60 of 1907 - Ordinance 60 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Section 551, limiting speed of trains. Al ORDINANCE . Ag ordinanes wending and ro-mooting Seetion 851 of the Revised Ordinances of Solt Tasks City of 1,021. IN it ortataini by the City °moon. of Salt Lake City, Utah: SAINION 1. Moat 10041o* U of the Revised Ordinances of Salt 1,040 Nit/ of MC be, ant the sem hereby is mended and re-enattsS 0041, to—tboo4 as fia4.011: MOM OW. #6111,1 be aulattat tor eve eentnotor, en- gimor, flagrant. WPOINWiloO or other parson, mot of the east - , bOISSorf of $1100$14-koot, sat botwoot Itlitk South and Mika loSSS SWe , Sefto or mom to be nAridany locomotive tromotag possosipep voiro pastor rate of mini spool than ten k for honr.-11,00. iMmotive Without oars attached, or Arming froigtt MOO at a groator rate of speed than eix miles Per boar. *MOW* S. ASA otetemosos and ports of ordinances in conflict herewith am hereby repealed to the *Mont of such conflict. MIXON S. this ordinance shoal take *Most upon approval. 60 a satlema-n Am iiSbaomm mlommaLfte Wil .111011 Is 00 Wit time to sa v . g; ' , at: eft Slat to t Si se 1156 `le fufnastijb'YO has2val I .1 WNW ho to ac-vr tam bsbaetia as SOOSOO 000It +lilt llflt k -se ,,$)Torbseo SO . tea�° . MEM z rt:its '-:11J iti7 QQO iftrt • N rt * Nt brut d7aoE �� ,� ., . + . i off w \ : to - 13 . . :a .:C9 beets !• _ "�r - 0 0., 8 '''t • ,---; "ae ,. .. ti \ H aolim .0 radi bests 2e Slot lotamis.Mim , . \ ....q co 'xt soomomlisO So Wen am allitillime ,A .1 sweess ,Ivillnoo dears to OMmOMP t j at ko s Aft t .lavo'dt(ya aunt *sifts s a .s apropos 0