62 of 1907 - Ordinance 62 of 1907 – Amending and confirming an ordinance entitled “An ordinance ratifying & c AV wrIntmcR rmr, 7,11147,1W171 ".11f11,TANU7.1 or 11,71- rAYE CITY 77TTITL11D: JTMBITMAIM RATIFY1n.7, 7"' 7/1V711=53 .7.711 "21.ZA!1r1111 OP rnt,Ic,a712: T71: LT 171 11147: R1ULT1'n m2trY, "01f,OH7TION, '777,17MMIPG :"7' rI PeAn1r1glir, AYM AMNDISG II7y sAm, InCTITnIrl ,,,7AvrIls Z.) UT!,1 ,1!enT;WY°, APP:Otrr AJOGIT 4th, 11.01b. x. Thu or ths DINOV mrsoe oedlnanch ht, 7.nd the , noise IS hoP,A1.7 asindod to r( od us follooes lootion Z. Tho lifo, yuliditw une twrms ouch owl .,Aerry 1 ono or 'ho mid feanchlows, includinn tho abov7 numoe ueeinrunco, uppeovwd Pugust 4th, 1416, us tho sumo 1:7, h,,7_1noftoe amondd, , boo und ths sums h extand-e tor t , or rIrt,; jokkra reom Julw first, 160b, that Is to ssi, until JulLj first, loGb; I oleo thut tho franchise geunt,d 7. a‘,1d el ;$ 7.o, Utah P000 datod and ofrostive ',",000Mbor ;„-eth, lute (tIt- stom1: of sold compuny h,inr no4 oonod Iv Utah Light, L.ns Compond) . ic /17 .0b, cstend d tho cash, lannth of tick., ).164t to Lo .;,4, until tho tLtou,; uf Jura, 1W06. s7.7r.'Iln II. 1/10. 77action or t or7einonoe is h-oc%,7 'monrod to road as followS1 ^oction 3. That ho t1714i, flx‘S h, "oetions o‘nr7 ,s or an I ordinonec ontitl7id °An Orel4 ne.: anendinr one 7+0.-onNeting c,rtuin rosoluions grontins. L, 7h, xadecossOrs of tho th tight one Power. OunponY°, duto77 one 1° t11..0 T'c,:0ber 41st, 1003, providing for Wt.; plucing of tvunsmiselun o:pos 'ondargrvune, within tho diet:let thuroln nontiolvd, snd 'tho timo fix hoin, for 62 eash and every' other act thw.'eln ascopt 'as horain lin- itod, Is horeby ewtentad two y ors from than time the,esin nosed, ,eovIdall that the vAe compav, its eaccmsnoos and assigns, shall plows Ito transmission elves andargrotind for distant) of nut less Vaan sixteen blocke in s;Ud district u.r1np tho ar1O,07, and Shall complott tho pimoing Lc irmc undarg:eund In nuld distrlat, on 44" befee nasembGr 31st, 1008, and the sold Utah Light and Railway Company Is hi,seby natho:7111ed, subject to tha approval of the City Council of flid city, to locate in the siNeata Of sold district, tho ?loose in which the 'mid wires shall be bid, and the right to imeavats inc' build the Ivconsury• undor- !,round conealte eine ways rc;n- ouch ivz:namlasion ,A..t7os, in hvabW granted and confirmed. mnilr III. Ad Do It fthr incords that 7ection 7 of enid. or- dinance be, end tha antv lo, hv amend to road 60 follows* noctien 7. In considertion of !.hc !tat La.'4a City agrams and ordains that it all no' , h;: ordinunce soriation, Make any ruins or roulationc in vagurd tm the, pole* of lighting, different from prices therafor in namd, nor ahull sale Utah Li gw and ilailmay Company be obliged te, furnish light for any ens for Ince prices than hroin nemedi . provided, however, tut if thorn shall 1,. •seafter be ony nee inventions er inprownento Chat will notarially reduce the cost ef producing or distributing al!..h. or gal oz al ,strice:ne?gy for lighting or hoting pur2oace, or provided farthee,it thorn shall hei:,attar be any conditions abieh hall mutoriall; outlaws* the moitt :.4111.40Ing or, distibating nilter ge:s or oloctrio onw,gy fur Jightinp or Ifiatlng pwvol!eal then Lose in 0.th : evont thoo chall he reaaenablm .