60 of 1914 - 60 Sidewalk Extension No. 164, First & Final ROLL CALL - -....-
Salt Lake City,Utah .k)ril 28, 191_4
Lawrence _ii__
Morris lt I move that the ordinance be passed.
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Mr.Chairman Vt.
Ln ordinnoc luvyins: a tax and for the essessmento! property
on the west Hi0,0 of Fourth East Street between Harrison, and
Cleveland Avenues, in Sidewalk District No. 43, for:the construction
of v. cement sidewalk.
• Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake
City, Utah:
aCTIDN 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and =_,rovide for the assessment of the
came upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk District
No. 43, for the construction of a cement sidewalk, to-wit:
In Lots 21 to 40, inclusive, Block 2, Chiciw:o Addition, Block
10, Five Acre Blat "A", Big Field Survey, abutting on the west side
of Fourth Etst Street bets7een Harrison and Cleveland Avenues.
Ths tax is levied to defny the expeuce of constructing t
cement sidev,T10 four (4.) feet wide and four (4) inches thick upon
the portions of said. street opposite the property hereinbefore and
hereinafter described to be especially Effected and benefited, by
said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and
established that said property will be especially benefited thereby.
to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of
land are hereby assessed at an ecjutl End uniform rate in accordance
with the linear foot TrontaL.e uuon said portion of said street
frontinL; upon and tot. depth of twenty-five (25) feet back there- ,
-1- 60
' from, and the tax hereby levied end to be esseesed upon ceid
parcels of land is four hundred thirty-ei ht End 48/100 ( 438.48)
dollars, or 97/100 (:;0.87) dollars nor front or lineer foot of
' abutting property, there being 504 feet of abutting property withi i
the boundaries of the lots, block end street above mentioned in 1
scid district, which is ti.e total cost <nd cost per front foot of
said. sidewalk, according to the contr€.ct entered into for the
performr:nce of said work, e.hd risking said improvement, with G. A.
iemen, dz.ted the 23rd day of July, 1913, and the Treasurer is here-
by authorized and directed to assess, in rccordence with the pro-
visions of thin ordinr'nce, for the purooee herein mentioned:
The east side of Lots 21 to 40, inclusive, block 2, Chicago
Addition, Block 13, hive Acre Plat "A", Lig Field Survey, es the
same €r.e shown upon the official -plats of said city to depth of '
twenty-five (25) feet beck from acid street, end to collect said 1
bECTIOI;; 2. Thin tax shall become end be delinquent in five
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid
et the rate of six per cent per mn:oum, Payable et the time each
instellmcnt is due, to--it: One-fifth ih.ereof one year after the
ordinance confirming; the levy of the tax for the payment for such
improvement becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in two years
after saidordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in three,i
years r.Cter said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof i&
four years after said ordinance becomee effective; and one-fifth
thereof in five year; after said orc.in, nce becomes effective. One!
or more of said tentrllments, in the order in 7hich they are pay--
able, or the --hole special tpx, may be c-id et rnp time rithin
th'rtp d:ys after the ordinance coafirmin._ the levy of the tax 1
becomes effective, without interest. In the event of F.ny instsil-I
meat or IT o int ere:t E-'arc-said. not bein, paid on the dste the sc.me
becomes due, the •0 ole amount of the- specie- tax unpaid et the time
grid inotsllraent •nd interest are due, shell become due and pryab1 ,
end shell drsv interest et the r to of ei ;ht per cent per rnnum
until the stele of t,-e property a.sse . ed; provided, one or more
inst -litrents, in the order in ,..hick they ere p<yeble, or the whole
special tr.x unprid, mcy be peid on the day •rny instillment becomes'
due, by p^.yin., the rmount thereof end icterect to ,aid drte.
`;ECTIUl:; 3. This ordi n nce eh11 tyke effect one dry efter
its first publicction.
Sidewrlk Extension ido. 164.
First end- linrl Est:imste.
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Passed by the Board. of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, April , 1914.
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