60 of 1942 - Vacating part of alley between Elizabeth Street and 12th East Street running North and south between ROLL CALL p VOTING MA ' Salt Lake City,Utah, OCT 28 1�42 194 I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser 1 r� i Matheson - - i// ti n i o - - 4V Mr.Chairman - - A 9°kDINANCE res h - - - V AN ORDINANCE VACATING PART OF ALLEY BETWEEN ELIZABETH STREET AND 1.2TH EAST STREET RUNNING NORTH AND SOUTH BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH SOUTH STREETS, IN BLOCK 9, Arlington Heights Subdivision of Block 6, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That part of alley between Elizabeth Street and 12th East Street running north and south between 7th and 8th South Streets, in Block 9, Arlington (eights Subdivision of Block 6, plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 15.0 ft. north of the Southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 9, Arlington heights Sub. of Block 6, PlatrF", Salt Lake City Survey, thence North 233.0 ft. to a point 13.0 ft. North of the Southeast corner of Lot 19, said Block 9, thence East 15.0 ft., thence South 233.0 ft., thence West 15.0 ft. to point of beginning. be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under fran- chises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph. and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with, the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or af- fixed therein for the support of said electric, telephone and tele- graph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any -2- extensions thereof. SFOTTON 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. STCTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. i i ) /.) } , r,.l, 'fi . :, "� `' tv:1 ' 3 1 Passed b,$.y� the Boa of Co ris ippe of Salt Lake City, i A ! . * 3. I 1, �A,., : ., �, , this k$ c $?o€`i$ el u , 1 tr. 1I,3 2. 1 > tr - is "0'A a �, : , City ltecor er. �4 ' �'t . -------'----0,-5- , , ',-, - , ,-....,.:\ , \ '''ii N. ? # t Q � \2 # , "kle,..... p y ,ram \.T, `. %\ P , \ t 1 `% Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Le a-a: atios AN. RbiNA1i19 1 AN ORDINk•NCE vagasgNU PART OF Leo 'ou.TIL LEY.BETWEION ELIZAHETa STREET NOR 1' A EAST STREET SUN2CENa Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- AND 8 AND SOlST BETWEEN 7TH AND BTH SOUTH STREETS, IN f Block k 96,.ArliPlat soot''LaSuke .01telon of vertising clerk o f THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper 0. Plat ordained Sett'LBtre.Cloy Survey Be o pea Sal by the Board ef Com- hitsslonere of salt Lake City,?tat: published in Salt Lake City, Lake County,in the State $ECTION 1e Tr Dart ?tat: be. twetn.-Milting north aj aeouth/b BIZ y .1 $tre0t Milting north o eo tit between B and 9th gotPth Streetd,ih _between of Utah. 6,Plat Melghts Lake City S ey Hlore Plat F".Salt Ldke City Survey,more particularly described a follows:Beginning_ at-a point a 36.0 ic,.north f the Southeast corner a1 Ldt.13,Block That the advertisement `.1.t' Z'°Tie " -t-y C or,�,ratior 9, Arlington Heights Sub, of Block thence6. Plat F', Salt Lake City Survey, North 9330 2M to amoint t130 ft.-North ^iV 1 the Southeast comer of Lot.,19,said nl-,1 1^^'n C�^ .-t 1 „ „n POOMO' '7n7'l; Or111 d�Pr] Block 9, thence East Solt beginning. 23.9 ft. thence West 16.0 Ht. to be and the same Is busby vacated and ]i 9g'1<{}ll ! 121± 'e 1 declared no ohger to be public Drop a arty for nee as strut,avenue,alley or Pedestrian way. Said vacation 1e made a Pressly subject to the igghts'of way and easements of the Utah Light&Traction Company d the Mountain States Telephone o& Tele- graph Company acquired under franchised from Salt Lake City to maintain,repair, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the leer and•revive the igrlc trans igon, ,let�y tltlop f.telegraph Poles telephone .compact,,,te. three d theec said < C!C"�;O'-'I' A2 et7°anle9,gtrr6nntgteetherwthrbetoachmonte day of A.D. 19` of sod oeBatrlc-telephone for the telegraph f said efs an tepho and telegraph t.E nose, tear and distribution circuits or or and was published now tad maintained Don across the portion of said street franchises be closed, during the life qt the extenson held by said companies,or aor'extensions the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the thereol. SEdTo 9. Is the dlnion of the Board of Commissioners,a, 1E Is necessary to the Peace=9 14thL ke cit9tih%i'im: day of A.D.19 nhabltante. Ot'S aTIO become etf rdina he shall al SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall hake effect upon.Mee heat publication. Peeved by a Hoard of Commissioners the f Salt Lake.City,Utah,this 99th day of octObBr,A.D. 1940. AB JENKINS, Adv' ising Clerk, Mayor. ETHEL MACDONALD. City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL N0. 60 Published October•90tb. 1019. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A.D. 19.. Notary P• ublic. i( p. c o - ;-; cv=?, (•"‘•• ccq 0 M oiZt • 1, 1