61 of 1917 - Paving Extension No. 104, Third and Final ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, June.-26.,_ -
I move that the ordinance be passed.
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ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property
on State Street between north Temple and Second forth Streets, and
on Second ;.forth Street between :,wain and +pest Canyon Streets, in
Paving Districts Los. 22, 30 and 32 (Paving Extension ho. 104) , for
the purpose of providing for the grading, curbing and guttering,
constructing drainage system, installing sewer connections and
avin„: thereof.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utab:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Districts Nos. 22,
30 and 32 (Paving Extension iio. 104) , for the purpose of providing
for the grading, curbing, and guttering, constructing drainage
system, installing_; sewer connections, and paving thereof, to-wit:
In Section 31, 'aowns:iri 1 north, f:an.ge 1 east, Salt Lake Base
and lieridian; in block 1; in Lots 2, 4, b, 6 and 10, Block 1; 7, 8,
9 and 10, Cv-)itoi Subdivision, Block 10; 1, and 3, Block 11; 1,
Block 12, Plat "E"; 3, Block 1; 7, and 11 to 14, inclusive, flock 2,
flat "iB'; 1, Block 2. Plat "J", all in Salt Lake City Survey,
abutting on both sides of State Street between forth Temple and
Second _`orth S'.reets; and on both sides of Second forth Street
between 'Jain and West Canyon Streets.
1- 61
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, curbing
and guttering with cement (where curb and gutter is not already
constructed) , constructing drainage system to carry water along
and across streets and intersections of vitrified and concrete
pipe from ten (10) inches to eighteen (18) inches in diameter,
installing sewer connections, and paving with bitulithic pavement
(said bitulithic pavement to be thirty-six (36) feet between curbs
on State Street from north Temple Street north 140 feet; thirty
(30) feet between curbs on State Street from a point 140 feet mart
of Forth Temple Street to Second north Street; twenty-four (24)
feet between curbs on the north side of Second rjorth Street from
Main Street west 22 feet; forty-four (44) feet between curbs on
Second Perth Street from Main Street to 80 feet west of State
Street; and seventy (70) feet between curbs on the south side of
Second north Street from 80 feet west of State Street to 4est
Canyon Street, and all of said pavement to be six (6) inches thic •
with four (4) inch bituminous macadam base and two (2) inch toppi g
of bitulithic) , the portions of said streets opeosite the propert
hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected
and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged,
determined and established that said property will be especially
benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, an.
said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform
rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portio s
of said streets fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25)
feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed
upon said parcels of land is nineteen thousand two hundred sixty-
eight and 77/100 ( 19,268.77) dollars; fourteen hundred sixty-
four and 27/100 (0.464.27) dollars, or four and 44/100 (,a4.44)
of abutting; Property
dollars per front or linear foot/for thirty-six foot roadway
(curb and gutter built) , there being 329.79 feet abutting said
portion of said improvement; eighty-eight hundred twenty-five and
10/100 ( 8825.10) dollars, or three and 01/100 (ti;3.81) dollars per
front or linear foot of abutting oropertt; for thirty foot road day
(curb and ,,utter built) , there being 2316.30 feet abutting said
portion of said .improvement; ninety-one and 85/100 (591.85) dollar.,
or four and 20/100 (;.4.20) dollars per front or linear foot of
abutting property for tenty-four foot roadway, there being 21.46
feet abuttija said portion of said improvement; three hundred
thirty-seven and 32/100 ( 337.32) dollars, or three and 38/100
(',;-3.38) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for
forty-four foot roadway (curb and gutter built; double track) ,
there being 99.80 feet abutting said ;portion of said improvement;
one hundred eighty-two and 83/100 ( ,182.83) dollars, or four and
52/100 ( -4.52) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting prop-
erty for forty-four foot roadway (curb and gutter built; single
track) , there being 40.45 feet abutting said portion of said
improvement; four hundred seventy-three (•„473.00) dollars, or four
and 30/100 (;:A.30) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
property for forty-four foot roadway (x±x7pm double track) , there
being 110 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; forty-fo r
hundred four and 18/100 (54404.18) dollars, or five and 42/100
(ti,:5.42) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for
forty-four foot roadway (single track) , there being 812.58 feet
abutting said portion of said improvement; three thousand fourteen
and 22/100 ( 3,014.22) dollars, or eight and 16/100 (yp8.16) dollar:
per front or lineir foot of abutting property for seventy foot
roadway (single track) , there being 369.39 feet abutting said
portion of said improvement; and four hundred seventy-six (p„476.00)
dollars for sewer connections, or thirteen and 60/100 (0.3.60)
dollars for each sewer connection, there being thirty-five sewer
connections, the cost of the installation. of which and the prooer'y
benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the
boundaries: of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in sais
distri.dts, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said
improvement, according to the contract entered into for the per-
formance of said work and making said improvement, with Strange-
Maguire Paving Company, dated the 23rd day of -August, 1916, and
• the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose
herein mentioned:
Thirty-six Foot Roadway. (Curb and Gutter Built
Commencing 35 feet east and 164.63 feet north from the City
stone monument at the intersection of North State Street and Canyon
Road; thence running north 189.03 feet, being part of Section 31,
Township 1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; com-
mencing 33 feet east and 33 feet south from the southeast corner
of Block 93, Plat "P", Salt Lake City Survey, thence running north
140.76 feet, being part of Section 31, Township 1 north, 'Range 1
east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
Thirty Foot Roadway. (Curb and Gutter Built)
Commencing 35 feet east and 392.81 feet south from a city
monument at the intersection of State and li.rst bTorth Streets,
thence south 168.02 feet, being _part of Section 31, Township 1
north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 35 fe t
east and 35 feet south from a city monument at the intersection of
State and first north Streets, thence south 327.81 feet, being; par
of 'section 31, Township 1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian; commencing 35 feet east and 31 feet north from city mon-
ument at the intersection of State and Iirst Borth Streets, thence
north 300.30 feet being part of Block 1, Plat "E"; the west side
of Lot 3, Block 1; the west side of Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, blocs
2, Plat "1", all in Salt Lake City Survey; commencing 33 feet east
and 107.76 feet north from the southeast corner of Block 93, Blat
"A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence north 284.49 feet, being part
of Section 31, Township 1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and,
Meridian; commencing 36.94 feet east from the northeast corner of
Block 93, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence south 256.75
foot, being part of Sc;ction 31, TowncbA) 1 north, Ranse 1 east,
Salt Lake Base and heri.dian; the east side of the west 11.18 feet
of Lot 2, and the east side of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, Plat "E",
Salt Lake City Survey; commencing 87.99 feet north of the northeast
corner of Lot 5, :Block 1, Plat "E" , Salt Lake City Survey, thence
north 376.23 feet, being part of Section 31, Tounshign 1 north,
itanye 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
Twenty-four Foot Roadway.
The south side of the east 21.46 feet of Lot 1, Block 12,
Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey.
Forty-four Foot Roadway. (Curb and Gutter Luilt; double
Track) .
The north side of the west 99.8 feet of Lot 7, Capitol Subdi-
vision, Block 10, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey.
Forty-four Foot Roadway. (Curb and Gutter Built;
Single Track)
The north side of the east 40.45 feet of -Lot 7, Capitol Sub-
division., Block 10, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey.
Forty-four Foot Roadway. (Double Track)
The south side of Lot 3, Block 11, Plat "E", Salt Lake City
Forty-four Foot Roadway. (Single Track)
The north side of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Capitol Subdivision, Bloc"..
10; the north side of Lot 10, Block 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City
Survey; commencing 79.4 feet east from the northwest corner of Lot
10, Block 1, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, thence east 80.6
feet, bein part of Section 31, Township 1 north, Range 1 east,
Salt Lake Base and i;leridian; commencing 175 feet east from the
northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City.
Survey, thence east 64.08 feet, being part of Section 31, Township
1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and :.=eridian; the south side
of Lot 1, Block 2, Plat "J"; the south side of Lots 1 and 2, Block
11, Plat "h", all in ealt hake City Survey.
Seventy_Foot Roadway. (single Track)
'file north side of Lot 7, Block 2, Plat "K", Salt Lake City
Survey; commencing 76.13 feet south and 30.95 feet neet from the
city monument at Second Forth. and State Streets, thence west 79.89
feet, being part of Section 31, Township 1 north, Rsanee 1 snot,
Salt Lake Lace and Heridian; commencing 66 feet east from the
northeast corner of Block 2, Plat "K", Salt Lake Cite Survey,
thence northeasterly 106 feet, being part of Section 31, Township
1 north, Range 1 east, S^.lt Lake Base and "eeridian.
