61 of 1945 - Vacating alley in Block 13, Clermont Subdivision abutting upon North side of lots 1 to 5, inclusive �"reo'`2G$"'�DG 1 .. .✓'.'..•,—�..�,+..�—._rw __ �.� ram`, _ —. '" ..rn
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Romney � �•i Y- max.- fc_e._4s-<r->�
Mr. Chairman . . .'
Result .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING 12-f alley in Block 13, C!ef-
mont Subdivision, abutting upon the north side of Lots 1 to 5 in-
elusive of Block 13, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That 12-foot alley in block 13, Clermont Suia-
- division., abutting upon the north side of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive in
Block 13, in Salt Lake City, Utah, mort particularly described as
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 46, Block 13,
Clermont Sub. of part of Secs. 28 and 29, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S. L. N. & M.; thence guest 115.0 ft.; thence N,* 47° 061 W.
7.34 ft.; thence South 17.0 ft.; thence East 120.38 ft.;
thence North 12.0 ft. to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing,
,rplacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities andd -all
of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
"' publication.
Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of Cult Lake City,
Utah, this day of 1945.
j24.170f0 ;-- ayor.
City Lecorder.
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`' 1_023893 t=
Recorded at-Requ'es of/fe�a.:.� '�` ..... . - - -
a il� Zee• Cornelia S. Ewmd RecorderS.E.county,Utak
Book>./ Page ,C1 Eon„,,, /
t d that the same has een car-
I LIMITS OH` SALT LAKE eclly staked oat Pon the Dial
CITY, shown upon further
thDer mordained
o• t aft
WHEREAS. to the 23rd day with
ttte be it esribe o praned that
the hurt 19Re there 01 f Ile and above described property ey as
Oily Recorder o£ Saltr Lake Residential
et the s is hereby zoned as
the etttt, a Nu.ix DJ' ethes it. [r Adenit snRu District.
elements, ant. the estate And it is further is ordinance
of rs, the executrix
e Clements.propera declared that when Said
s or din acdd
others, t owners thetakes effect the said Ar thenceforth
of land
last hereinafter) tract
of bed, takes above described spoil thenceforth
will said tract is at al tt make be within the corporate zoned of
within the also
of 'a Lake said sale Lake Cie" a. zoned t
mall and also [ tseJ aResidential "Bur" District,ivas. pit
asp or
Plat to be made am)u<ere all oobligatio, jurisdictions. rules
tilled p ov competent t ry ake toil bhgltiL of o pertaining
and approved by the Salt L:t Lake to said Salt de applicable ploy a axdende-
Cny Engineer to Dn lileJ with tar overand mhe dtct and per.
City Recorder: linen t In the said tract f hunts
WHEREAS, the said trace 1 and the streets. 'blocks and It be
land ode Is tit to Saltiro Lake and of said tract ghat) be
City and there Is no proper r controlled and 'fed by the
why it should not be exeds to rdinances, rules idol
governed 1.Ktdallope
' sad made a part of said ltttity', am' of said c n that(behalf,and the
WHEREAS, the Board al' Coin. y)
lella of Salt Lake City, a city
of the Cta n there.
paid petition of said shag mohlinthe standard
be taken thand
examiningIlliSSiat n as the standard of etsa and
of said tract of land af in
l Hid the eels tut side ex
tvel eo the sta0010 bilks shall lie improvedin at the e
lttnttiitt voted byUnanimous hvote panne of d twithout(cos t to
of all panne of said tractowners without cos Salt
favor tie a an trace in
laod tothat of�Salt
dinauce shyouldtl b directed piss- SECTION 2. Upon the passage
of this ordinance the i City Re
extension enncyhtr said tetcie and ehe corder f Sall L hen Clly shall
said of Om yif}' Built of file and she hereby directed •
sold Salt Lake City s Re it
t fileSl with the County Recorder
NOW, THEREFORE,Bo rot Be It of Salt Lake o County acopy V.
chinch of the Baked of Commis- the map and plat above met
of Salt Iliit it c llfah'. edged, dilly certified l and aeknows.
s SECTION b That the city ll mils edged.th as provided i such eases.
of Salt Lake City o ni and en- ttis her with a certified COPY of
battle c hereby eioendte nil o- this otlinanee.
I,irgetl are
to include.-ehe fol- SECTION 3. In the oerex. p1
1 1,0111 ribed tract of land m the Board of Co peace,onees. t t t is
,��,aft Lalte Canttly,point
r.enosavr.v lu the peace, health and
... IIegimting at a point el tax htdt safety of the inhabitants of Salt
aide of 23rd East Street which Lake Gilt ini„this ordinance shalt
Point is 164.9 ft.S 11 des.32 Mill. beome effective immediately.
