61 of 1950 - Vacating alley south 100 ft. from Parleys Canyon Boulevard and running west 117.6 ft. from Hannib ROLL CALL '
Salt Lake City,Utah,_..JUN..a_Llg5;+ ,195
Affl ck 1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Chri tensen . . :!
Ling nfelter %,....— '.. Q .":"'"V`'-`--,
Romey -. . .
Mr. hairman . . ir`� N ORDINANCE
Resu t
AN ORDINANCE VAC�TNG alley south 100 feet from Parley's
Canyon Boulevard and running west 117.6 feet from Hannibal Street
1 - in Idlewild Addition in Salt Lake City, Utah.
_ Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That alley south 100 feet from Parley's Can-
, you Booulevard and running west 117.6 feet from Hannibal Street in
Idlewild Addition in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly describ-
`' ed as follows:
a Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 33, Block 11,
Idlewild Addition, a subdivision of Section 21, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence west 117.6 ft. thence south
18 ft., thence east 117.6 ft., thence north 18 ft. to the
place of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing.
P y g_
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property, and also subject to the right of\
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing,
removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall a ct upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 7.0. day of , A. 50.�
City Recorder.
City and County of Salt Lake,
t Frank A. Shields, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
c rtify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating alley south 100 feet from Parley's Canyon
Boulevard and' running west 117.6 feet from Hannibal Street in
dlewild Addition in Salt Lake City, Utah"
p ssed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
June 20th1 pg 1950
a appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
o said City, this 5th day of July, 1950 4/55x
(SEAL) . r..-P ' A
BILL-NO. 61 ' -DeputyCity Recor.er.
.., ... .,.
!',Published June 21, 1950 in;r3c .
- . _ ,--,-,,•
, .
6 /
1.20;694 d ',,` �,��
Recorded at Request of..44.44�6 --- iUL.-�---1
at 2.-if M Fee pa'' $d,0 8 Hazel Taggart Chase,Recorder Salt;eke County,Utah
Dep. Book/7/ Raga-713 ti,�'• :c_,
�Io2 ere i��a���•f!� �P�
AN ORDINANCE ' 4i 4o 1414.14
south 100 feet from Parley's Can-
yon Boulevard and running west
117.6 feet from Hannibal Street In
Idlewild Addition In Salt Lake City,
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1.That alley south 100
feet from Parley's Canyon Boule-
vard and running west 110.6 feet
from Hannibal Street to Idlewlld
Addition in Salt Lake City, Oval:
c particularly described as ha-
ginning at the southeast corn,
of Lot 33, Block 11, Ielewild Addi-
tion,a subdivision of Section 2.1,T.
1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L,B. M thence
west 110.6 ft., a thence south 10 ft..
tence east 117.6 ft.,thence north 18
ft.to the place of beginning:
be and te
and declareds noolonger rto v vacated be public
prop alley alfor use as a pedestrian stay. ave-
Sid vacation Ls made expressly
subject to all existing rights of ay
and casements of all public utilities
of any and every dcea000'llvn now lo-
cated ln,on,
under orer the con-
fines f the r above described proper-
ty, and also subject in theright of
entry thereon for the purpose of -
o cling.maintaining. r oahin:r,re-
moving, altering or uting cold
utilities and all of them.
SEC fne
Board TIf Comnmissione s,nItnls�nec-
essary to the peace,health andsafe-
ty of the inhabitants of Sell take
City that this ordinance became e.•
fcctive immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordlnanse shall
takePassed upon
Board public
foners of Salt Lake Ci'.p.Utah.this
20th day of June EARL J,GLAD.
(SEAL) City Recorder.
Bill No.61.
Published June 21,1950.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
AN ORDINANCE VACh'-ING all, I)• �,.. (Y.:
, smith 100 foil. from Parley'„ Can-
h Yon Boulevard and running west
117.,6 feet from,Hannibal Street h Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the ad-
Itllhwlld Addition In Salt Lake City,Uta >
f m''m aslreda:n°;hsa,theLa 1P O,f, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION' That Iles spot" le- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
feet from Parleys alley n th 10-
Iard and running weal. 117.6 feet ICI
rmo' ieB IbaI Street In Idlemlld of Utah.
' Addition in Salt Lake City. Utah,
e particularly described es fol-
Beginning at the southeast corn,
t Lot 33,Block 11, idle Ylld Addi-
tion.a subdlvLoimr of section 21,T, That the advertisement
I.St R.g16 E.t.S.L.33.n.nth thence
thenco east 117.6 ft.,thence north 18
Cl.to the place of beginning; ;In Ord i li :n Ce 'i i 11 .'O. o l_
he and the same 1s here Ay vacated
and declared no longer to be pubiio
nue, for use as e. street,alleya.e-
s dr pedearlan way.
Said vacation A made a Oresely r
.ubleot to en existhag right, c a,a
and ny a`d eta of
fde nrin»on lane lc-
In, hover op o er the c
fines 1 the Dr described prop.�+-
Ly, and also sublent to Ito ta;ht o1
entry thereon Ieor the or rpbse of In-
FeectiFa nl maintaining.
Ing'or ea,ir1,!,Te" was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
utlltties end all of them.
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Hoard of peac,health
It is n e- day of A.D. 19
ary o the peace,health and.nee-
' trs of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become ef-
fectiveCTION'3,LTt1 dl a hall and was published Oil Ulle 23 , I hill
take 1f 1:SECTION'
6t .1!{c11 tine,
P @b Crd OfLiy h lhle
�jq{ , •,1••, 1 ^ Ii.19666n. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
ILL,T,c� Mar r
r,Lf 11,11 ehMR`1".'411CNAR
, rsrnL, swr Neeorarr. day of A.D.19
Publi nill shed Juno 21,la5n.
Advertising Cler$v.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of
,)un c A.D.19__5i9. •
k ., _ .
\.n.iJs_1.. ^
Notary ublic