62 of 1950 - Vacating portion of alley west of Highland Drive and north or 27th South Street. ROLL CALL — Salt Lake City,Utah, JAI 21195D ,195 VOTING I Ayel I Nay � Af eck I move that the ordinance be passed. Chris ntensen . . Lingenfelter . . i- / (. ..._ \"t. Romney . . . . . M Chairman AN ORDINANCE Re ult AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTION OF ALLEY west of Highland 6 tio1 Drive and north of 27th South Street in Salt Lake Ciby, Utah. d '..C4tz. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: --4(' SECTION I. That portion of alley west of Highland Drive and north of 27th South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particu- -g-- C larly described as follows: K Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 18, Highland Park Plat 'D', a subdivision of part of Blk. 4.6, 10 Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey, thence west 15.75 ft., thence S. 7° 17' 40" E. 30.25 ft., thence east 15.75 ft., thence N. 7° 17' 40" W. 30.25 ft. to the place of beginning) be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the Ct above described property, and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re- moving, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediatelz SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take -f -ct its first publication. „milipe:- A -&-...(::_, MINI Passed by the Board of Commis-. •ners of Salt L e City Utah, this 7/,p7lday of , ,.D 1950. / �_,/'//'Z/ ayor ----Th City Recorder. STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, FrkLnk A. Shi eld,s, -Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacEiting perrItion of alley we-s-t -of-Highland Drive and north of 27th South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 21st, .4.393 1950 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal J of said City, this,_ 5th uly,day of 1950 FiAc . (SEAL) ‘• - 41., NO. 62 Deliuty City Re6rder. Published June 23, 1950 pyis 6 Recorded a� Request ot..X.LI-Wark...24- QO Hazel Taggart Chase,Record®r, yak® CQUf Ufl at 'all� M Fee Pai. $ 4, �,{`f'halt 13ef,1Q�23=:3�-'�yi �; __,Dep. gook 77q Page 0 v AN ORDINANCE. ANv ORDINANCE VA`A i1-Niottgh and Dri e r d no th of 27tri South Street In Sal:Lake City.Utah. Be ordatneers el by the Board 1 CommieIt Ston 1 Salt Lake CItyyy, Utah: SECTION 1.That portion 1 west f Highland Delve nd t eth oceI 27t Utahuth rereept eticularly 0 e. lbed¢ follows: sc Hog Inning t the no bhw sot Or- 1 of Lot 16, Rlghland Pa01 rk Plat 9to a bdivlsfon of pa Big t Feel. St10 Acre Ples A thence irrer,thence w t 15.E f30.25 too 7 deg¢ens 17' 40'' thence e17st 40;7W ft.,3.25 thenceft.to the plat eesf beginning; catad be°c&d 1he am is hereby ° d declared n0$eooSerg Sr be 777, tic property Ier IXreet, ll PO pedestrian aY% nuSald eatalon 15 ado Pressly st ftbirct tP easements ofall public tluue5 deareR' elan anwot locatedR iin,a cry under the e conlines¢ha;XI l o oveetdto scribed Proll rtntr)thereto for t,roe thee fight of in epecling. ° p g,repalel eg.r ing.altering of n utSng a 1d utilities and themSE. CTION 2. Ia the opinion f the Board at Commissfonere, it Ie to the peace, healttri d naletya of the lnhabttanls 1 Salt becomeltt that fectivetfimmedlatelPe shall take Cerie 3,prTnht ltsorfleetnCe puhlleoa' bean,e passed br°the Board f Commis' this a=lst d¢v of Sune.eA D..0950`ah EARL 0. ,AADE, 1 Cloy Reeoedd0NER, (SEAL) Bill No.62. published June 23.1950. ( Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }as Carrxndy of Salt Lake AN fir,nIN i1NI1a. AN OIhDINANC.;VAC-\lINC.POR- TION OF ALL1nY 7,t of NSghland Drive nnrl north of 27th South St[cet In ASallt Lake City, by t¢he An:.rd of 1) (�.(`}l •fir Commissioners oI Salt Lake City. u`N CTION I.That portion of alley Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- -, of ttl�ghiantl Delve and t°-n of 27th South Street In Salt. Lake City- Utah, mnre pndtimharly he vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS a newspaper heal a.:tn, , 5➢efinning a� rhr nefthwe..1 • rI L°' 'a Ilig,lad Palk Plat published in Salt Lake City Salt Lake County in the State hthr;,lnn l in, f era 1h Ac_n Pla'. AIII I.9rld y��r7r.1 el.n.r e no I. of Utah. n• dra, ITr 90" I. '�0.:?-fir lL. t u ., f7 thence F. e nwn=o -nu te.yo.2s rt.to u,r N«rn of I ulnnlnq; a he orderer, o.brrrby, . - That the advertisement nngrr :r rt av�- In, .nrriyp n ;trae�, re eery or Pcu�arma n el. varnall La „aria rlatc. N snhie:a to al exts of all or An OnC11 R:1 C10E? 1-“,1.1 and antsnf all public nillttle.no of. led'C twirler af, the co.nVA,ntlee,ta the above r de. or o cribefl PtOpe[tY.ATIVa l.o Lubin. a MNt- ni the right t[ intrye[non hurpeVn ,tnmr in rerouting arid Utilities.and ell of them. SECTION 2. Tn the opinion of the nnarn n[ CeMMt'slen"rs, It Iv to,he Pcafo. health and was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the .▪Inty of th...tM.xdltants of S..7 Grke Clty t}� @lis ordinance.chNl berme elf Immediatcl,Y. StiCTIO T 1. n shall day of A.D.19 off-, upon Its rtn0 rt p,hlira. tine; Mon., of YSPII I e�k. city o ll ih. ht:217t dta ofyima.A.D.-1,5U and was published On June 3, 1. 50 d\7i2ARLJ.ttlAACI;, Ill NA 11,\1riYfitrz.,' the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the fSWALo FIII Nn.n9 "hrtlehrd.,,r„,..,.1,0. day of A.D.19 Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24 Lh day of rune A.D.19i0 v)f) Notary Publ(it