61 of 1951 - Ordinance 61 of 1951, Amending Chapter LXV relating to zoning by adding Section 6738, relating to of VOTING Aye Nay
git • I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lingenfelter . . , __ / / -- j Romney . . . . �,.
Mr. Chairman f O DINANCE
Alv OiJIA:ti bE nh 1'DING ,;HAPTE d of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning by adding in
• and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as .Section 6738,
relating to official street maps.
3e it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
1— City, Utah:
-, SECTION 1. That Chapter L:CV of the devised ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended
by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as
Section 6738, relating to official street maps, which shall read
as follows:
t,,,d WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Salt Lake City has
heretofore adopted a major street plan for Salt Lake City, and
WHEREAS, in the future it is intended to establish and
adopt official maps showing the boundary lines of public streets
in Salt Lake City, and
WIidNEsS, the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City is
desirous of adopting by ordinance an official street map fixing
and establishing new boundary lines for opening and widening
a North and South II'reeway from a point on U. S. Highway No. 91
at the north City limits and running thence southwesterly
across the railroad tracks and southerly on the west side of
said tracks to a point near 9th North and bth West Streets,
thence southeasterly to 5th North and bth West Streets, thence
south along and parallel to 6th West Street to 6th South Street,
thence southeasterly to the City limits at 4th blest and 13th South
. _ 61
Streets, said map to be known as "Official Map of Salt Lake City,
No. 2", and
",Ti REAS, on March )0, 1950, a favorable public hearing was
held on the adoption of said proposed Official Map of salt Lake
City, No. 2, and which map also heretofore has received the appro-
val of the Planning Commission of Salt Lake City.
NOW, '.1H5002ORE, be it ordained by the Board of Cor,unissioners
of Salt Lake City that the "Official Map of oalt Lake City, No. 2",
three copies of which are on file in the office of the City Recorder
of Salt Lake City, which map fixes and establishes new boundary lines
for opening and widening a north and South i+'reeway from a point on
U. S. Highway No. 91 at the north City limits and running thence
southwesterly across the railroad tracks and southerly on the west
side of said tracks to a point near 9th North and 8th West Streets,
thence southeasterly to 5th North and 6th West Streets, thence south
along and parallel to 6th ;'lest Street to 8th South Street, thence
southeasterly to the City limits at 4th ':Test and 13th South Streets
in Salt Lake City be, and the same is hereby approved, accepted and
adopted as an official map of Salt Lake City, and directs that this
Ordinance and the "Official Map of Salt Lake City, No. 2" be recorded
in the office of the County Lecorder of Salt Lake County, and that a
copy thereof be placed on file in the office of the City Planning
Engineer of Salt Lake City.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take eff( u its first
publication. ! /'
Passed by the Board of JoramissH er of r Lal City, Utah,
this 14th day of August, A.D. . )51. ,,
; 7-'----'--
r I:; y `� r
/197,20, V _ /
City Recorder
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance amending Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
--Lake—City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning by adding in and to said
Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 6738 relating to Official
---street-lTla'ps't _
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 14th, xg 1951
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this z3d,, day of August, 1951 xaer
(SEAL) BILL NO. 61 I /4./1_,, '
Deputy City ecorder.
Published..A.ugust 1951
V Coy- zs7a- a.
.-C3y-. a -- '-
`C.3'r- 1-•}-"a.S- • c 1)4- z4Sw-
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. C--3Lt - 13- T • C34--a17-•31
C34 - t•g-_31 • C-'�`E_ 11st- «t c w •
•C' (k _ IT AN ORDINANCE has received the approval of the ei
"� `'�, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Planning t Commission of Salt Lake O
CHAPTER LXV of the Revised Or- Clty. a Ll
entrances ere f 'Snot Lain Cby. Utah, "loner o t Board of Commis-
In a relating to zoning by adding See- "loners of Salt Lake It L that the
O and to said Chapter a new t38- No. 2,ial Map of Salt Lake Cate, Xpl
Don to be known s' Section 6'138. .. Ile three copies of which
;elatingB .4 ordained fie ys th maps. or. f11e hr the ff t the hith $
Be t ne by the of map fixsf Salt LakestCity,he which • � OU
Utah: stoners of Salt Lake City. map fixes and establishes g new
Utah: boundary !toes }or opening and
SECTION I. That Chapter LXV widening a North and South Fres- - C
t the Revised Ordinances of Salt way from a point an U. S. High- d ern
Lake City, Utah. 1944, be and the way No. 91 at the north City lien-ea ta.