-oaluststmt .3. 1 1 hV the City Council mnd tbm Ilbyor. on 7.)1,1 [,[[ert, And tbo Utah LtrIt ane 7[ 11.wcy lotapeav, tta, itr cv.Itignd, on tho oth,0 Of the rota@ ha-t,ain fixed. In the event of dicafveacent between them, althor in respect to the fact whatnot, the aLid conditionn cuthOcicing o et.aijactmwtt of amid t*ntes have artisan ae al,evo ov Re to tb[',[ amoont ] [ of reduction the,,.'of, or both, th,tn the soca ahall be datt,rmined and accartoined two competent and etainterustd 46::rolcarc, 1 the City and cold Company each sal,atitur ono, 6nd rho two co 1 anon shall t4luct L4campotant trot dirinterest,t1 empire; ond the tti[;,mlaaro Khali th,fn dtitavnina *nether the aold cOnItions octet, tmd shLt reduction o_,[ &dm-nee of m10 reten sthoUld he nods, and upon foiling to the.; nohni dirfoncea to [ umpit'e, um! tbo e„,minlon In :['ttIng of un:i &hall detezming, [ then cold :21tantion. ' ow' t'no ,[:,[ nets Of the oppduiettl. In th, 1, ,,,thtzv, !tr. [:Izeconst.,:n Lrd [ neelgne, rhdti upon cisnund or 1-% ic1 to Proceed to uebitotion t‘ at;;; taL,nt o' [Atl,n Ar -oin :rovidod, on fol.!. t.) et. [a_, in'a ff,[ t [..[ tott t;hen OvitdIhen 'ha .1t,; :.1,a^ t to Amend And eb[.ngt. [ [ or ell of tNme in eciect -e ral,et a' ellrf:or *!-Qt" the -,[rvieac 1 refered to in thIc st[etion. fl, INtlt. z[- b pot‘; t[[[etb, • • c"z_[[ or 1.11..t T.N;v1.clons tn acid ntr[[ot rEl.troAd frnylebltmoc, o [nli[te exit- antes to run their rNrs ov,v tnoc%r er vile Utah hirtnt 4:1nd lvetw Compony, atoll App4 onl, lnteruchn roade( nd to cuch o ta,,„ no.,c,x21..tA-totn /7.,nt,t h[ ,-an.) urban* it .'- at i. airAc-e, chnil bo ounttew.d rec,rta ono oh 21ceas cltubted noro tn%m, ten ,[1.1.Ioe a,,teldo of VI, Un- ite of 'ImIt Lata eity. 1 4111.. Xv. And to it further erduined thf,t Section a of tf!if Oold ordinance be, and the curie is, hereby :monde° nu ass to re4,41 Re followep Section q. The right of any in h ruby grantud to ,he Utah Liett and &also) Compon;/, itr vuocescors and assigns, to oonstruct, maintain and oprata, h;/ almtric or oThe'r tumor, ofeeptinn stems, a single or double trocIt atmet railroad, to- gether with aAI. the necusser,.' connections, nwitohes, turnouts Lind cross-over trunks, for the necomudation of mid road, upon the following otreeta of said cite', fAnd us hr .rt elyt mom On leoOnd Wort Strk;st from tighth South Str,-st to fluth South ftreet. STO01171 On lit.' Avenue from L. Street, thence suet to the western bounder:" of the Cit;' :.3onetLry. TrI !)* Sin additional troc on 'vunt otjLo trRet, beginning et the end of the second trunk u f,-.4 foot north of the north bOUnderw of !Turbot and extending to inth South Itreot, and a tangle trrok upon said closet from Sinth role..11 Street to the southern houndurw of nate citi„ FOURTN A single or doubla truck on 7ifth South str.ot from Second 'net ' to t ro Thifel '40ot !Throat to a connection with the Oregon Short Lin* rt1rotu , on aleo on raid Fifth South Street from Fifth 'ast Street to Seventh T:ert stret, with switches or turnouts entering into one .,:pon Twent.