30 s W. and 210,31 ft. South SECTIONrc�b 4.Tina ordinanceshall
See.22.2.to North quarter US. . f 00it effect xt ondt. spun Its fiecl
&me.,which 1 of R. I sa S dli B au a,si'il p.
itt,li e Salt
Lis City
a atitd prune by the Board of Cum,
hit h the Salt Lake 8ity tbal along oh s o ar of Salt c City. Utah,
try, thence South 203.08 ll. Eas his�20thsday t December.. L E.
said city boundary, thence Eael. EARL J. GLADE.
toy.t ft.. thence North boon ft. Mayor.
to the Salt 5_a f illy DortddtitC (Seal/
thence ry t 49th1 ft,aeons said city I1thlA er drr. .
boundary to pointi- of berth fteeorcl 60.
containing 2.31 err and be. RILL NO. e0.
mcs�part of the North s half of Published December 21, 1945.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Irma__F_. .Bitner , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating 12 foot a1iey._in_Blo.ak..13.,..Clermant...Subd-ivisian,
abutting upon the north side of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive of Block 13, in
Salt Lake City, Utah"
December 26't
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 2d day of Tanuary,..191+6zx.._.
(SEAL) 974.37400
73LL No. 61 City Recorder.
Published Dec. 28th, 713x...19.45
1023898 • - .0 A
iiaccrded-at Roque wt �+f� �d�`��- --�• 2� � JIM 3 1946.,-.
at//,41° M e ;dI1 1h Cornelia S. Lund,Recorder S.L.t ounty, Uta'.
Ay.......1._L_ ..'G!_...._..1.... ._.._ .._., ep. Bcok�y Pagel- Ref:W/���.hyt/.'{i.�I.f•�/
12-foot alley in Block 13, Cler-
mont Subdivision, abutting upon
the north side of Lots 1 to 5 in.
elusive of Block 13, in Salt Lake
City. Uth.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION Bloclt 13,1 That 1 Clermont
p Subdivision,
2.foot alley
upon the north side of
Lots 1 to 5 inclusive in Block 13.
in Salt Iake City.Utah, more par-
ticularly described as follows:
i • Beginning at the Southeastcor-
of Lot 46. Block 13, Clce-
unt Sub.of part of Secs. 28 and
N.; thence West 115.0 ft.; thence
N.47 degrees 06 min. W. 7.34 It..
thence0.38South 17.0eN. thence to
ile 11 t0 thence Ntl 12.0 ft, to
the point of beginning;
be and
and declared s no longer r toy c be pub
lie property for use as a street,
alley tpedestrian way.
Said or
cation is made express
ly subject to all existing rights
of way and casements of all nub
h my e utilities of : and every der
eriover thewcln i or fines of the above
described property and also stub
ect to the right of entry there
t for the purpose of inapeeling,
maintaining, repairing. replacing.
removing, altering e
o id n hties and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of
the Board of Commissioners, it
is cry to the peace, health
l safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance
become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
take sheet upon its first. publica-
Passed by the Board of Com•
of Salt Lake City,
Utah. this 26th day of December.
A.D. 1945
Cite Recorder.
BILL NO. 61 ,
Published December 28th, 1945.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
Legal,:Notices Being•first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
i 1Lfeod alley in Block 13,.Ozer• vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
tt tlr buinn-
•Cltlafve ut Bleak ia, in'Belt LRke published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
v. it or
-Be ie ordained o by the Boars f of Utah.
'OoIDmimlonere of salt;GM_
C/E3: '.
0 SECTION 1. That''12400t alley
'In Block 13, Clermont Subdivision.
ibutting upon the north. side of That is 1 to a inclusive fnd3lock 13, ' That the advertisement
In Salt Lake City,Utah,more par-
tteularly-ececrtbee as follaifs:
the ct'131 r=
n fLtMi..Blook . 0 Publication of Ordinance Bill
;wont Sub.of net ot Sava.'•211 and
2M5, Ttines,!,Wee411., S1t.L. B.tfie0ce
71.et aagyNe 0!min..W.7A4 tb_ No 61
ibetis9;'9outh ore fL; tibenee E•
'120�2 1st thence N, 12.0 ib to
•the..:pclnt'of beginning:
he end the came t0 fiereby vacated
and declared o,Wager to be pub•
lv properall vforor ppedestrian Ray
..Sala°'vacation is ado pre"• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
• ts
ay_.Object to ;ailems b_ittiing�lJr Dub
ue utilities f any e a 29th day ofDecember 45
ipdon W located in, A.D. 19
or over the confines f the shove
0[Ibed property d leo b-
to the urp o1 nine triers• and was published 1 time
n far the puroom of lnepeelmg•
maintaining, repairing, rerouting
n&ld utIbing, , end 0[ rthan.
a61d ntllitles and all of them,
'8 a d'21nIn the
•opinion t the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
it necessary to the peace, health
and cafmy f the inhabitants 28th December 45
•Salt Lake City that thlp ordinance y f A.D. 19
be effective. in...Gate y. da 0
SECTIONoact J.'Tbla ordinance hell /C9ysa��C%J _
take effect upon its first publics- /! / '
on, f
Paeeed by the;Board L Com• J CG�� _
f alt Lake Dlty.
Utah�nthis 2eth dey 01 December, Advertising Clerk /
A.D. 1246.• EARL J. GLADE. ,
Mayor, ' '
(Seal) IRMA City hero der, •
BPu lLLefl DDeceptber 204b,1046._,_.
Subscribed and sworn to be f ore me this 29th day of
December A.D.19 45
2/ti .- ,
Notary Public
('a .
-7-1 1-1
0 it
r- .'