61 of 1955 - Ordinance 61 of 1955, Amending Chapter XIII of R.O. 1944, as amended, relating to Uniform Building VOTING Aye Nay a
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . . . j
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . . - AN ORDINANCE
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by B 11 No. 60, published
December 11, 1952, relat ng to the Uniform Balding Code.
Be it ordained .y the Board of Co ssioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. Thai Chapter XIII of he Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 19 , as amended b Bill No. 60, published December
11, 1952, relating to the Uniform B:uild'ng Code, be and the same is
hereby amended to read as ,ollows:
"Sec. 1301. The U iform Bu',ding Code, adopted, approved and
issued by the Pacific Coast Bui ding Officials Conference at the
Sixth Annual Meeting on tob 1$-21, 1927, with revisions and
editions approved in 1930 • 3, 1937, 1940, 1943, 1946, 1949 and
1952, together with the revisions, additions and amendments made
thereto and approved by the Active Iiembers at the Thirty Second
Annual Business Meetings of the Pacific Coast Building Officials •
Conference and published and known as Uniform Building Code, 1955
Edition, as a code in book form, three copies of which code have
been filed for use and examination by the public in the office
of the Recorder of Salt Lake City, and which code establishes
rules and regulations for the erection, construction,:enlargement
alteration, equipment, use, heights, area and maintenance of build- ,
ings, and or structures in the City of Salt Lake City providing
for the issuance of permits and collections of fees therefor declar-'
ing and establishing fire districts, providing penalties for the
violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict thereto, is hereby adopted by Salt Lake City
as the ordinances, rules and regulations of said City, together with _
and subject to the amendments to said code hereinafter set out.
"Sec. 1302. Section 205 of the Uniform Building Code, 1955
Edition, adopted by Section 1301 of these ordinances is hereby
amended to read as follows, to-wit:
"It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to -
erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, -
convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building
or structure in the city, or cause the same to be done, contrary -
to or in violation of any of the provisions of this code.
"Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provi-
sions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and
each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for
each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation
of any of the provisions of this Code is committed; continued or
iermitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such persons
shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $299, or by imprison-
ment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprison-
"Sec. 1303. The second paragraph of Section 1008 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"In any room in which volatile flammable liquids are used or
stored no device generating a glow or flame capable of igniting
gasoline vapor shall be installed or used within eight feet (8')
of the floor.
'Sec. 1304. The third paragraph of Section 1108 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Devices generating a glow or flame capable of igniting gasoline
vapor shall not be installed or used within eight feet (8') of the
floor in any room in which volatile flammable liquids are used or
"Sec. 1305. The second paragraph of Section 120E of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended, be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"In any room in which volatile flammable liquids are used or
stored, no device generating a glow or flame capable of igniting
gasoline vapor shall be installed or used within eight feet ($1)
of the floor.
"Sec. 1306. Subparagraph (e) of Section 3702 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"(e) Height. Every chimney shall extend at least two feet (2' )
above the part of the roof through which it passes and at least two
feet (2' ) above the highest elevation of any part of the building
within fifteen feet (151) of the chimney. The Building Official
may approve a chimney of lesser height installed with an approved
vent cowl having a spark arrester whose opening shall he not less
than six feet (6') from any part of the building measured hori-
zontally. For altitudes over two thousand feet (2000') the Building
Official shall be consulted in determining the height of the chimney.
"Sec. 1307. Table No. 37-A, referred to in subparagraph (d)
of Section 3702, of the Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted
by Section 1301, as amended, with respect to minimum area of flue
for warm air furnaces or boilers, be, and the same hereby is, amended
to read "90 sq. inches" instead of 70 sq. inches under the heading
"Round," and to read "121 sq. inches" instead of 90 sq. inches under '
the heading "Rectangle."
"Sec. 1308. Subparagraph (c) 5 of Section 3706 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"5. Size. The gravity flue or vent to which the flue or vent
connector is connected shall be of a size not less than the flue
collar on the appliance attached thereto. In no case shall the
area be less than the area of four inch (4") diameter pipe. When
more than one appliance vents into a flue or vent, the flue or vent
area shall be not less than the area of the largest flue or vent
connector plus 75 per cent of the areas of the additional flue or
vent connectors. An oval flue or vent may be used provided its •
area is not less than the area of the round pipe for which it is
sub8t±tuted. The minimum interior dimension shall be not less
than two inches (2"). Unless specified by the manufacturer and
approved by the Building Official, no damper shall be installed
in any gas vent or flue.
"Sec. 1309. Subparagraph (c) of Section 3710 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"(c) Pitch. Flue or vent connectors serving appliances other
than water x-heaters shall have a rise of not less than one inch
(1") to the foot.
"Sec. 1310. Section 3711 of the Uniform Building Code, 1955
Edition, adopted by Section 1301, of these ordinances, is hereby •
"Sec. 1311. Table 37B, referred to in subparagraph 6 of Section
3712, of the Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section
1301, as amended, be, and the same hereby is, amended so that the
number of gas water heaters referred to in the first column of
said table shall read "3" in each instance instead of "4".