-five (N) Flat '11" Salt Luke 0114 rIAVV6V, from Fitth loath Street and Sweenth Stroet sabctuntiu114 Re ehoun upon /-tv$ tluo in murbod. "7:'xhibit A* end h6reto attached, ;Inv! A tangle or doublo trio% r; t iir4 on nOth W4st Street from !forth Tvnplo Itut couLluw1;; to riz.st Si: StraitOU rrap nmeond clouth rtrest southerly to the southern -6- boundary of said cl%y, Tho uA0 to 'Plt constructed ant, in operation within two:items utter tho acceptance of this franehise. ITYM On Thirtoenth Fact rt,L.vat one ttonal track Pros rirst South rtr4et to Third south Strout, and u cinsle or double trek stroet .2foilreeld from evic. Third Roth rt4et to tho aouthorn boundov'w of sold city. IWRX,Tol On second Iouth Itroota a single *r double traek I otroot railroad from T/nth "unt Itroot tu 'icreenth FeEt Ntraat, thence couth on Xlovonth Kent Ittuiet to Tenth louth. Street. and one additional traok iron Tenth Soull Itrect to ',he southorn boaWary of said wit,. t.V.17100, On Third South Itreet on* additional truck from Oronde Street easterly to u point bet4,0c ' ant Lnd Third West Streets, ./nel, oleo a einglo (!oublo track street r. il000d fres Seventh ;cat Street to 7qinth nt rtroot, t:.henco south on Ninth Zuct Itr,:et from Third louV's r,toet to Fourth South rtroutq also ono addlional track QA ,Ant! F:rof rtroot from Tnth lotith Itmot to tho southern boundary of the city. !IN On Fourth strot ono odd!. lentil truck on oil portion* of sal," between 7act unC 'leventh. act otreetc onlw ono tmek no 7;NTri On Iovanth rtr; ot one additional line of ralle way from a point noar eactom dnIranco to Llbort;; po. k, to the eouthdrn bouncy of cO.e city. KT,ArarZip an Third na(7t r.LQvA cingio e double trot% from lavonth loath Itet to '%int% louth rtooet. Vilf,FTY, an Firt %Oat Strt,et on,/, trim Ninth rout . rttr*at thv soura bour; of tine oitw. T7UltV:';'T;T:t On Ninth lout:7 rtmot between Main or :.uct Templa Itot and ThirtGanth .ist ItrGat, ono additional tPirek OA .e. lall portions thereof eher Di QflC t;-'ack now eniete* en4 on the • F zt.to t oicttLvet u single Q: double tryck. r3UATUTIts In loath Tottlo ..;•ect on& tol,Iitionol atout I,rallroed trook trete Teeifth nAt ntmet to Thirteenth Tteet ltreeti • tftlito, a. sInglro or touble fc*vn ThIrtorn1.11 ltreot to rtent Ftrrot, on oost boitecir or tt,t, Fort noupl_e 17111tor:i lReeel-vu,tion, thone,:,, north on euld ri,et t4 rUCOne, PViallUeie rlri' 7177Tt In )1 fl.tret single Rouble truck relleay rtvrt tvenue Mitt tvonuo, ond ulna From Avonuo to mintb. Avenue theno enit on '!inth Avonuo to the Zit,, lrwiter.y. . flin- 1777, On Fltnt Torll Nn r doubL. trock ruliroed fro 'iret et ^Ivo t to f!000nr v"&ct ttu.nov. 'north on neeond Vont 7trv4ot to lecone ^troet. PYVX!/T7F: rT741 In Third 'Irtrt Ftmot e single or etn4516, tree 0"roft tho Intoremetion elth "'econd louth ltroet north to Firet louth rtreet, FIV:TTYW:711 On Flfth '!;oet ltroot ono a. dlt..lonw tencat lbeginning ot oeprinPt Routh lt, owt., thoro north Firet noath • • lTtrect, Mhonco soot an Firrt f.:!tit.ult • lUghth *ost .T4roet. Ilff.Fr..?1,17718 On lecond loath ltroet betn rlghtb West treet end tho Jordan rtiv ono alleitS.vni 1,141 u 'O.:mak from the Jordon alvor on roant rQuth 71m*: to the • ieestt,,ra bounder/ of cold city, ttw st.ne ronntructon vm4 In Lpe:totion rattan tern Wears erto? tne ocetptzmce uf this i'oanehise, TIEFITI7Ph On levelath Ioutt. lt2oot ono ed(Atinal track rron neeond Vest ltroot vest to 7, ,(1 Tor 'vn XIWO. 777nTY141111Mt A singl or noubio ...Pi4c;.: on Rlo Ironde ate.4et. flush tracks am to be Iola on vumb