62 of 1941 - Amending Section 1328, relating to taxicabs Taxi cabs; taxicab; taxicabs; taxi; cab; cabs rest.doe soo a zs no " ,.- •. _ • ROLL CALL VOTING m eA alt Lake City,Utah, 194 Goggin I move that the ordinance be pas Keyser - Matheson - - - .� Ivlc o kie d x JP%Xacsoc]cacx - - - M:.Chairman - - -- AN ORDINANCE Result - - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1328, of the,iHevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1935, and designated as bill No. 13, relating to taxicabs. Be it ordained by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1328, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 2i , 1935, and designated as bill No. 12, relating to taxicabs, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEt,..1328.(a)Any license now issued and any which may here- after be issued tO engage in the business of operating taxi- cabs in Salt Bak@ City shall mean and be construed to be only a license or privilege to use the streets and public ways of Salt Lake City for the business of operating taxicabs thereon. (b) There shall not be issued to owners of taxicabs by the City License Collector and Assessor, or other authority, for the operation of taxicabs, a greater number of licenses than one taxicab for every 1280 of the population of Salt Lake City, based on the United States official census for Salt Lake City of 1940, and upon any subsequent United States official census of the city as hereinafter made and determined. (c) Such license shall be apportioned to the various ap- plicants therefor as the board of Commissioners may determine the public interest requires. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants 62 1 -P.- of bait Lake Uity that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. !: k ;:',b1CTION 3. This ordinance sha_,_ ,,,--t fleet -11.112,n its 1 first publication. a I _ Passed by the Board of Commissioners of bait Lake City, i !' plitah, this „7,44Aft(iay of /t/11_,e, 5 1 •0• 194 / , ,.. 1 Mayor. ..i,? ,i City eqh,-,}1.el, •7- ! 11 `..' ^:• 1 ,;: , i I , : •,....,,,...;, I I ! 1 1 1 1 I i1I , , . , !! . . II U 7 \ ' 1F,..., Proof of 11txhltrattnn Milted*Wes of America STATE OF UTAH }ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE RDI M.CONNOR AN ORCE AMENDING SEC- TION 1328,PS the Revise 1 Ordinances o1 Salt;Ate,City,Utah,1034,an ordi- nance Apiligelvby the Board of Com misstonef8 1244.yabrtiary al, 1935, and being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of design to ylll 130.,13, relating to 'Be 1t,Oedalged.Ify;Q,et`Boardtof Com- misslopglyyOt.�aake c1ty,Utah: THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake BECx t es of 13a8, of the Rpvlse dinsncea t salt Lake el Cloy udv , an ordinance passed tiy.w Bp�rd of. COmiMESioners on Fe1 al'- s, and designated as City,State of Utah. bill.'No. 1F�"relating to, taxicabs, be and the elme is hereby amended to read e fot e: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION SEC.13Mi fa)Any license n That the Notice gued and'any whio[r'.may hereafter be issued to engagelin the business taxicabs operating taxicabs in Salt Lake City shall mean and be construed to 1328, ETC. be only a license or privilege to use the streets and public ways of Salt Lake City for the business of operat- ing taxicabs thereon. fh) There shall not be issued to owners 01 taxicabs by the City License Collector and Assessor, o other authority,for the operation of • ' taxicabs, a greater number of li- e s than one taxicab for every 1280of the population of Salt Lake City,based on the United'States offi- cial census for Salt Lake City of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- 1940,and upon any subsequent Unit- ed States official c of the city as hereinafter made Bela determined. 26TH fc) Such license shall he ppor- ticned to the. varmps applicants paper in its issue dated the therefor as the Board of Commission- emay determine the public interest requires. DEC. , 19311 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the day of , Board of Commissioners It is necessary to the peace,health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immedi- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on ately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall its take effect upon its first publication. DEC. 26TH Passed by the Board of Commission- for ..-- s of Salt Lake City.Utah, this 24th day of December.A.D.1991. AB JENKINS, Mayor. (Seal) ErxEL MCity Recr;D.e1 thereafter,the full period of 1--TZME Bill No,62. FYbllshed December 26,1991. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 26TH day of • DEC. ,A.D.193 41 Suscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of DEC. , A. D. 19341 (' • ) Notary Public. My commission expires Nov.25,194 5 Advertising fee$ Y9.' PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 01Irr 'xlt +Cake &lrgram I ;' County • Entry No