61 of 1977 - Amending section 25-4-6(a) establishing the positions of Deputy City Attorney, Assistant City Attorn MILL VMLL AOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April 26 ,19 77 Mr.Chairm ✓ Agraz I move that th• rdinance be passed. ' Gre Hogensen 'Z atA�a Phillips ! • Result AN ORDINANCE // AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the Wage and Salary Administration Prog m for Salt Lake City Corporation employees, dated March 1, 1977, as adopted by Bill No. 33 of 1977, amending Section 25-4-6(a) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by including in the classification of Series.,300 Managerial and Professional, the following career service positions: Deputy City Attorney, under Pay Class 322; Assistant City Attorney I, under Pay Class 317; Assistant City Attorney II, under Pay Class 319; Assistant City Attorney III, under Pay Class 320; Assistant City Attorney IV, under Pay Class 321; City Prosecutor, under Pay Class 321; Assistant City Prosecutor I, under Pay Class 317; and Assistant City Prosecutor II, under Pay Class 319. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation employees dated March 1, 1977, as adopted by Bill No. 33 of 1977, amending Section 25-4-6(a) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is amended by including the following career service positions within said program under the salary classifications herein indicated: Deputy City Attorney, under Pay Class 322; Assistant City Attorney I, under Pay Class 317; Assistant City Attorney II, under Pay Class 319; Assistant City Attorney III, under Pay Class 320; Assistant City Attorney IV, under Pay Class 321; City Prosecutor, under Pay Class 321; Assistant City Prosecutor I, under Pay Class 317; and Assistant City Prosecutor II, under Pay Class 319. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon July 1, 1977. Passed by the Board of Commissions of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 26th day of April, 1977. / (SEAL)BILL NO.61 of 1977 MAYOR Published April.30 1977/�Y W I44-tee RECORD $_ AON-aaA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jr ss. County of Salt Lake RNACE� AN ORDINANCE the Wawa and salary Shana D. Palmer Administration Program for Sait.1_ake City Caporatiyn en, doyees dated March 1,19,as V M'BIII Na.33 a 1977 rrlerdins Section 2S-ad(a)of ine Revised Ordinances d Sae Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- StludInd In the 1 f91i�',H of using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) eries 300 la end Pro- lossio„al' newspaperu printed in the English language with general cir- ice pmiltorri sit: g AAssist"aiCiityAttornne�yyM!under Pay ,1u culntion in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake AlfornClass,unde 311( r Fay Cleo County, in the State of Utah. 319 Assistant_City therney III, oyes Pey Clay 310;dvr Pc t City Attorney IY,arms Pny Crass Class P21,ClCitass 371 Assistant That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto City Prosecutor I,under Pay Class 317;and Assistant City Prosecutor ll,under pay Class _--_319. Pub notice to amend aI1_ordinance relating to AE the Board of • t��sofCommiss Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION I.That the.Walt* wage-_sl_SalaryAdminintrationProgram for gait Pa Salary Administration ----- —' rogram for Sell a Lake CRY CorMarch 1,19 lames adopted by Bill No 33 of 1971,amending hake City Corp._ Fannployees Section Tbla(a)of the Roylsed ---.. OrdlnAnces be, Salt Lake City, erreeby Is amnl d by Inclu the ding tte fotbwl urea service -----"------_ _---- - PesitInns grm under the salary c Said tiation Aherein t,-, :pNy�1v Clfy Assistant City Attorney Lunde! — Pay Class 317;Assistant City Attorney II,rams Pay Class ___April 30 1977 3n$Aalsta a Div ss320Attorneym, was published in said newspaper on AP , City derMornay IV,under Pay Claa 321, City Prosecutor, under Pay Class 321:Assistant City Prosecutor I,under Pay ----"'---" — Prosecuss tor II under PaytCCity ass 319. SECTION 2.This o u 1, shall take attest upon July 1, 9 Passed by the Board d Com- mis... , ls set Salt of auri: tClj-_� 1917, Legal Advertising Clerk 7E01.WILSON MILDRED V.HIGHAM Mover 'City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.61 Published April 30,1977 (D-2/) Subscr29ed anti sworn to before Inc this 4th day of May A.D. 1977 - C - Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 13, 1978 ).11