60 of 1968 - Amending Section 245 of Article 15, to provide that the sponsoring organizaton of those parades and ' ROLL CALL June 27 8 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196 Barker . . . . Catmull I move that the Ordinance be passed. _ %,.,..,_ i Harrison i'\, Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 245 of Article 15 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relatinc to parades on public streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 245 of Article 15 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to Parades on public streets, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 245. Parades and processions, permits required. No procession or parade except a funeral procession shall occupy, march or proceed along a y street except in accor- dance with a permit issued by th chief of police of this city. All requests for such permits shall state the time, place of formation, proposed lin of march, destination and such other information as the ch of of police may require. Any procession or parade proceed ng in accordance with the permit issued as hereinabove provided may be authorized by the chief of police to disregard traffic-control devices. The person or persons obtaining uch permits, together with the sponsoring organizations whom they represent, shall provide, at their own expense, police supervision for such parades or processions which are not of a community-wide nature when, in the opinion of tine board of commissioners of Salt Lake City, such supervision is necessary in the interest of preserving peace and promotin the health and welfare of the residents of Salt Lake City. ' SECTION 2. In the opinion of th Board of Commissioners it is ,.•:cessary to the peace, health and we fare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall1become effective upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27th day of June, 1968. ;zL MAYOR /oe �a L) (S E A L)\ CITY diP O ER BILL NO. 69 of 1968 Published,tuly 2, 1968 60 ADM•99A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices___ J) M Ockey AN ORDINANCE SENfIO N ORDINANCEIicI AMENDIN ei d 5. li L oly,Dlan,l Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- f B dead b d b Beard or doing clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) Flan. ` " La"e Li'Y' newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- semo 0 T. That s«uPn �5 I( culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Arlc,e 15 f the Taft is Cede of Salt Lake t,:, Ulah,r c,on lu e'saine hereby iS sa d_,elm d s In (,'aunty,in the State of Utah. ,.laws: elnerticd to read as afore. 'Sec. 245,. Parades and Proces-I` mn.operrhjis r °II. N That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Ce d r Pdrade except a rune,' np'I Pre. erd°di zny'S�pnl it'Issl;n S L ,tPe chic',Op: a p t ;P d oY' aft ake City Bill No 'of 1968 ree chief .pence of,thiscllY.All Oo'4 fdF aP h ifs shall stale., ha Ilmn lape'drerie,mah°"' a . An Ordinance relating to parades on ��ublic poses hna arcn.aerl'4" a �or ppu neY�nrormonpn as me chierl• -- Sion or Pa ads'o.tWedi A'Y erooC`1: P(ga'y nfl n d. . streets. nanovruh the p t Issues here.I ¢Y the chief of av be sreg'ed A tretfiC,Ontrol devices.The olice to desron'Or '9 thersw� til.7n"s such Pernmda,"ferl porepre ne shell L '- '-'- ides 1!hells ponce. �oupervisipW tor uce"pera acs o p o. esnions h'11 ar n t an c V Iry L11 luro hnn, the pinio I the Boartlot Commisslen-IL e Gf Salt Lrkc'rAV ech s°porvc! Xe^'vh�ep Iry In Ihr Inlereal !f July 2, 1968 neafen-°.tl welfare°of themlgdeobsle was published in said newspaper on of SMI VIce CITY." ° e91 SECTION 2. In drn°Plni°n of lhel eo7 t oI cmaciszm:ea II s 'sf r.ho,r cane,of Sal aI o o'cit a hn p Ihnl this ho Clnat'rce become'offec�vei .Immntlla'r!y, SECTION t. This ordinance shnlliC -.become effective upon Its first NMI,-'ca lion, Passed by the Board of Commle Ionel'x PI Sal'Lake CITY,Utah,this': � lC(�C L'c--a� 27]h day n!June,I969 J.• BRACKEN LEE, s Legal Advertising CJJ.rk HERMAN J.HOGENSEN or ,_ / filar) City Recorder,Bull Nn.d July 2, Published Julv],1968 IA.521 I^ Subscribed and sworn to before me this____ 3rd day of July A.D. 19 68 . Notary Public • My Commission Expires Mar 28 1972 • 60