62 of 1920 - Section 887X1 Chapter 33, licensing boxing exhibitions VOTING AYE NAY -- .
_ - Salt Lake City,Utah,_ Lay.. .oLJ1, ,19__0.._.
Burton --
i 2 move that Bill No. 62��.+ an ordinance
Green i regulating and licensing boxing exhibitions be
amended by striking out the word "five" in lines
Mr.Chairman I.
two and six of the second paragraph of Section
Result 887X1 and substituting the words "two and one-half"
in lieu thereof, and by striking out the figures
".1,000" in lines five and eight of the same paragraph and section
and substituting in lieu thereof the figures "750".
Commissioner of ater Supply & Waterwpks
Passed by the Board o Co missio�yak-eke City,Utah, /�
City Recorder Mayor
Salt Lake City,Utah, 1.0, , 192.0... •
V •
Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. as amended,
Green _ , '•
Neslen •
V . -
Mr. Chairman
Result g
03.,dizian30 Loction 88E:1 Chapter 30, Tte-
vised Or alliances ofSaid nLkc ,11ty, I did, and al:ending sal Chapt°l-
a; by adding in end to 2aid chapter relating t,7) licenses a new
section to be Lnown as •-3ection.
Be it ermined by the if.3 -x-rd. OS 5O1eiss-1 onere ,-,x7 Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTIOLF I. Clint Section 887::1 -of Chapter of the :e-
visc,,d. Ordinances of Salt LaLe rolcSLn Ic 110, 3:Loco, he and
She same is hereby cieiide ca no to read no 17ollows:
SECTION 8 0 71:1. It shall be I.L11 aw fill i7o r any lc! r s on
to engage in or give any 1-Joxin5 or similar e..:7,11.iition
Salt Lake City without first ::Dlitnininj licause therefor.
The license tn:x to Sc paid into t1;7!.e ?roan-L-1-y of
Salt Lake City du ':,_raoh license coal: be the cccl Of O071.'
cent of the gross receil.i,ts, -for each e.7,,,Thibitioni; 'Dile license
may be issued :7or a reriod oS one year for not more than one
„ 7odoo
exhibition each week Onii13Oi1t Of , 1,008.00 in advance,
sum shall be the olinimum ::'or ouch licorice.In -Lilo event
per cent of the groso recellAs for e;:hibitione hold (luring the
year under the authority of such license exceeds c1,0,90.00
the e:',:cess shall be paid into the '.1:reasur5 oS aid.U Lake City •
as a part of the license tax for ouch yearity license, povicled
the License ,Issessor and. Collector shall not license more than
one exhibition week except upon ex-press authority
of the Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 2. That Chapter :'3 of the Tievised. Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1913, be and the same is hereby amended byI !�
adding in and to said chapter a now section, said new section tq
be known as Section 887X2 and to read as follows:
SECTION 887X2. Each applicant for license shall
file with his application .a >p;ood and sufficient bond in the
sum of >„;1y00b.0O, conditioned that said applicant shall
,.promptly pay the license fee required by this ordinance an
. shall-faithfully observe all laws and ordinances of Salt
lake`City. Said bond shall run for a period of one year
and cover all licenses issued to such applicant within the
period covered by said bond. No license shall be granted
bl' the Board of Commissioners until such bond has been
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioneils
.fit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi-
1 tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance became effective
SECTION 4. This ordinance :hall take effect upon its
first publication. ic_7____, v_i_____//ii, H
Passed by the Board of Con:_issiolers of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this . th day of ?Say, _.. :0. 1920. ---•
..lay .
�City order.
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