61 of 1965 - Amending Section 9-4-1, to permit persons between the ages of 18 18 and 21 years, to enter and remai KULL LALL July 1 5
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196
Christensen ✓ I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . . ;/
Harrison . . ,,
FacLEX f a.GL4 �� '.
Mr. Chairman
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 9-4-1, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah 1965, relating to cabaret regulations and prohibition to persons
under 21 years of age if beer is sold. Exceptions.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sec. 9-4-1, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, relatint to cabaret regulations and prohibition to persons
under 21 years of age if beer is sold, be, and the same hereby is, amended
to read as follows:
"Sec. 9-4-1. Prohibition to person under twenty-one if beer is
sold. Exception. If any licensed cabaret premises are also licensed
for the sale of beer, no person under the age of twenty-one years may
enter or be permitted to remain on said premises, except that such
person may enter and remain on premises licensed for the sale of beer
with other than a class 'C' or 'D' license, if such person is accom-
panied by his parent and leaves the premises before eight p.m. or
at least one hour prior to the time dancing is permitted, whichever
time is earlier, and except that a person between the age of 18 and
21 may enter and remain upon the licensed cabaret premises,licensed
to sell beer other than under a class 'C' or class 'D' license at
said premises, solely as an entertainer and during the time only that
such person performs his entertainment; provided such person is under
proper supervision while on said premises and has first procured the
approval of the board of city commissioners. It shall be unlawful
for such person to circulate among the patrons or guests of such
place of business."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is neces-
sary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City,
Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
let day of July, 1965.
CST , a ER
BILL NO. 61. of 1965
Published July 2, 1965 61
Affidavit of -Publication
County of Salt Lake
D B Ockey
e'ORDINANCE AMENDING Set Being first duly sworn, deposes and Says that he is legal advertising
OraAMEN t 5
jLakd C ly,Utah 1965,relating it/Cab-
a.r regbiaNpns and prpnmlydn.ro clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
r5e0n5 Antler D rears of age�t beer
P° m'Exceptions. GRAM, a dell (except Sunday) newspaperprinted in the En -
1 Be it gained by+he Board of Y )� P9
Commissioners of Salt Lake Cllr, lisp language withUtah,
u'iV'-loN 1.That sec. 9-(i; Re- general circulation in and published in
stied;Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Count in the State Utah.
•Ueres e965,rolatint to Cabaret regu n- Y Y• of
Tons and prohibition to personi lin-
ger el years of age If beer Is sold,
tp rend ad as follows:
Is, mend- That the legal notice which a copyis attached hereto
' 'Sec. 94-1. Prohibition m person 9 of
'Under twenty-ono If beer Is sol..y
Ieep11 18 I Ceased abarAt
tale o 'Ire aop licensee ier the Salt Lake City Dill No 61 of 1965.
age of beer,no person under e the
ore of ermined l years may ntw
premis be e, except I thatrwith person
v Amer aye re alp n premises An Ordinance relating to cabaret regulations and
IlcAnsad for the smle of beer with
iher iM1en L Cless�C'or D'II<enspp,
if such p¢rbn is ac<ompenletl by his
�'are Br nd'leaves rna eremesps e- prohibition to per sons under 21 years of age
sre tpnr 6. r la sr p np)
feet,-WonIchb mrlyrenia ealileref ale'
mGasnd ilat.e.��ssav'person
atnd emain if beer is sold.
ice lass t�i`s`A7r•.peer`o heiethcensea at
said prsetnlSes°iclass
e ysasan entertain,
such ncerlon'nperformsl hs enitertain,
mentl provided such person Is under
proper supervision while hlle on mid
has premises d edJuly 2, 1965.
NSI°5icners.It shell fir"bde unlawful he for was published in said newspaper on
person to Circulate among the
WSSlness.o Guests of such,place of
Board of Commisslioners,,l Ii Is eeces
y tp the ace,health and welfare
o1"the Inhabitants 1 Salt Lake Cl er,
lUtah,that this ordinance become f-
'fe tiv ' edlaf1 l
SECTION 3. This rdlnance halt
take.select UPon Its first publommin:
Passed.by the Lake
it of Commis- •
,1loners of Salt Laka dv,Utah,this t-1 /
st day of JON,1965.
J. BRACKEN LEELeg 1 Advertising Clerk
f$i ALleCorder
BELL Nq.61 of 1965
publ{shed July Y,keEN to-B91 I
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of
July A.D. 19 65
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25 1965.