62 of 1908 - Ordinance 62 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 92, First & Final Estimate. ! oP
A iillAC .
An vriintinee cr"!,rminc the asoe:-1;rrent npor the pr:4).:rt,T
after del.;!r' on het% ,f Se:3Ll'h ji.),.1411 2 betjecad
Weat told Aithth Wek.-t Streei3, 77]. de.1.:Ak ni,;tricts 2,
for the co=truoti,ri of cupLilt
So it of/bInl b,; the C.1%. jouueil
That'the ao.3essTrt li,t :ftade 1%), the C. "2r... „a-7 r
zit*rraicted, apLroved and copiploted 4,114,..1.1.rJ
Re,(iew. heretofore dnly appointed by the City "or that
4 , ;.4 •
gone, Ot th,o property in LOtO 1.0 . 7, th. 7 ;:ia S, r14cas. iu, 'A";
ia',hute Noe. 5 and. 50.1131Ook 12;. ir Lots EG; 5, :6; 74▪ 3.71d 5100k 11tLot 5; ; 1
Elo,tk 10,:and in Lot0,420 tu 28, ...-rol,?a-lve,
of,tha.east half of Block 10, P14..t "J", ,n 1. ,ido of :
Seventh South Street betheen Fuurth Eighth heat Seto, in
Sidewalk Diatrieto Nos. 22 al-41 2i, Jf. Salt • thepnrposo
,of constructing a cewint ei1e,va.iJapir s,d3 p(rtien of ovi3
'4.s hereby confirmt,l, ana tho
leompilted flat er b h1oonfirnel.
SE0TiaL 2. Thic t.,fe . net 7.41.4'n
;Silaw4111i liaLo.n111,1-4
4st &
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Olty,Uteh, June 6, 1908,
and referred to the '4:4eyor for his approve .
' anoorder.
J Approved this day of Jane, 1900.
6 2
.141, 1 6
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