Wm/08 nn ?"0 IittOW, OV M4Y 1.WrOarLCV eetobiloh,:d by I.11tY N;LIOcii. In non- iderittlen Mit franchine, mrantoe, its caccossors end ocire et:algae, ur* hereby ro::alred're pave end keep in good repair with the ammo material end in thu seri. nanpir ec the rest of the street is or nay be pnvod, space inside the %recite and Linea tut outside of the wArle, including uil spaces h6tween double tracks where the vale may conotrnote . And th* grant*e, lte succeed— . Ors and assigns, shall placo etas* upon culd roileoad, with all tbe neceeser modern improvements for L?".0 convenience and comfort of peesumgerc, which shall te. run ther:.,on us often thT: public travel Vhs"-;an ney reasonably reuire, or no t'- Ci%; Council nnY dieerts a% D vw,be not *Y.c*eding toeclw pec hour, Rad otos", each p*galetiona as the tt ouncil may from .in te time proccribe; provided that, the rPontet shall complw with hi direc- tions of %he 1.1.ty Council in the idrail:cc:44 and ite switches ord turnouts, nnd in any ether matter oconneetud eith the population of the aeme, and that: the track or tracks shall be constructed in %he contur of the street unless o-hureice dietod b:;.• 7he City ''ounell, and in such manner NS she.01 be: approved by the Itreet Rupervisor, the tree% te be laid und. the rood ape-Poled so ea to cusc no onnocuceluv isweainont LO the common And orditwry uses of said street for oi..1 'it,.telits and that the water courcen Of culid etrcete h ieft fr 1:14 unobetruotod$ said trecks to bo laid upon u good foundvtlen con eit the cur... room of the reedvey, 6fle *hummer th* str*ets chili, be pevod, • cit- obie rails shall. he used on such ctrets, ond whore the ntraote 0 111t dood lsnd 11,ermenent creeeings vhLal be zod,, maintained in good condition Ni the prLot4e, at 1.1v intvectiona of streets and eleewter , vhonevor the came shall be neroceor;0, at Vhc discretion of Th ity louncil end under The dIre,LiOn and .8. to the soseptanoe of the in.tag. '7uporViSorr nuld singe %dual 1 be of s sulahle width fov consani,:nt paccule uf towns, wagon und Jt.114,, vohicles, .nd nle.) in linu ath ti'? sievrwallio po. d,etrlidne. lUerft evossingS shall h., conctrustoe of stone hlocate, ballast lamtv.,r of nitoblo thIslonoso, or uf comblnetionn More» 1 af, ne mc;, ba mquired by thv lounell, .old to th,,, Ocooptionde of mulf*. 'tap-.visor. of tangle 1,unre,<7,a shk=11 not 1 osc.. ,etiv. c,ntr, ,hlrh shril cubjcst —LI tronofta's ond 1 c mr;utation oxict un th h..ianco of panw's ayntum. Irr:::IT7 v. Thot nothing %n tato grunt shall ho ru contwuod co tO pro/vont Wat Lake (714, ovi. ittonLntn, f,,on ,,avingt seseringo lowing gac or eater mains o pidc, alterinp, jlug or in any .1vin-.0z. imp.'uving ..nfi of tho str‘uto mgntIonod In; but all such Irw..'ovam-Ints Wheal he mee .41th os lIttte no pructicable to onld v,11'cay th, vl. Thot In tho con:t:ustIon one tion of sale rell4ay0 tmrent4.0 oneIt eciwitts.'c tine ostigns, shall el, all timos confo,m4 ",Qucuranoncen, ome _ealatione or. have 1 hcen hoa.oftor h. 4d,-vtte b, the t:ouncll note city in voletionj. ing , in sold city, fov vl,lotion hi 'eof Mhe« ehlai to e tin, In an;, num not e.,co1nP7. on. hum^ree f,ollanc ( 14 rq4Tion vIi. Thot foat tn no kA,:, he 11,„bio or co. foe ,n," occint ov co -0 t,hrt m&O' ()Tour in Vho eon- or o7ori-tion of bzi ruanon of the d,.teult or misconduot of thu grantee, 0;.' its socceesorc or cosigns, or Vhaiv eevloyesj nne. t.77i1 seceptanco of thle runt shull be dosMA un scroamt.