60 of 1966 - Amending Sub-Section 49.125 of Section 5-1-10, as enacted by Bill No. 51 of 1965, adopting the fee s /- ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 7 196 6 Barker. . . . ./ I move that the Ordinance be pass,d: Catmull . . . Harrison . . . j /� f47 Holley. .'/ % l' Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . if AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sub-Section 49.125 of Section 5-1-10 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, adopted and enacted by Bill No. 51 of 1965, relating to Mechanical Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Fees for Inspection. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sub-Section 49.125 of Section 5-1-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, adopted and enacted by Bill No. 51 of 1965, relating to Mechanical Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Fees for Inspection, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Section 49.125. Fee for inspection. A fee shall be paid, at the time of application for inspection to cover one rough and/or one final inspection of the installation, in accordance with the following table: ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT (Horse Power) COMPRESSORS 11/2 H• orse Power through 4 Horse Power $5.00 Minimum Fee 41 H• orse Power through 10 Horse Power 2.00 Per Horse Power 11 Horse Power and over 1.50 Minimum Per Horse Maximum Fee shall not exceed $250.00 Power ABSORPTION AND ENGINE DRIVE (Tons) 11/2 Ton through 4 ton $5.00 Minimum Fee 4/ T• on through 10 ton 2.00 per Ton 11 Ton and over 1.50 Minimum per ton Maximum Fee shall not exceed $250.00 WATER SAVING DEVICE OR COOLING TOWERS (Flat Fees) 11/2 Horse Power or Ton through 4 Horse Power or Ton $10.00 Minimum Fee 4/ H• orse Power or Ton through 10 Horse Power or Ton 15.00 Minimum Fee 11 Horse Power or Ton and over 25.00 Minimum Fee Maximum Fee shall not exceed $75.00 Replacement of complete condensing unit or water saving devices shall follow same fee schedule as above (Any com- ponent parts of a refrigeration system replaced for repair or maintenance shall not require a fee) . 60 -2- For each additional inspection required because of con- demnation of work, or because of premature request for in- spection, an additional charge shall be made equal to seventy- five per cent (75%) of the original fee." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 7th day of June, 1966. MAYOR pET�Y REC�41�F�2� (SEAL) BILL NO, 60 of 1966 Published June 10, 1966 (4) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Bs. County of Salt Lake D M Oc key — n ing first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising Legal Notices_ Leiul Notices k of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- MNDItlOtO1NANCE HAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sub-Section 49.125 t Section 57-10 0l y OdlvlNo.5511rof 19655 of Salt Lake to MechanicalhRefrigerattionwandnAir-Condo language with general circulation in Utah, and published in nomm�.Foes far mope=+Ion. Lake Cu)t , Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.Utah: 4 SECTION 1 That Sub-Section 40.125 f Section 5-1-10 f the Rev lsed Ordinances¢f Salt Lake CIIv,Utah,1965,adopted and enacted by BIII No. 51.of 1965,relating to Mechanical heeebyelstiomended I'oCondaionlnsohowe5 Tar I�gPeanpn,ba nd ilia name re a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto sedlan/A25. Fee for in pecfion. A teehshald/or tined;tint the fme 01 ePplicatioll for Inspection tp per on o 9Incl..E Non of the Installation, In cordance with the taoilowinp ram¢: It Like pity }3i11 No 60 of 1966 Hh Hors,Power IEQU II0lr 10 Ho(rser Power ef) $5 005 per Horse Power Hansa Power Through le Morse Power 2.00 per Horse Power T 11.•Harse Power and over 1.50 Minimum Maximum Fee shall no1 exceed 5250.00 per Horse Paw¢r ordinance T'elati ran to teechlnicsl l'efr7.yes'atlon ABSORPTION ANO EN01NE POWER(Tons/ S 5.00 per Horse Fee t �rh Ten ffh�rW9h 4 Tan 2,00 per Ton 11 Ton and over Ton 1.50 Minimum WATER Maxi mum Fee shall SAVING EVICEt OR COOU.00 NO TOWERS par Ton -j iir—c ondttionina, foes for inspection (Flat Fees) 1/a Horse 4 Horse oPowerr r T ...through 510.00 Minimum Fee -4� Horse Power ar or through 15,00 Minimum Fee 10 Horse Power or Ton- 25.00 Mlnlmum Fee 11 Horse Power an over Maximum Fee shall not exceed$75.0o wafer saving d¢Yices Replacement of complete condensing unit o shall follow same tee:scedule as above(Any¢mponent Parts or a relrlgaI stem re alaced for repair or maintenance snail"OP I re Ire area tee): • ercon For ea h ddltlonal inspection reaulrto because of conouemnatlen ) hargeksha e m de premature to e request for Insper cent additional 1pubhshed in said newspaper on Juno 10 1966. cnarae hall be 3de dual to sevenly�live Per cent o51O/a) of the ori5lnal fee." SEeT ION h.In the opinion of the Commissioners it Is to ll to the peace,room end-safety f the habitants of Soli Lake City necessary this , twilit SEC becam CC''fe Ohre Immediately. SECTION d TTrendinance shall lake effect upon Its first pubacsilons•I f IIIPyyamed rrlbly• bA d of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this bt dAERMANaJ- rNSEN E City Recordtr,-,,,,.., F /-� (Spell- - lot ).BRACKEN LEE Mayor / / �) BILL lied o.1 e9� yi , // _ / Published June to W66(A31) } G< ' C(" ,Legal Advertising Clerk, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of June A.D. 1966 Notary Public My Commission Expires Noy--25--1169 60