61 of 1910 - Ordinance 61 of 1910 – Creating Sidewalk Districts Nos. 44 and 45. 4
A, 1 ORD / IA103 .
An erdinasoe °rooting Sidewalk Districts Nos. 44 and 46.
Is it ordained by the City °omen of Salt Lake City, 'Utah:
EMOTION 1.fhst this following Sidewalk District is heroby areal*
and establisholl, to•wit: Sidewalk District Is. 44 shall be and een-
sist of all that portion of tho City lying oast of tho wort lino of
Dila Strait, at iaalaiket is a sidtwalk district horetofore °rents&
and tostablished.
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SZOTIOA 2. Shat"the follening sitowalkdistriet„le hopebi,tat
cowl ostablishet, to,Wit: Sidewalk Diatriat 20. 46 0011 bnapAtinn-
;' 'fist of all thm0 portlea of *ha Silty tying wart of thik 111042ita4f
Mai* Strike*, not includot in a Oglifialk dletriet horelkofere Gran*
and ostablishodi.
BETIO 3. Ibis ordinasoo shall take 'Mot upea approval.
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Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah, Ma 1,1910
and referred to the Mayor for his appr al.
Approved this / — day of June, 1910.
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