62 of 1957 - Vacating certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of Concord Street and 12th West Street north fro ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, SE P 7 19 5 7 I95
t/ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . .
$ itettx. d r-
Mr.Chairman . v AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of
Concord Street and 12th West Street north from Second South Street in Salt
Lake City, Utah; all of the abutting property owners having signed the
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of
Concord Street and 12th West Street north from Second South Street, more
particularly described as follows:
ro Concord Street: Beginning at the southwest corner of
as Lot 28, Block 4, Highland Park Addition, a part of
m Sections 2 and 3, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence west 60.0
y° to feet to the southeast corner of Lot 29, Block 5, of
c0 said subdivision; thence north 150.0 feet to the north-
e east corner of Lot 34 of said Block 5; thence east
yip 60.0 feet to the northwest corne/of Lot 23, of aforesaid
w Block 4; thence South 150.0 feet to the point of
o n beginning.
a Cn
12th West Street: Beginning at the southwest corner
O.t of Lot 28, Block 5, Highland Park Addition; a part of
pev Sections 2 and 3, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence west 60.0
feet to the southeast corner of Lot 29, Block 6, of
d .4; said subdivision; thence north 100.0 feet to the north-
east corner of Lot 32, of said Block 6; thence east 60.0
40 CO feet to the northwest corner of Lot 25, of Block 5,
of said subdivision; thence south 100.0 feet to the
point of beginning.
Alley Between Concord & 12th West Street: Beginning
at the southwest corner of Lot 29, Block 5, Highland
Park Addition, a part of Sections 2 and 3, T1S, R1W,
SLB&M; thence west 12.0 feet; thence north 100.0 feet;
thence east 12.0 feet; thence south 100.0 feet to the
point of beginning.
Alley Between 12th West & Navajo Streets: Beginning
at the southwest corner of Lot 29, Block 6, Highland Park
Addition, a part of Sections 2 and 3, T1S, R1W, SLB&M;
thence west 12.0 feet: thence north 100.0 feet; thence
east 12.0 feet; the-nee south 100.0 feet to the point of
Be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public
property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said v catiion is made expressly subject to all existing rights-of-way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose
of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or
rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this
17th day of September, 1957.
CIT� `��bb
(, S E A L )
BILL NO. 62 of 1957
Publish4d September 20, 1957
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating__ certain streets and alleys...in..t.he...vicinity-
''Concord Street and 12th West Street north from Second South
Street in Salt Lake City, Utah/ all of the abutting_property
owners having signed the petition"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 17th, c }957
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 27th day of September, 1957 Vgtgc
(SEAL) Jr"f
B4L NO. 62 of 1957
Deputy UCfty Recorder
Published September 20th,Asbie 1957
1558415 eooK1448 FAGE133
7 k AN ORDNANCE alleys
, , certain
inity streetsf Concord Street and 12th
West Street north from Second
4-, South Street in Salt Lake o City,
utah:rmn ii the abutting pr "'
o e eoiarin ebytl ee Board
Ri Th it ordained by the Board f
4-' N / Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
antl nRelONys,Lthe ati certrn f Cans''' \/ °rd[h'iromi 9econa`auih`Streef� /
�nNi, 1 ° .. arty described as fol-.� \. '',' Ls,,NCORD' STREET: Bee`in- .; .O n r t e so orn p / a 3 ._V 1/Y N r.ucge.moor�4.H&Mana rack IQ.t an;(' l C y
Auo tiun'i art f 'ectiioons 2V �`Pet. W'1'15, it1sl, S ez n;),I. st neiu test to thecn
1 , � t asl ate sobawtsion;�-7 `A'O- e ;o tniioo.0 feet to the
e t cui er nc Lea 39 of
t 4-a n cis a tie a sit r60.0
teet Liotus line.•a urihwa Blo°ca 4:
.� menee u th liu.0 afeet to the:
rn in[ f beginning.