s hereby amender', by adding its andrunningr thence so thaes- O
in sameand to said Chalpter new - eriy across the eliroad tracks and4,9
Hon to oe known Section 6738, southerly on the west side of said
relating o.flc lei. reef ways. tracks to point near 9th North
which shallll read as follows: and 8th Wedt Streets,thence south- 4 1
"SECTION 6738. OFFICIAL MAP. easterly t 5th North and 6th West
WHEREAS, the Planning Commis- Streets, thence outh along d
skin of Salt Lake City.has hereto- parallel to 6th West Street to 8th Q S...
fort adopted a motor street plan for South Street, thence southeasterIY
Salt Lake City, end to the City limits at 4th West and• 0
• WHEREAS,In the future It Is 1n- th south Streets In Salt Lake V
tended to establish andadopt of- City be and foie se a is heresy
(toes maps showing the boundary approved; accepted and adopted s
lines of public streets in Salt Lake an official map f Salt Lake City, —Q
City,and end is that this Ordinance and
WHEREAS,the Board of Commis- the"Official Map of Salt Lake City,
• sionors of Salt Lake City 1.s de- No. 2" he recorded in the office of
shous of adopting by ordinance an County Recorder of Salt Lake Coun-
Offlcial street map fixing and es- ty. and that a copy thereof be Oplifl
tabllahing new boundary lines for placed on file in the o ffi of the 0t] s.
opening and widening a North and city'planning Engineer of Salt Lakeii, p N F n •
South Freeway from a point on U. City. "'-
S. Highway No. 91 at the north SECTION v tie0In the opinion of
City limits and running thence the Hoard of Commissioners. it Is 7nutt.Westerly across the railroadnecessary to the peace, health and
tracks an southerly An the west
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
side of said tracks to a point near Lake City that this ordinance be- ' 1t
9th North and 8th West Streets, came effective Immediately.
thence southeasterly to Sth North SECTION 3. This ordinance hail Ail ^
4 \,
and 6th Westear Streets, thence south take of feet upon its first publics-
along and parallel in 6th }Vest Don. UO ((p�
Street to Bth South Street, thence Passed by the Board f Commis-
southeasterly m p 0
to the City Omits t "loners f Salt Lake City, Utah. k
4th West and 13 th South Streets, this 14th day of August, A. D.c said map to be known as "OM- 1851. ' 1 t�ll 1.�.
coal Map of Salt Lake City,No.2," EARL J. GLADE,
and Mayor.
WHEREAS, on March 30, 1950, a IRMA F. HITHER,
favorable public hearing was held City Recot'der. .A;-on the adoption of said proposed (SEAL) • ED..
Of f octal Map of Salt Lake City,No. BILL NO. 61 r
a, and which wisp also heretofore Published August 17th, 1951 IV b
1t9a4- 77-/9 • CB(yy/.scr- it X,s•
.Q (.( 1 - S3s- ass- l'8/-s8- L19 b'
C •4 - 3S -6 •dl-c'f - 4a
•535 — ? (.t -Z�dl-icP-a 7•
r - 11S- AV IC'
tQ4- I6- 8 •C-qc7- a.c18- lb a $l - rle-h• tV
PQ-a`4•- 1‘k'13 .Csrl- 1s'l.—t .•.�r V(-33 0- 7 cu
/C ey _ 15 Z _G3 I �07_ �g _fir ra ` c
Q. ?-'t 'Dili(-aa Z�s� �i T
l l '� • Sl`F- 136 - 8 • sal- aL1 - 't I
•S1`1- 3D6- 37 •Sal - t -o -37-
•• �% -- 101- s -SLtS- a.614- ''\o
Affidavit of Publication
} ss
County of Salt Lake•
Legal Notices
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING y nal"CER of the.Revised Or- D. E. OCKI''�Y
ISall,Lake City, Utah,
7944, of Salt
to eo Ing'h.y adding
In and'to h Paid Chapter netiow Far- Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is ad-
ln In he AR! n N x new
lion ,
relating,to Medal-treAt"MaPs.
