61 of 1907 - Ordinance 61 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Sections 313, 317 and 391, re: liquor and restaura An Ordinance.
An Ordinance Amending and re-enacting sections 313, :17 and 391
of the Revised Ordinances of Ca1t Lake City,
Be it ordained by the city council of Galt Lake City, Utah:
wection 1. That sections 313, 317 and 391 of the ,revised Ordi-
of Celt Lake City be, and the same are hereby amended and re-
enacted so as to read as follows:
wection 313. Bale of Liquor by a Restaurant, Hotel or boarding
House Keeper, It shall be unlawful for any restaurant, hotel or
boarding, house keeper to sell, give away or dispose of any kind of in..
• tox.icating liquor, over a bar, or in any other manner, except the same
be served with a aeelaerved by the said restaurant, hotel or boarding
house keeper, and -then only by taking out a license granting such
Section 317. mounts to be Paid for Licenses.- The following
amounts shall be and ere hereby established as the quarterly charge
for licenses under the provisions of this ordinance, to-wit:
As a manufacturer, 450.00
As a retail dealer, ` 300.00
As a wholesale dealer (exclusively), 100.00
As a druggist, 100.00
As a restaurant or betel keeper (to be served with meals
only), 100.00
Au said sums shall be payable strictly in advancer provided,
that in no cgs. shell any payment mods or license issue entitle the
licenses to conduct mere than ens place of business thereunder.
ion 301. Restaurant keeper defined. Amount. Liquors
prohibited. A resti rant keeper is defined to De be anyperson who shall
keep any house or place for the furnishing of meals without lodging,
within the limits of Balt Lake City. A restaurant keeper's license
may be issued upon the applicant filing with his application a styte-
ment under oath showing the greatest number of pers
ons one he can fU , h
with meals at one time. The yearly license charge for restauilan (s
shall be as follows:
For all restaurants able to accommodate thirty or more
guests et one time, ;75.03
For all restaurants able to accommodate twenty guests.
and less than thirty, 40.03
For all restaurants able to accommodate over ten guests
and lose than twenty, 20.0a
For gll restaurants able to accommodate ten guests or
less, 10.00
Provided, that no restaurant keeper's license shall in any
manner authorise the sale of spirituous, vinous, melt or other bn-
texicatin; Ugaors,' but sucks restaurant keeper may ebWn an addi.
tional license to saws liquors with meals as provided in section 313.
tiso. 2. This ordinance shall tans effect upon approval.
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Presented to the City Coun
and referred to th e Committee on . aorrzz
SEP 9 1907
4. TY/WOW&
Presented It the tity Co'
tinceited grit°MEI t.
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