6 of 1978 - Amending sections 25-8-2, 25-8-5, 25-8-6 and adding section 25-8-7 providing for cash payment of ear r7VLL.1i91LL , VOTING Aye Nay Salt LaI a City,Utah, January 11 ,1978 uary 12, 1978 Mr.Chairman / i '`,- r move that the Or ' ance be passed. Agraz Haller 0,01 � (a(1,, f �� JIB Phillips / A� Result / AN -ORDINANCE f, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 8 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to vacations and termination benefits by AMENDING Sections 25-8-2, 25-8-5 and 25-8-6, and by ADDING thereto a new Section 25-8-7. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 8 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to vacations and termination benefits, be, and the same hereby is, amended by amending SectionsiR 25-8-2, 25-8-5 and 25-8-6 and adding thereto a new Section 25- -7, to read as follows: Sec. 25-8-2. Vacations for first partial year of employment. Every full-time employee who takes office or begins employment on or after January 1st of any calendar year shall earn a vaca- tion equal to one working day for each full month of employment from the date of employment to December 31st of such calendar year, but not to exceed 10 working days and provided, further, no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless such person completed six months of full-time employment with the City. Employees of the Salt Lake City Fire Department regularly assigned to duty in the combat division shall earn a vacation during the first partial year of employment based upon one duty shift off for each two months worked during the year from the date of employment to December 31 of such calendar year, but not to ex- ceed five on-duty shifts and provided, further, that no fireman shall be entitled to vacation, unless the employee has completed a six month equivalent of full-time employment with the Salt Lake City Fire Department. * * * Sec. 25-8-5. Rules for taking vacation. (1) All vacations are to be taken as directed by the head of each department at such time as it would be most advantageous to the efficient operation of that department. However, in the assignment of vacation periods: (a) the officers and employees with the most seniority shall be given first consideration for requested vaca- tion periods; and (b) vacation periods may be divided into two or more separate periods as are deemed necessary by the department head or as requested by the employee and approved by the department head. (2) All earned vacations may be taken by officers and employees following the probationary period as provided in these revised ordinances, but (except as hereinafter provided) shall be taken in any event during the calendar year following the year earned. Any earned vacation not taken in accordance with these revised ordinances shall be deemed forfeited; provided, however, that the foregoing notwithstanding, for good cause shown, the depart- ment head in writing and prior to a forfeiture date, may allow 6 -2- an employee to postpone a vacation beyond the said calendar year in which it should be taken to a following calendar year. (3) Except upon termination as provided in section 25-8-6 or purchase as provided in section 25-8-7, no officer or employee shall be entitled to be paid for vacation earned but not taken. Sec. 25-8-6. Vacation and termination benefits upon termina- tion. (1) Every officer and employee whose employment is ter- minated by resignation or otherwise shall be entitled to be paid for: (a) all earned vacation time accrued, unused, unforfeited and lawfully forwarded from previous years, plus (b) a termination benefit consisting of all vacation accrued, unforfeited and un- used for the calendar year during which the termination shall occur. (2) However, the foregoing provisions of section 25-8-6(1) notwithstanding, no officer or employee shall be entitled to any termination benefit or payment for any vacation time which has not been vested, accrued, unforfeited or unused and shall not be entitled to any payment or termination benefit: (a) until an employee has completed six (6) months of full-time employment with the city; (b) if his termination is or was for cause; or (c) if any resigning officer or employee fails to give at least ten (10) days prior written notice to his department head of his contemplated resignation. Sec. 25-8-7. Cash payment of earned vacation time in lieu of use. (1) The Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners may purchase up to, but not exceeding, two (2) weeks of earned and accrued vacation time, to which an employee is entitled as authorized in this chapter, with the consent of said employee and upon the favorable written recommendation of the employee's department head. (2) Said purchase of accrued vacation time may be authorized, in the sole, exclusive and absolute discretion of the Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners when, in their judgment, it is demonstrated that: (a) Vacation time is accrued and earned under these revised ordinances; (b) The cash payment in lieu of vacation time use will not interfere with an employee's performance or create an unreasonable hardship on said employee or employee's family; (c) There is a demonstrated need for the city to retain the services of the employee for the said vacation time; (d) There are sufficient monies in the departmental budget to pay for the vacation time as certified by the city auditor, without disturbing or interfering with the delivery of city services; and (e) The employee consents voluntarily to the cash payment in lieu of time-off from his regular work schedule. The foregoing notwithstanding, under no circumstances may the board purchase more than two (2) weeks of said earned but unused vacation time. (3) The amount to be paid for any such purchase of vacation time as provided herein shall be based on the wage or salary rate of the said employee at the date of approval by the board. How- ever, under no circumstances shall any overtime compensation be 6 paid, computed or accrued by virtue of the city authorizing an employee to work a vacation period and receive cash payment therefor in lieu of use. (4) The city and its departments will extend a diligent effort to provide every employee his full earned annual vacation and shall, through appropriate management efforts, seek to minimize the recommendations for cash payments in lieu of vacation use. Any vacation purchase by the Board shall be considered to be an extraordinary circumstance and not a fringe benefit of the employee. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of 'Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of January , 1978. ttho U MAYOR CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 6 of 1978 Published January 18, 1978 6 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE ( Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 8 of Title 25 of the I Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to vacations and•termination benefits be AMENDING Sections 8-2,25-8-5 and 25R6,and by ADDING thereto a new Section 25-8-2. Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Be Utah: • Ted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: '. p Ordinances SECTION seI Lake Chapter hetl9 Title r` slo advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily nd terminaton Oene/2h,be,and the sane (except hereby Is,&handed (ex t Sunday)D 'unending Sections 258-2,25-8-5 and 25-8d and adding thereto newspaper printed i n the English y a Section 754"°read onsforfirstpfollows: language with general circulation in Utah, and Sec.2582.Vacations too take office Year of employ ant oBnvoYfterjmoery1st OawMtaendar veer sppglea employment - fon.wokingdyfor achfullryearshemployment mplearn ay«anon published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the the teaempieymmltoDeach m�3tafo suchcaalena ryear, State of Utah. • shallxceed 10 be entitled'tolng any vacation and proved,such person personmpleted Mx the of full-Nitta employment wis lt the City. s'itit?ea tlirit�n tit aim"boVgis%r, srdir aVar a�'I+i That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto durlq Me first partial rear of employment based upon one duty shift of for eac111wo months worked during the year from the date of xMed Brent to December 31 of such calendar year,but Pub notice to amend an ordinance red ltina to fireman shall the entltd to vacaflnoni.unless Matha: completed a sik-nkx th equivalent of full-time employment with the Salt Lake City Flee Deportment, Sec.2585.Rules portekhtg vacation.(II All vacations are top vacations & termination benefits as If woulen d be�ttaadv Mageou the d of each o the ofticl�operatint at on of ch time then department.However,In the asel ent of vacation perlods:(e) the officers and employees with thna e most seniority shall be given first consideration for requested vacation periods;and (b) vacation periods may be divided Into two or more seeoreta periods as are deemed necessary by the deportmenthead or as requested by'the employee and approved by the department load((. eedd xmp12Yealifolliowing the trubatienary tserldd es by vltldodd lnl ese revised ordinances,but during eexcent as heretnafer provldedl shalll be taken • ned;Any earned any vent dvacation not takenr year In accordancelw the lh Mere revised dlnances .hall be deemedforfeited, Provided, however,°mat me foregoing nwwi atandito for good cause Jan. 1£3, 19"78 showpthe departmentheadIn writing and priorto,amrfelture was published in said newspaper on dale,caleyn allow an emnloyee to 5lsOepostponevenation beyond the P said calendar year.year in which It should be taken to a following (3)Except upon termination as provided 1'sectl 2543fi or • 1 „e as provided In section 258 7,no officer or employee shall he entitled le he paid for vacation earned but not taken Sec 250-d Vacation and termination benefits pon termina II (I) Every officer and employee whose employment,s terminated ha resignation or otherwise shall he titled to ha vacation time previous ear unused, paid for () n years, ..........>: anfnd and termination benefit c 9stingtrof all vvac tionsaccrued, Legal Advertising Clerk ontvrtnafl n i,shall unused consisting the calendar year during which the t12)However,the foregoing provisions of section 25-8-6(1) notwithstanding,no of lcer or employee shall be entitled to any nnotermination Mean iaesf benefit ued,payment rMiied ovacation npssed time awhich lll`nott has me this Toth entitled to any payment or(termination benefit:(a)until a,, day of vhiththe city:lbl If this termination months of full-time cause;or(c)If a,resign,. prior twritteer notice lto hisaidepart entt least phis A.D. 19.78 MntSec.25ed resignation. q Sec.25&2.Cash payment of earned vacation time in lieu of puuse. (1) The Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners may rchase dp to,but not exceeding,two(2)weeks of earned and accrued vacation time,towhich h employee Is entitled a • orUe this chapter,with the of said employee and S. upon the favorable writtenrecommendation of the employee's &aartme t head iho iizetl Id pinches° of n the sole,exclusive end absolute vacationdilscretion of the Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners when,In their judgment, Notary Public It Is demonstrated Va i that: ee1Is accrued and earned under these revised ordinances. (b)The cash paymlent In lieu of vacation time use will not unreasonable hardship onterfere with an n(said emploryee or enlptovee s formance or create nllyan (c)There is a Gyee for rates need oe Me cite to retain the .w,rviccs Of file emeieyon for flea said vacation time; ldl There are sufficient fit monies in the departmental budge, lo without y distuer rbingdisttuurrb ng or Inlertnrieg rre as certified the delivery the city auditor, services;and or w ofcity (e)The employee consents voluntarily to the cash payment In Ileu of time-off fromhis regularrwork schedule. ehe rucartt inkier circumstances ebuth board purchase more (2weeko said t unused vacation time. time cc erovldwl herein shalall bfor based onnthe purchase ade or seiaev ra°re of flu saiundeer no circumstances ir at stt.dolehall any overitlby the board. henrebbeer,pld, no cpurled son accrued by virtue of ofew ity authorialno an eneloyee to work a vacation period and receive Wsh payment therefor In lieu of use. (4)The city and Its departments will extend a diligent effort to provide every employee his full earned annual vacation and minimize rtIle camaieanrllationte s for cashnt paynuents In lieu Ill elation use.Any vacation purchase by the Board shall bet, beconsidered to be an extraardlnary circumstance and not a fr'ineei nefit of the employee. is nec essary No 2 In the el serhealtand I welfare of Me Inhabitantsy, Salt Lake SECTION I3Ikd.Thlssord nunce ance ssshall take eme ffect ive(aeon Its Immediately. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 12th day of January,1928. TED L.W Mayor MILDRED V.HIGIIAM City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.6 of 1976 Published January 18,1978 (B-441 dJ