Be iv
e "`of"Salt"",ke City`, vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
P vlae l That
aims n(1Sa e published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Rake Clly, Utah,1944, ha and file
aama 1s hereby Mended ley add ing f
In and to ;aid Chapter a ne sec. o Utah.
rMonely in h" known x ectionw6't8,
relating in official eel maaps,
which Atoll read ae OFFICIAL 673/3. OFFICIAL MAP.
WHEREAS,the.Planning Connnl5- That the advertisement
Pion of Salt Lake City has,hereto-
fore adopted rl inalor,street ylAn for
Salt Lake Clty, and -
te aHa m:me,In
In- Publishinc ordinance Bill No. 61
ficial masae ahowlnie the°boundary
linen of piddle a'treeta In Salt Lake
CR,:, d
WHEREAS,the Beard of Commie- ----
aloea of Salt Lake Cap it Croon of adopting by°Minos a
official a set map fixing end or-
tobliohingn w boundary Mama the
opening and aldaning a North and
outh Freeway from a Dolt.on O.
S. Highway No.. 91 at the nnoth
oolty Ilmlta ,and running thence
nuthweeteely the railroad
tsar end tong.ly the. wed
aide traces end
�.Tack.to a1lpoint n
9lh t North and gth Wen Streetr,a
thence a tehca.terly to 5'.h Salk -'------
end fith West Streets„thenoe saufh
along and parallel to fith Weal.
Street to nth South Street. thence was published in said newspaper on Au;ktust 17, 1951
• am elleaitekly to the City limits a
4lh West and 13th South Streets.
arid inatl'toy'he.known as
riot Map or Soil Leke City,No.PT
Sind .._..•
WHEREAS,on March 10, 1950, a
vo le public adoption h mo told
On theproposed
Official Mao of Sr It Lake City,No. hLy
a tl A hf ',hap to h veloxe
has I d tie Approval of Fe ' '�J>
Planning CO Ihlsel f Skit. Lake / a C,t + _
d_Inert by the Bn d ! Commit- Advertising Clerk
line [Salt o,ak Icy that tl e /
"Official fif p oI 9 1 Lake CI
on three topic, f the
!11eto thel f11ca. -f the City
Retard fI of and Laken Clty, m new
map (Iy and eat°yenning
widenem "linen for op oiloh and
wtdenfng . North and .ptnh tInh 1 before me this lgtn
y trim a pith. o f L day of
Way And
91 nI tbr. halt!,Clty w,
te end Ing 1144 end
err "Ih°ral:h-nnod"do a end A.D.19 51
ackt to of a ,Id earnfa sold
ar,11 to s point nth North Il a n '
end Plv Nest 5 fit,lit,"andn theme+ m.
Streets, en 5ththence
North a n Wr=l
Streets, h x. eolith Mon ld
parallel South t CIh then,
to t tly
to the Cll Emits t 41if We St and
tOth South Steerto In Salt Lak.
ba, and f 1^:I4'
"official map of Salt LakerOty` Notary P blic
end directs that thh Ordinance and
the Official Map nt Salt Lake city.
No.2"fie r ended In the.oft Ina.re
Conn,ltcrorerler of Salt Ther(101111-
IT, and that. a conk eof be
placed on rile hi f`te tiler of she
City Planning Eng:na°r of Salt Lake
SECTION ri 2. Tn the opinor,. 11 n(
the Board of C 1000.o nova. Il
hoverer, la
in the habita ht, ofll and
1,a,rafoiyt t-ha iota bite nla of 'ell-
bake C f�a lvthat'c vi I.v nrdln Pore be-
come at1. hnmedla',rly
nke etre, 11 n'e nrdln1rn,-e shed)
fake e[frr.I. upon p.• IIrFt p1th;trr
Perohn Ito Soa al,. n iDth
of .akr ilf�h.
�tile"rl4tn day�of Sax .'A. n.
City Dr/ordrr_
I St'.'A I,1
Pohl:slid An1,001 fill,last