W I 121'n W1:S'1 sTro,NT: Begin-, ''{{ ,,i, ,n na dt the o thwest ,t /�� /J..
N 4 fJ N�i of Lot 20, Block 5. t118hiana �,PyI.J 2,s-t'°t
O Q7 at o VVV Yank Aoattlon: part f$, , ,�t-fll( 731.
.d R1 y 1{\ [lone n and 3west x1 W,SLb (, a d o,9 J„ rN.-A'.
(U,� .t thence west 6VOU Feet to ,. •i
,d N O 0 he urast corn¢ f Lot 29.
• N U block 6. f u division;
Q/ta1 thence north 1..0 Meet to the
O W N "' northeas corner of Lot 32, f
O a 1= 4-1 to Block 6; thence east 60.0 i
d) 0) t to the rthwest corner f
414 C ( Lot 25,of Block 5.of said sub-
division; thence south 1 .0
Eeett the point ofsb 1I,Ltng.
&, g at WEST STREET:Begin- '' (- f
ins t the southwest. n r;�f.l'u•dC j uU - -
3 n' Lot 29, Block a Htghlae. G
I, Park Aadilion, v f Sec-
�/o-14 hone 2
thence3.Test 1 2 0'Ee ce, �°.''t' s •
test 120 feet:thence solut thO.0
feet to the voint of beginning.
& NAVAJO STREETS: Benin- ,,._ /:' j S,L6 :?:
'ng t the o[west '
at Lot 29, Rlock I. Highland •'
Park A indion, p [R1W, Sec-
tions 2 nd 3.Testt2.tSLR- •fj t G
&M; thence west et; feet;
thence north then feet: thence
fast to.t feet:thence eginn 3e.
Befeetndohe point rf bherebyng
r•atea and decia same
no longer to be
nubile property for use a street,
avSaid'eee/on is adeeexpessly
subiect to all is
utilway easements of all public
ities of as and every descrip-
tion re w to ated i under
ee the property;
the above
described p evrry; and also sub-
ject to the rights et entry thereon
for the ng.purposerepairing,
of Inspecting,
maintaining. a ring, replacing,
ovine, altering outing
saki utiiitles and nileof them.
SECTION 2. 1n the ouittion of
the Board y of
the peace.health
and safety of the Inhabitants of
shell beeomet eifectivelsltnrrnediate-
te.SECTION 3,This ordinance shaii
take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of y, Lit 13 of Salt L sot City, Vtah
this 17th A of September,1957.
City Recorder
',MT.NO 62.of 1957.
Published September 20th, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
AN 011DINAnha,,_
Trgt Being first duly sworn, deposes an says that he is ad-
Taal,all's,the aoatiang aton,
owacra hay.ing sard,r0,1,onon,
vertisiny clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
1 That col tain atr,rjet,!
c'e"c1117asetInall'orlrVes0Stret published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
ao'rth from Soros. South ritleot.
moss partiottlral,siescIllred:15 i0i-
thence west'HO o feet,to That the advertisement
Pa Mt, sr W,1
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tnIhrotekeVrhgee east 60°.0 Galt lake City i3i1:1 No 62 of 1957
1,,,V1rt ott°231;ho'l
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Yn'it 4e11M,ET: Boo.- An OrilLince vn.cat cert i streets and
thonco not th 100 0. thq Lot tO. ,
ft WES1'h 0E1:r:Beat,
951, Ah'I'MC'ntiglaN
rat, no, of Sre I was published in said newspaper on
talas 2 and 3,T1S.
e'n.1?Iii0V not'
east 1.2 o'rest:111,,snath,10,0 0 , wptember 202 19571
00,000 Adshtion, _nat.
' Advertising Clerk
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•:,?nosrllitnc'eV4es" tho, ,ef ore me this
ibeti nropc,11,. 2,3rd day of
naoats to A.D.10 57
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Notary Public
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