63 of 1908 - Ordinance 63 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 132. 1 tvo A LI 011JiliAii An oTli1.-,-uo aanfirminL 1,r,p -"; :31 :in ',ha fol16wing portic:n of Sa,;ii: Di.striot 70. 1, to- kit, Jf said d'str4ct bounde1 t„ line of Sth Teple by tb, oator ‘J.7 ,Eapt Streat, .;n the south by the aantar line of Fifth Ltraut, Htnd on the re-..it by the ientor 3:no See.:,14.Eat Stinet, Sew,ar 1..District a. 1, eif Sait Iak&C",tj, 3rdmined by the N Con:;JJ. Lao C SECTiji; i. That the aepeosment 11„:t *do by tgeoel.t Tre!,,our,:r aa:1correctod, aprot4 and (.90mPl'''ted h,r:"--"Ore,/411:y appinted 1Jtto Cu ,ofy:the property in':T,ots land 8, Block 4i; in .148 1,<1.., 7 1 Olua.it 30; an in Lutn 1, 7, 7 :Jul 0, Pioi 2J, 3,11. 1it "26", iabatt!,ng on Muth Eat Street beteen. Thi2d 3oath ;221 on 11.e4rtl: 3uath trat 'oetTnon h IntL 3a6t ane. Tenth L'troat ; L.11 on Tenth East Street tetw.“)11 boun UA". h sou 1Strueta, h CO C .01„itet ilk,. 1, a ane Clti, fw: the pnrpw;r1 of cont.;.trJating snwore ikdur so.:a ,ortt,TH of onirl otr ta, ahvrby (3Drifir,r,01, and tho _r1 ro i .“:17 "liste, are hereby aonfired. S&Il'i.)1,1 2. This tabs affect ukyll oo ISewer Exta :.-Ju IT). 132. Passed by the City Council of Cult Lake City,Utah,J1<-8th, 1908, and referred to the 1.layor for his pr 04.ty 2ecordor. Approved th e 4 day of June, 1908. ayor 63 m I c).D.,....,27: ii- ...... 0 1_,, ce 4 : : ....... [0.; li as R. • :. c's P., s-2 , ' Ct ^ ' ' 0 53' i• 9 : ,A..9 ,4r. , (.,, A .` • 4. 1 ,or.r, .. , -, , ¶:I. 1,., ' _r):-: . ;:q; ^ifi %9a'-.fi; ._r ,.,, 1 f ai . 1"14 _,),.. -,1: l:t lJ••..-':' _ r. _