6 of 1972 - Changing the name of that portion of 2100 South Street which runs southeast from 2100 South Street a ✓VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 19 ,19 72 Mr.Chairman I move that the Ordinance be passed. Barker V Harmsen Harrison Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE V'/', AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME of that portion of 2100 South Street which runs southeast from 2100 South Street at approximately 2800 East to the name of ARCADIA HEIGHTS CIRCLE. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the name of that portion of 2100 South Street which runs southeast from 2100 South Street at approximately 2800 East be changed and said street and cul-de-sac shall hereafter be known and described as Arcadia Heights Circle, said street being mae parti- cularly described as follows: Beginning at a point S. 89°41'10" E. 98.0 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 20, Amended Plat of Arcadia Heights Plat "A",a subdivision of parts of Sections 14 and 23, T.1S., R.l E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence S. •'C .` 89°41'10" E. 129.73 feet to a point of curvature; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a 30 foot radius curve to the left 64.83 feet; thence S. 33°30' E. 30.0 feet to a point of curvature; thence Southeasterly along the arc of a 30 foot radius curve to the left 35.59 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence along the arc of a 50 foot radius curve to the right 216.40 feet; thence N. 33°30' W. 180.51 feet to a point of curvature; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a 25 foot radius curve to the left 24.52 feat to the point of beginning. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of January , 1972. N MAY TY O R (SEAL) BILL NO. 6 of 1972 Published January 25, 1972 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 2/1/72 for recording in the office of the County Recorder.) Y NNCDICHGAN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME of that portionf of 2100 South Street which southeast from 210p South Street sat p 2300 East to the ameaof ARCADIA HEIGHT o CIRCLE. Commisst.ordained oners eof bSaltho Lake ar City, Utah: SECTION 1.That the name of that portion of 2100 South Street which runs southeast from 2100 South Street at approximately 2800 East be changedand said }reef and cul- de-sac shall hereafter be known and I described as Arcadia Heights Circle, escrib itl tedrees s being follows:m or e particularly de \/\. BeAinoninec.a Ea point 8.0 tfref 89 des. 1 Northwest of fLot 20, Amened Plat of Arcadia Heights Plat"A,"a subdivision of is f �, Sections 14 and 23, T.I.,R.t E., 1\ runninake Baseand Meridian a d roes r thence S.89 den.p 41 min.10 sec.E.129.73 feet to a point of ur- fore; thence Southwesterly alone f' the arc of a 30 foot radius v to the left 94.83 feet;thence S.33 der. l 30 min.E.30.0 feet to a paint of cur- Pure; thence Southeasterly along t 30 foot rod u e ten theseeft 35.59 feet fo a of t of - arc fore; dins corps t the r f cu40 foot r dins c to the right n.W feet;thence N.d3 tleof 30 min.W 180.51 feet to point f curvature;' thence foot radius ne the arcof32 feet tl the to nthe oinnft a4.52 feet fo the point of berinninr. nrse of 5 lfhLake City of,Ucommis- mewa i y of January,1972. E.J.G Mayor HERMAN J.HOGENSEN City Recorder (SEAL) Publlshetl Januerv2 25, 1972 (B-21 • O. O C] CA.) W c W, CIO C> V Recorded FEB B 1_.JJ-l.Z.-.et._ 3.5 U�m. ;�435O.iO Request of— _ " LAST OirY Fee Pad JEERAr`FAN MARTIN STATE OF UTAH, Recordor,Salt La o dty,Utah SS. S. .Q. , By-.= Deputy City and County of Salt Lake, acf ATE,- - 417)_' ?�. 3 77i4 e I Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME of that portion of 2100 South Street which runs southeast from 2100 South Street at approximately 2800 East Street to the name of Arcadia Heights Circle. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 19 191T 72 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this First day of February 19� 72 (SEAL) (X) City Recorder Published January 72 CO BILL NO. 6 of 1972 • ADM•J!A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake Betty_Phelps Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- "AT,otiDi1a5CE tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME of that portion of 2100 south newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- I2100Easth StheBf sate%I'oRLADiimy: published East to the name m ARCADIA culotion in Utah, and in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake HEIGHTS CIRCLE. County,in the State Utah. Be It by the Boardnf' of Commissioners f.Salt Lake City, USE: SECTION 1.That the name of that PorBon or.s,00 south street m¢h That the legal notice of which a copy is attachedhereto Srs a repro o-tel 800 stabe Street at and saidat sly e900 East be &Gee Changed and real street and cull' tletsec shall herearrerbe.known awl' An Ordinance changing the name 4#' t�t .p9rti.on9 _ d¢scrip d p� dla�Helgms Clrcl¢,. altl Sir eisbein9-more p raugllarly tl 000lnd aa.tol0 ai Beainnineu at a t S.89 deg.Al la <.E.va:q Ceet rrom the- 2100 South Straat._which_runs_sortheast-frotrl-9100_ kmen esi 4orner f Lor 2q1 Al en"A, Plat of Arcadia�atshot :Peat to 1 a s0 ISion of parts af' B 116ns 14.antl Y�,.T.15, R.) E. salt Lake Baa¢ ann-Merfman e a South Street_et_approximately-2BDD-East-to-�ho--zu�ate j 2.1!'thence'$,:89 nee.al min,i0 5 c. ,.1thor toot t a stirt ol n• to Ye; thence S011ihee"s. alone L .f ithe 8rc of a-31)foot radius curve to of Arcadia Heights (1'].Z'c].e.__�1l.L AID..,_ •.. the left 64.03 feet;iheete 5.33 tlea.' b---- 3aMn.E.At feet t point°LI= taural thence foot radius lv a to he Sec 3f a 30t it t radius curve e.' the tversleft reef to a point ofof -' tore;3tdhence along ha, aiahtf216.40 feei:rthence N c33 tle4'' 30 rely.W,7onee toot N inrol newspaper 2_ 2.____ feioria ice'ar¢m`a-2s=foci PSad(a! was published in said news a er on �llktiry 97 curve to the left u.ss feet to the laolnt of bsamnina. Pas Sy the k rrIt, tahCor,l his I Bich of 1 January CI9V,Utah,(hl9 stoners of day of January 1992. MdYOY 4,str AN J HOGEN PCbli h tl J hue2'23,1272. tE-2): v Legal At, .rtt�erk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th - day of January . A.D. 19_72_. Notary Public Illy Commission Expires February 12, 1974 6