62 of 1964 - Vacating a certain alley at the rear of properties on the west side of McClelland Street between 8th ROLL CALL \ VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, September 1 196 4 Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . ,/ / Harrison / ��y i, /- Smart . ��l Z L Mr. Chairman . -- AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE VACATING a certain alley at the rear of properties on the west side of McClelland Street between 8th and 9th South Streets, 100% of the abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That that certain alley at the rear of properties on the west side of McClelland Street between 8th and 9th South Streets, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian way: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 14, Block 8, Fremont Heights Subdivision of Block 4, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey; thence west 12.48 feet to the east boundary line of the Jordan and Salt Lake City canal right of way; thence South 16 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 281.97 feet along said right of way line to a point 12.48 feet west of the southwest corner of Lot 23 of aforesaid Block 8; thence east 12.48 feet to said corner of Lot 23; thence North 16 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 281.97 feet to place of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of September , 1964. Z L Ci MAYOR CITY DD (SEA L) BILL NO. 62 of 1964 September 4, 1964 (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office September 8, 1964, for recording in the office of the County Recorder) (32 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, 1, Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE VACATING a certain alley at the rear of properties on the west side of McClelland Street between 8th and 9th South Streets, 100% of the abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation. September 1 4 passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 196 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said h t City, this 8 day of September196 4. (SEAL) 11C7.P 4$).. A1/411444#4 City Recorder september 4 196. 4. '177i 1 . BILL NO. 62 of 1964 6.? • SEP-8 1964 c//[/,` ��. 2025'766 Request of IIPIL.ita...c.°. (2,-4ZE' Fee Paid HAZEL.TAGGART CHASE corder, t Le t tab a ) . . .... BOOK2233 PncE620 Ref. �`� �� — AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING a certain es on alley west the of of Streets,between l //enof the and abutting prah e. erty owners having petitioned for the vacation. y Commissioners o1 bSaltheLakeal City, Uta SEh: S SECTION I. That that certain alley at the rear of properties on the west side of McClelland Street be- tweet Stir and 9th South Streets, pa tic ark the spent hereby f ol- is Iowa, be ttvacated and declared no loner is public, p oaveny for u street, alley,r avenue or oedesti�;n way:Beginning at the northwest Lot IA, co nMeiah"5 Bk 6F7 t Plat F", Salt Lake City Survey, ; thence west 12. feet to the e east boundary nee of,of-the Jordan and thence Lake City as omnutes s00 aid$erighis east Y 811ne toet minutes i 12.48 teat Westaof the southwest or Let 23 0l aforesaid Block corner or thence east 12.48 feet to said l degrees Opt lsul she Nortls w st 281.91 tentmto Place of beg�n- • nSaid vacation Is made expressly sinned to all existing rights of way of tanyln,and everydender scription now l on- fines of then above described prop. erty;and also s biect to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintain, repairing, o flog sold urltfies'a i ail ut Inee,. r Passed by the Board of Commis tot5 of Salt Lake Clth,Utah,this day of September, 1964. J.BRACKEN LEE HERMAN J.HOGENSEN Mayor City Recorder PILL NO.62 at 1961 Published Sept.4.1964 IC-261 6,2 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake w Len,Ere�., s, N�rt P M Ockey le"Ie.egal NNetites !IIII AN ORONNANO CNANACAf ING Ir I.' Beingfirst duly w n 1 n telldea a tcl o I�W, u y sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising I , Imo. st the a,a. clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- d GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Fog- I Itl B all 1 r >lh tl I �b$allh LB CINfI Wr. ILSh languageCU6t(1 general circulation T in Utah, and published in 1 a �t SECT ION I Yh t th 1 la'' k Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah, I he >>, y, iue fwoee s'tllFeof Mc 9thln5oothtf 5lre b+. 4'.etl n a1r1l,Uld IY r)Ssobed to-$SIC ^ c"ai That the legal notice of whichcopy hmY I°w��,���11• `dide�i�ree'na le�`A� 1° K 9 a is attached hereto beca0,bllcn, pCr :g ,s n Larl street, IIeY.rov a r: ,f,. tan $alv 1 onrtwes4 � • heel Salt Lkke City Hill No. 62 of i-9(�,. wa�.eBlnnine =1 fe Fremor�l1 Lot M1. lock.;e, p_{rf HejChts $ulMiv{Son �{$ur ers�er; FI1 'Fw sal LaeedlY„�e w An Ordnance vacating certain alley at rear of es� ,Ae reef ' 11'thence ylytl nlc fto,l bcentlary line Of Ikhe Jordoan Irn lh ll eCake CItY t )81.91 IeCt Iola$odstfl 16 tic5reesuh00 nlnutes `.�Ir I"e44�ia5ea9n1 eiewao line ro°aonl '°s east side of cClel_land Street 8th and 9th So, en�1 lard8 Ieof f the s IM1west fo_ 1 t r f Lot R8 forte Block Cen e; Ihencoe st 1R-48 feet to sold pn Yncr eLot 23: thence NoYth Shr µy sJe, 08 Ina Yes W b¢9alF Fai an�l 1�t81.Y1 FeAmta mace o nme. eronn Is- ode e.0essylBtl 11 bl tlf t I� Isu 9 pt j - nd'� a a �. it tl lest tf-tld b VIPI f 1 II -..os j, 18 f'e I Ih - to m --net September 196t,• anl„n Wemollnu.erAeriefe�h,, , was published in said newspaper on ] 4, > o r"olaclnu. �11{es , s. r i.set�ebi Itie eoard of t,s e0c�FI 0 Salt Lake fllty.Utah, tls 15>C V f Se�.eBR CeEN EE r eltl I �i HE R.NAN J.[�tV lRccortlCr ._IeEAt) PubISV E_SeP A�196A�(C-26) n Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of September A.D. 19 64 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 1965,