"Sec. 1312. Section 3806 of the Uniform Building Code, 1955
Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended, be, and the same is
hereby amended by adding thereto a new paragraph designated as
Subsection "k" which shall read as follows:
"(k) When buildings or structures which would otherwise be
required to have wet standpipes are unheated and exposed to
freezing temperatures, gas or powder type extinguishers may be used .
in lieu of wet standpipes when approved by the Chief of the Fire
Department as set forth in Section 3808.
"Sec. 1313. That Chapter 51, pertaining to heat producing
appliances, which includes Sections 5101 to 5113, inclusive, of
the Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301 -
of these ordinances, is hereby repealed and the whole thereof,
except as said sections in said Chapter 51 are referred to by
other sections of said Code as a guide for methods and standards of
"Sec. 1314. Subparagraph Psi of aection 1109 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1955 Edition, adopted by Section 1301, as amended,
is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(m) Prohibitions. The following uses and alterations are
not permitted:
1. Automobile repair work.
2. Parking of busses, trucks and similar vehicles.
3. Partial or complete closing of required openings in
exterior walls by tarpaulins or any other means.
"Sec. 1315. That the Uniform Building Code referred to in Sec- .
tioni 1301, of these ordinances, as amended by Sections 1302 to
1313, inclusive, containing 51 chapters, and numbered in sections
from 101 to 5113, inclusive, together with the several standard
codes set out in said Building Code, three copies of each of said
Codes being on file for use and examination by the public in the
office of the Recorder of Jalt Lake City, be, and they are hereby
adopted and published by authority of the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah, and may be cited and designated as the
Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition. «
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This or dinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this ‘, day of September, 1955.
(9)/T iZvjC
Uity Recorder �—
Published September 1, 1955
Proof of 1nbftration
3tni2rd*taro of Amrrirtt
D. Ockey
being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
That the Notice of An Ordinance
Amendinr, Charter X111 of Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City. Bill No. 61
of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
issue dated the 7th
• "vli.: ,.
day of ,Septemb.er , 19.._55....
and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
thereafter,the full period of
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the 7th day of
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day
,A.D.19 55
Notary Public.
My commission expires
Advertising fee $
AN ORDINANCE tc':It subnaraydanll(sit of Section 3^02, I
o 1.S AN ORIIIN ANCh:APLNU[NG CFI/.B- of IIIe Lnilocli: RuilJ inn Cede. 1055
�hf 1F R XIII of to it vised O'1- s Etl t n:od I� 1;of
of Salt 1 nkc C[t 1.0oll,1944.at aineml. amended, 1'.h 16spectUe m
ell by Rlll No.60,nublishcrl Decetnalr f flue 1 -furnace:0
' '1 10 relating to the UniformBuild. e' 1 l theno lutin a.
OD-. i Code. nd I 1 90 h f
he Be It ordained by the Board f Coin- 70 nerv,5 under Iho I
f Salt Lake City.Ltah: "ROInd,' I to i "1'1 5
an�SEICTIONo I. That Charter X111 of ad of 00 s .n.s under nthe nhead-
the Revised Ordinances of Solt Lake i instead bur
U lobo 1044, a amended by 13111 in'000,130m.Snheara_rneh fc)5 of Sec
'OD4' ells 60. PublishO Dec hull ng ode, lion Edition,
of me Uniform BSection etude,
ie la end to the Ilni.`orl o Hnndh19 ended 19,6 ende, adopted Section 1301.
9C� to end Mc sin hereby amended n led,Da,and:f ion I c hereby
to act l foal 0.he ' amended I road as follows,
S '01. 1'h. Uniform Afflicting h IBS.the f 1 0
pill i Code. tit .1 d which the floc _I to t
ICC 1 thePacific(toast BuildingOfficials ne shalt be
Conference October
at l2 Sixth Annu I Meeting the 1 !1 on the e 1, d tl•
mle, 0 0 L I 3Up 10ed with I Lhe I'I n �e
on,I 1 t'ons.a nun I IT 0 . lei 1 the a 01 tout hIs '10
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ni11 00:)amendments
with Ise d s shone. additions 10 flue. o wets into a flue r the
and el by the
le saetember and the than. the
oat a sea ll 'o s„nt'lea
Proved Se the Annul Members at the Than 00115 area
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ray roue e:Second i fie C0 st Business Building Of. vent a on ace Load'itio "!5 nee 0 0[li
of the Irencec Coast b! ootOd d areas nectars. additional one event c
",CS, known as 4inifnon evil ing CC1cd and usedl Al,A evil faun a en! may nbe �
as li code Building Como,1955 used n Quid edits a a net Ices which;
copies - code In book form,(heed the arc of the and)nine for author
nand eSa code have been filed it is substituted.allThe of less.n interior
for and ex1 he Itt by he Public inchesdimension shall s net less than two
in the office 4[the Reo;aide, of USalt inches 0 1.Unless specified hbye Ohs 0,0
LakeCL d which d t ec f t d a D lh.0 1 lee
rules dregulations1 the t Official, damper b Il be 1 Iced
C t f in 1 t -t s t o fl
'1p P 10 U. n.9ht. d - 01 e b f (S t��1,i�p9 tG C it h Ildl i t- t 3110, f h. F
YL lr tl Cityf Solt Lake City j a IU t d erch
YY llllll vd L Ihd.fees the e tl and amended,tic. 1 rcbY
Ir 11 l 4o f ( therefor , I 11 n
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F A51 a W ih't' 'l(Beta th L• s the h(1 ! tl lint.