+nt on the prArt of eto.V grontcul, ft) . Itself and ItS 11 succeasors or ussigna, sow eLla city 11. 1niess fols und againOt all liability, loco, costs, alai o, dor'Ur e or un;, mture aria- ing out of any such dufaul,; or misconduct, or dhich muy uccruo by ruocon f uny accident injury which nuy occur in or by reason of the construction oporation of sold -t:'ttilesty, and to indemnify- find pay e'Jt1.6 city' tor bn;,, coots, menet, o carpi age of any %Ind IL rwy custain by reason of ony such 411fouj.t. I,! misconduct, uccidint or injury tshull rocovored aguinat ta,id city, .fle thu judeph:nt thori=for shall final us boteoen st4d city und the sule grantee, and its ruccassore and assignr, tt%f!, conclusivei Lo liebility or t1Sluttoo to tho foreaciN the trgrentoe sha:11 have 1 huen giv,in timely notice of thu inctItotion of ull cuits end un o.;7portunity affordoet .o mo%.e sealst in muOng tlfoosto in cuch uctIone. The grrAntes eftill beiihi& for uLi ancidonte to peoplo, or Injury to i: ceport;,,, 4hothu,' of 'Ole' eltY 4Vjwtveto pr.rtius, in the construction t.;nd of it aktid occesionud by its misconduct, megligonce or d,ruult, ano. Surly in the ueo Cr ctricity un, tnel compony Shall ut ell times ho tire sucb :'cuconable und tvproVvd methods us u.,ve then in successful use by cities of upprovInutoly !,he come else an nc ;,ny -imu be teeLd by the- City Colima or the 'Ploord 72oblic the protection of t.h4,., u%d its propt- usolnat injury csurne by tIN, UCe Qf Ut2 motiv, power; and IV dkA?-mt,4 nootocey b tho said. City lounoll 7Itm.'d. of Publlo Works. the said ftmoona Shall hive, 7taXil ;r14 maintuin complote eirCult Of ouch upprowd %ind us choll ho ur.ed ond adopted and *11- provon clrionce to 110 - r.opo;. reweonohie„ RION '1 rho Aghte and fNfincieum )r* 7rIntf,d uru for of fifty woore ?corn end att.e.' thud of Julj, IwOO, wnd aro grunt,.0. sUbjust :o the followInp conditional (1) Thud the suld grantua, Ite succoeswe and assionts, shoal' construct, c4oploto 4u4 have In op,,rbtion ut iwust ono milw4y teat*, with nuouest4:y switehue, upon 411 t;1 chL purtioce of the ctrb,uts of noic city, covwvuC. hy feunchicw, itftIn tht of foue y4aeo reins the uuouptunc excul:t oehthathor.. also kvovie , Gnd uwnt of L.11:: fn,,v !Tt.mt,,0 !A; hew 141,', In t er L:W:t% un thu ir,Jctiono :A,PoiAs withla ef"o,.ecale, tt to oil ,portlons of rtmsts n,t st. occuplod wt 1•:4: of,Jutlon I th6, 1ode ,4 2euvcrIbue., f,'Lachlau ‘n6 provision eholI TUIt !Mel 701d; (2) TYv:t ir tTlv r%,ent,'41, mAcencr irsd a calms rfnall fall 11,1 ctipuloUone 1,nd coW.Itions t franchlno, notleq, !.rid on ftIllun on ',he of t1.1 rrJ0 ouni)nny ucuetud;" OP Eit .0 rAtiefuctory farrtmgwmnta t1teafo,,, mwd hy two- 1n vut doelars IvUqarr!Act,:e. ftud, une to toAe ,ieeuoasion t1.1-. cQuthod anti contL1o1 thu ctu us if 1.1,1.0 foncre.iew 114e Mf.) been jJaacwd. 111 sf,te 7runte, shall, thIn d64a of thlr. :',41cuccc lir uccunco In weitlnp. the ;7ocord. cltw4 1V-07119' P 11114 o2d1nuncs chala Luke, *Mot, upun Ni4,coval C33f.4,9„ .__::„. ..* ,... .„ , , -, k f :\ 4k‘ .p _ : ts. '''''t\ 1 t q k- ;,L ' 11, ,I'Z'4' .4 z ,Z.F\ 4 tZt `' t ?Lk at k ., , ik \\, , 1 i .4 k 1