63 of 1901 - Ordinance 63 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 73. ( Sewer Intention No. 73.) Bill No. for an ordinance confirming the assessment on property on B Street from South Pemple to :Second street in Sewer District No. 1. B1' Ir ORUAINHD BY Pft' JIPY 'COUNCIL ON' SALP to i ;IPY, UTAH: Section. 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer of Salt Lake City, Utah, as approved, corrected and completed by the Board of dn>>ali- zation heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on B street from South Temple to Second street, in Sewer Dis- trict, No. 1, for the construction of a sewer along said portion of said street, is hereby oonfirme ; and the•assessment made and returned in sail completed :xist;4 ate hereby o431tirmed. • �eo�,ion� Phis ot'Binance shall take effect upon aporol. flasw®d try the Citp:; cyunc.ill at lad,t Lake City, Utah, _ O, • , and r ferre`* tth,14e=:Mayor for his - proved. /, N.0 City Recorder. Approved this II___ day oft titi .11,- , _a_ .`._ _ Mayor. i'' 63 • �j O g C . N H to O W • 0 O ct• v ` � a m t4 CD C) ,441 a+d)