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6 n. ell B pion 13 2 lea!or
old of shed meni top.'L_o id and h'n- ell h. Section algid. f II .z ord es,
to after set m said cede heroin- la hereby 31Pdalnd.
lilt after net out. "Sec. 1311. Table 3Se onreferred37,2 to
"Sec. 1303.Section 90n Edition,the i!ni- i sube totifta 0h 0 of ('I Icon:toss o
hC. Fm'm BSeBdon Code 19a5 eseodantesdoPT 111e I: oonn y Scald Coda, a95c nil-
ell by Sectiml lam mere ordinances f hdoolnd LY Section 1.3ot n0
Cod herebv ended 1 to o eaQ rles m1a1 Sitt be theis �I
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t(g n _}ig 1 f E 1 m o. not 001 b - toi t 1 l h 1
months, by both h f d 'includes I 5 01 t 1_
n t e thef B I C 1 t Fd
n these
5 1'�100 TheI G h f l[dinances,N adopted hovel,Section 6101
l it F l the t I Sc 1001I t Uniform, f I h l 1 f t
i��C t 19 Edition, t d B d C L 1
ri 1301, cl U l th I.W othert f d( slguide,
11 for methods-and a ri 1. of onstr e.D In any thorn in which folatile flans 1 don.
mahln liquids II or stored
device 1,16.5 1 -.1 CS
low or
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Iti (8) aF LtI Fla or. fulloscs: n
11104. Tha tiled➢area,rail Of not Prohibtons.The fellowinz I s
ce eotion 55 nti the lopte Uniform R eaten 5nd alterations al lot n Witted:
Code 1055 Edition, 1 i b 5' t
It her amended, b d thd,is.aim:failed ex e same Il 1 t bo 5nr1<,
2 1 A S D L cks anal
1 1 fl
1t III Ft L I'n 'hat 1 1 'll1 complete 1 f
not Installed , used r i trz n by
1o1 feet Plf
which I
l F The (icor in any rim,tile I l 1 h. 1 See.1515 That the Tblifolan B lad•
e Code ,f d to in Section1.91 of
1t 05.The second fiaragencn ef ti oorlioutlee, l.d D S
J. t' 1208 1 thyr Budding t Jd0 l 1313 I H
Code, 35 Edit adopted by Section. l h. L and b '.1
t. 1 I l F 10 I 113 hci
t.D ' Y1 dl dnf la 11I 1. I5 I 1 -'1 col ..e[
sc1 I IC' d R Ling
-il d f.-0d a 1 b f
Y 1 cl al 41ow CI - 1 a oation CY LI
• 1 t Ian the office of the Recorder 01 5tLa Ae h
IN installed or osed wiltda eight feet Cil' 1 the I
• (a" tl f1. S god published e authorityf theBoard
S of b n D t t S f 00 [ 1 0 1`.- -I.
t' 4 09 f thei 1 Cede. Let h d rob .t d d otl n atoll
le Edition, d PI 1 h, S t 1301 tl i [r B Ill' Cot l965
b. b Ed
I 5LC CfO V 1.I then F tic.
• I t 'e I [III,Y
1 en• 11f least F h' -. I Il j n th. ea health d t is Cot the
Y extend t least two through 1 f.e b Ih in hnbita Its £ .a II Labe Ci al Ibis
nn i t Lho rant[ et s tea sees ordinance become a feelive t
'.- awl t least feet D. the d
y highest '1,tO''n fifteen feet SX GT[O[s 3..The! shall lake'
Mt: Imay [f L d 3 Iirst -.
cl'i 1.. height 1 f I b the e I
B �( ,Ih n c l v �1 hnv- crs f 5 It mLakeber.( Lt li [his loth
n t at: ' ^etc Ines a)from clay of.ePlem her. 9�5-
I�ha::not pc Ins;,Man 111hsx 1fce1 t0'1 from BAN, J. CLADC,
C- the II cd moo
MN or.
ilt r 11' I al I f e
I t( l ( Ire R
16 li it bconsultede d torn 1 a n jch a r
i r h-:1 1 'eau nn,bof with
s Table 11 1\ l]-A F yen 1 I Bill N 61, (}S.SI) w