61 of 1911 - Ordinance 61 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 6 & 7 regarding health. _,- AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 607 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903. as amended by an ordin ones passed by the City Council July 22, 1907, and approved by the Mayor July 23, 1907. Be it ordained by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 607 of the Revised Ordinances of Sal. Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council July 22, 1907, and approved by the Mayor July 23, 1907, be, and the same is hereby amended and re..enacted so as to read as follows: 607. DISCONTINUTANCE.OF PRIVY VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS. It shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any property wit.- in this pity, or his, her or their agent or agents, or other person or persons having charge of or occupying such property, said property being located upon any street, alley, court, passageway or area, and within four hundred feet of a sewer along any street or alley of this city, to neglect or refuse, for the period of twenty days after notion from the Hoard of Stealth of this city, to discontinue the use of, clean out, die infect and fill up all privy vaults and sees-pools on such property, or to neglect or refuse for such period after suoh mottos to remove the seat or seats from all outside olosets on such property. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed t• the extent of such oonfliot. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Passed by the City Cou i f;i. La14 , ty -t .�eriber Fit , 1931, and referred to the T,ayor for his app m_ �GA. ,/- ,,, ,Approved this CO day of septemher,193-1,`--_ c rder. . '. OPt4 ;• 1G :i0 :I ,1 e.' silt '..o vo a ao.f 3oe8 gattoauo-sT baa 3atbneraa eonAbib o aM -oibTo ne led bebaema ea ,EOBI to yf10 ea[ai tla8 to seoeselbTO booty set yd bevoTgga baa ,v01/I ,S3 ylvL Itoauo0 ytt0 edt qd bseaaq obis .T041 ,ES ylef. Toryslt :eotU 0010 e$ns Ilse 2e Ronne° / WtO edt vd leatadto tt el P.sE, 'to se asetbTo beetvel1..dt v08 aottoeCgtodl .1 ROITar 10 se td -beaeaq eoas LT 1 aa,�d ,e'.•, ,aott to yt eL e el + �Xpte't rovat e& y, be'voY bas 4' ! ,S3 Um; flag m '`'frd no baa 1deaed et ease t b 0o a z v G{ ro_ Ok SIVIO.02 .6'u0 ,", d+; vT'A!.-t?JJ`IV �O� ilk +IQ .vW -d w tTeq Tg as to rrI w TO o-'edt Tot v*walaa ad !lade Tedto Tol tetrcega To to t t To ice. .etd .ttto atilt Id .ytTego rq done Wyggooe to(e8sado Woad smoateq xo abate' ,tTmoo ,jolts ,teeTte- yas aoqu betaoo! gated 'tTegoTq Aloe Tewsa a to toot beTbaad Tait atdttw baa .aeTa Ta Y.awegaeeaq ,eeutoT To *midges of ,ytto eidt to tolls To toasts yaa gaola to bTaoff edt a0Tt sottoa Tetta a%ab ytnewt to botTeq out Tot etb ,tno mete ,to sea edt emattaoaatb of ,ytto stilt to dtla.Y dove no alooq-eeeo baa atlaav vtxq ILs qa Iltt baa tooted done Tette botTeq dogs Tot seater To toslgea of so ,ytTegoYg • ao aleaolo eblatno his ao't otiose To Sacs edt •weer et eottoa .ytsegory doss -tbro to r:tTso TO .eaottuloaeT baa asoesatbTo IL .S ECITOES of beleogeT ydeTed era ,dttwrTetr totIleoo al onoitmloseT baa saossa .totltuoo dome to tootle edt .IrvoTgge nogg tootle eatat !Lode sosaatbTo atrtT .E tCITOaC