Pronerty Assessed for Sewer Connections
In Addition to Regular Assessment.
Commencing 35 feet east and 392.81 feet south from city monu-
ment at State and first Borth. Streets, thence south 168.02 feet,
- being -part of Section 31, Township 1 north, Bongo 1 east, Salt Lake
Base and Reridian; commencing 35 feet east and 264 feet south from
city monument at State and First Borth Streets, thence south. 98.81
feet, being cart of Section 31, Township 1 north, Range 1 east,
Salt Lake Base and leeridian; commencing 35 feet east and 170 feet
south from city monument at State and first north Streets, thence
south. 94 feet, being part of section 31, To,rnsh.ip 1 north, Bongo
1 east, Salt Lake Base and Leridian; commencing 35 feet ea et and
22 feet south from city monument at State and First fiord-, Streets,
thence south 45 feet; being cart of Section 31, Township 1 north,
"Ranee 1 e.i .t, Salt Lake Base and i3eridian; commencing 35 feet east
and 35 feet south from city monument at State and Rirst forth
Streets, thence south 90 feet, being hart of Section 31, Township
1 north, Ranee 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Reridian; the west side
of the south 50 feet of the north 83.62 feet , and the west side
of the north 33.62 feet of Block 1, :net "I]"; the west side of
Lot 13, and the west ciao of Lot 14, Block 2, net "K", all in
Salt IsAke City Survey; commencing 33.19 feet east from the south-
east corner of Block 93, Clot "A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence
north 132 feet, being part of Section 31, Townehip 1 north, Range
1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; the east side of Lot 5, Block
1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey; commencing 114,49 feet north
from the northeast corner of Lot 5, Bloch 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake
City Survey, thence north 50 feet, being part of Section 31, Town-
ship 1 north, Eange 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencin
164-4.9 feet north from the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Pla
"R", Salt Like City Survey, thence north 82.94 feet, being part of
Section 31, Townshi-o 1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and
leridian; commencing 247.43 feet north from the northeast corner
of. Lot 5, Llock 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey, thence north
82.94 feet, being part of Section Cl, Tounshia 1 north, Range 1
east, Salt Lake Base and. Meridian; commencing 22dold feet north fro
the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City
Survey, thence north 50 feet, being part of Section 31, Township 1
north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 380.3
feet north from the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Plat "E",
Salt Lake City Survey, thence north 83.85 feet, being part of
Section 31, Townshir) 1 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian; commencing 175 feet east from the northwest corner of
Lot 10, Block 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City Survey, thence east 64.01
feet, being part of Section 31, Township 1 north, canoe 1 east,
Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 79.4 feet east from the
northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 1, Plat "E", Salt Lake City
Survey, thence east 80.60 feet, being part of Section Cl, Townshil
1 north, Lange 1 east, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; the south side
of the east 110 feet, and the south side of the we:t 110 feet of
Lot 1, Block 2, Plat "J"; the south side of Lot 3, the south side
of Lot 2, and the south side of Lot 1, Block 11, .21at "I-", all in
Salt Lake City. Survey, as the same are shown upon the official
, /gi•
plats of said City to a depth of tenty-five (25) feet back from
said street.;, ....^.c to collect said tax.
SdOTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delincuent in ten
equal yearly installments, v.ith interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year after the
ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such
improvement becomes effective; one-t(Tith thereof in two years
after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in three
years after said or:'.ine.nce becomes effective; one-tenth. thereof in
four years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth there-
of in five years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof in six years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-
tenth thereof in seven years after said ordinance becomes effective;
one-tenth thereof in eight years after said or inance becomes
effective; one-tenth thereof in nine years after said ordinance
becomes effective; and one-tenth thereof in ten years after said
ordinance becomes effective- One or more of said installments, in
the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may
be paid at any time within thirty days after the ordinance con-
firming the levy of the tax becomes effective, vithout interest.
In'the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not
being said on the date the same becomes due, the whole amount of
the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest
are due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at
the rate of eight per cent per annum until the Bats of the
property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the
order in vtich they are payable, or the v,h ole special tax unpaid,
may be paiC. on the clay any installment becomes due, by :?ayin;; the
amount thereof and interest to cots date.
';.>ECTION 2, This ori1 .3nce shall tale effect upon its first
Paving Extern ion Ro. 104.
T.hird. and Final Ectirnte.
Passed. by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
June 26 , 1917.
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