62 of 1959 - Amending Section 37-1-25 (a) of the R.O. 1955, relating to Sewer Connection Fees to be paid to Salt Rec.I0' z It 3-;9 QI ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ' "'1 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . D# -,Y Christensen . . e Geurts. . . . - Romney . . . Mr.Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result _l. —. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 37-1-25 (a) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to sewer connection fees to be paid to Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the.Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 37-1-25 ,(a) of the Revised• Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to sewer connection fees to be paid to Salt Lake City, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 37-1-25 (a) When the special assessment for sewer improvement or the cost of the sewer improvement for the abutting property proposed to be connected to said sewer has not been paid by the landowner thereof, and the expense of maintaining and operating said sewer is paid by the city, no permit for a sewer connection shall be issued until the city has been paid a con- nection fee as follows: $2.00 per front foot when the sewer to be connected services both sides of the street and $4.00 per front foot when the sewer to be connected services only one side of the street. The city engineer shall maintain a record of the payment of the above fees, together with survey plats indicating the real property within Salt Lake City for which said sewer connection fees have been paid and the real property within Salt Lake City for which said sewer connection fees have not been paid and these records shall be open to public inspection during the regular hours of the city engineer's office." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is cn necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llt;h day of August, 1959. (;) ( S F: A L !1 dr° BILL NO. 62 of 1959 Published August 13, 1959 (69. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake i; or_:•ny { AN ORDINANCE fi SECTIO Rb1a"a6ela)ortYi xNe Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising elty¢d ,',I'Ae= f Sa't Bake V clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- ,Utah,fees bailp,to a to lion fees to bp Ddltl to yalt� inks cuy GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed no the Eng- Colo&,'Uoncr�cof 9alth Lab,'Cltyf.L, v}� L fish language with general circulation in. Utah, and i published in 3Eta the 1.Thdt Section 3Q 1.26 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. (al 0f the R,. Ut Ordlg5,'e f-a 9e14'Lake Clty Utah,YB55,r01eF L ben➢aid to Salt LakecAu yeeea to `_«samehereby l;, amthaep :e That the legal notice of which, a copy is attached hereto a a, here. r "See.3'l-I-25(a) when the sne- 1] ment thDm s we .4 e t ent for`tho1aSl°,i.�i� t l,' C1 t°i Fit 11 Net a B? oar' 19:i9 t tea i idea onosenatn bi do°eo �. .. ❑ d h th landowner ih,.r¢of nd tnaerailna said of m snit oall an (lr„l1"3 nCP TP.1 a,i 1.^.F. to E?Gd E?T rathe city. nit for:is e 1 the tion shall be sued until e ncity has been aid n ec t.,�c. lion fee s follows: $2.00 n r 0(1 Imo a.I,l, L�. f' front foot a when the sewer to be thehstrcef sery both sides of root,14 Cn,hca sesM9 ti';,1 nt :heterect.ThesCite F.enneeetysh.itt ' a7ntaln rec rd f the t Ti,�tin bove Sec., Lozelhee milk f4 r0ey Ants Indicating he We I situ within Salt Lake Cily e iceees have pain sewer ec'eat s have been,laid Conn fo0Deeli and the real winch within fall Lake'Clty « C .said ndt l .f 16 ltli frll`:__ __ -. Lit_ fees e have I itt b .d d th was published In said LLeu)spaper on _ _ ._.__ _._____._. i t du e�e,n bra.,.,, VV E the CID, En':fr� .'",ie:1 t the Board of Canrmleslnners,it Z:fi dCif thth th hle9hltppii Ce Soh R / `� shall la e ff 1MrNe¢t ly¢ / ISECTION 3�ni F 1 1 tt /99ppqq 99 1 teke ffnat rteYfrcate Pvbli-1'� G L C4 r llion ' Pass¢dilhY the Bdard'df'Eom.I - e�lisione q-0I Suit L o CJty,Utah. 4fl'0 11thr;,,'ef Ati4tl t,1858. a1 Legal Advertising Clerk` ' o: I.9i11 Adl¢I F,.Stewart S ad J.Hnsene'uit or P 't)`41? .BILL NO,62 of 1858 'P hlldhtd AYvust l9,1450 is 6oil Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14r'h day of ;nitr„'`'t A.D. 19 59 Notary Public My Commission Expires