0EO'1 T Salt Lake 71 Utah. being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
the Revived Ordinances E Salt Lake
City,L'tah, 1944,a enaed by oodi. -
nances passed by the Boardof CO,,,.
luting to znnd,ge1ne nd the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
the same is hereby further amended by -
adding in and to said section onn
ragranh to be known as Item
128,which item shall red as"follows:
red-pro8. The
ollownown en me Slit Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
,scribedlase district Is hereby hanged
he classification hereinafter set
oot,.a d said map is amended and of "An Q"Cl7L,an co"
chahgCd aral;iciY. That the Notice
Changing Cethe following A described
property from Residential"A"to Bush
Commencing at a int 122.55 feet
south col the south side df,Crystal 5171C11rlE
Aeemle and Ala feet west from the _a1 r';'-eta ran-cull:-ef--.ly.csvi.d_.Gmtd t7ance-s of
wet.line of Highland henet.
south 24 dog.52 min.Eastast 272 272.8 feet,
more less, following he east
bank.oft the Jordan Salt Lake Clty ,i�t1 i, "rake fill hi,- f
canal; thence south 4 deg. 10 min.
wed 48,3 feet;thence east 205.09 feet
• to the theast cornerof Lot 13. _
' Highland d P
e ark Plat Dr thence north- ;i,t1t lake Cii-i;\r l 11 NCI. 6.
westerly 297,7 feet, more less,
to a Point 20D feet west the: 5[ --- -- - - -- -
stet of Highland Drive and 2.
f t nd
feet a south of the southlinea of
to Crystal.Avenue; g. e
the point of beginning. Being a of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
part of Block 40, 10 Acre Plat A.
Big 4 Field•Survey.
Changing the following described
property from Residential"A"to Real. tour dated the 1.5th
Commencing at a point 198,2 feet
north of the north side of 27th South
etreet and the
ast boundary ofhe Jordan Salt east of
oundary Lake day of January 19-_J rr
City canal;thence east 113 feet,more
or less, to the existing Residential
B 8 feettrto'the Borth northwesterly
`of and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
the Residential B.3`district frdhting
on Highland Olive;thence west 113
feet;•thence southeasterly 82.8 feet
to the point of beginning. Being a for .
.. ..--
Pert of Block 40, I0 ACYe Plat A.• ""-
Big Field Survey.
Changing the following described
prop arty from Residential "A-3" and
Residential"A"to Residential 12.55 thereafter,the fullperiod of
commencing at Ave. t 1220)feet OIl@ t.L1Ae
south o Crystal w Ave. and tia feet •
the west line of 214.9 feet;
Drive;thence southeasterly aor feet,
hence tact li n feet,morerevs, the last publication thereof
to the 1e.t lee of 2H14.9 fee Drive;
thence northwesterly Highland
feet along
the'west site of Hiohthnd Drive; •
thence west Being
feet to thenolnt Block
beginning. Refit a of nook being in the issue dated the. TSth
48,'r Acre Plan Big pinion Soof`vthe ' i•'i ------- .-._ day of
SECTION C 2. Inoe the
Board of Commtee,health
andi safety la
to he pea o health dthat necessary January
inhabitants` i Salt Lake City that this
ordnance shall become effective im. . A.D.19 5
shell become
eeff therefore, this ordinance Pict l
eibl aeco a effective upon its Brat
publication. of CoYnmis-
Pasactl by the Board
11th ra of Salt January.
955.City Utah.this - ---- ---
llth day of JanuaEarll J.Glade.
Irma F.Baner,
Bill No.d Bay Recorder fore me this _---._._.17th_ day of
rublisbcd aamtai,v 15.1955. t4.12)
._..oi<3Yitcz4;y --,A.D. 19.._55 •
Notary Public.
Sly commission expires Nov 25 19ti?
Advertising fee $