60 of 1904 - Ordinance 60 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Section 125, re: fees to be charged by City Sexton. • : ' , • -, . . , ,,, • . . . . . , AN WIWAI: C E. An ordirr,nse ndin :',.lotio 14 of lbs..i.tr IX of t “.2 Revsed Ordinancep of Selt T u.0 v. TA) it 4rdained by ii.le City ConoAl or SRit 7.e.ko Cit. , 15(. 1: SECTIO:'. 1. rht Sectisn 122 of M1,1.1)tr IX or -.(1 rievid Ordi- nincee of a1; Le.4t. f7itd be, .:Lnf: t):,, a;izie hereby is fit..,1016ed end re- enacted no as to reed az follcyra, to-vit:- 1 RFCTI,r1 122. F71. The isextli in hereby utiorIzeu. to Collect fron -.11ore rcauirinfr his sryinegi, '1.,.; followler! fe(As, -.-thic s)v.01 be by him covert.J1 in*,r; Lu oi.-.a. treasuTw .%.A least once a nontl:! For d5 ,s7inr. :I. e.1--,ve for foot in 1(.atl. ,oli four feet ECx inne6 de,) 2.,'.0 rut' di'kdag a ti°r;...vc vi.... ro,:t nix ine'.,,te in lonth ,.cr,i rivu re.co; ix in . L5r,r - - - - For ).11 grdve:, dir,!r Lis ft,,t si:?. inc ,,e i in 1, tl- 4. 0 For disinterring bodie- from gr,,.ye four feet in :H-nrth 2. 9 For diwinterrin7 bodies fr= gravo6 niz feet 6J:K ind7.e.. il lew.t .- - - - - - - - - - 4. t-, For ,j.i. intorrinr- 1 .:111(:s rrsn a !'r, vo ov,r i.,-, fs,.:t si:<. in.-0.-. J.:, .i. rr05r b. far reerain7 ,J.1.(f. .rI1L or r'.. .fai.- - - - - For oacl! certl,J,ate :-1 lot , 14.c,ni“wd .b0 '.7r e,..e', oertIrloo of poi:A:nt for perprAill maintnie .t-i For nor ,:di) lot Al]. sodding shell -re .1. ne b.:, 1. i ei:.;/, ')t- und,r tar di- routine or , ? .5f;.z.tn. Mr1TIor 2. Teir ordintnco eNill take effect upf,n forov.,41. Passed by the City Cowell of Lakel May 2nd, 1904, and referred to the Mayor for his a-proyei. /W Approved this day of May. i904. ' May Feloordet. ILL. -1; ..44-1114 I—*nor. ''. 60 ( O 0 H wa 01 NIX • • Presented to the City Courrii, RIAY 2 1904 i 2. C a CITY RECORDER, w II m ya A OF 0 Af • a c a First Publication i n • • 1 ryry AYYp 19004a YY 4 nl' //��[l S. VI 1 V(7l,.o s • v City Recorder. 0 a a J M A !G 0 J► 11