63 of 1909 - Ordinance 63 of 1909 – Franchise, Salt Lake Public Service Co. to operate a steam or hot water pow A h I h T C B . An ordinance granting a franchise to the Salt Lake Publie Pervioe Company, a corporation, the right to construct, meietain extend end operate a atea m or hot water power and. heating eye- tern, or both in Seat Lake (.1ite, Utah, and to vend eaid etean and hot water to the inhabitents cf said City. he it ordained by the Cit Ceencil of ',elt Lake fbiteeUtah: RF,CTION I. Consent, permieeion and authority ie hereby • given and granted unto the Salt Lake Public Service Company, a coeeeratioe, an hereinafter called the grantee, its seOceeSre and assigns, for a period of fifty years from and after the• pas- sage of this ordinance, to constrece, maintain and operate in, ethereppeNOOM9WWWW, across, under and through all the pnblio alleys in Salt Lake City, ant in, wilia;:i6AMipmmerer, aerobe, under and. through the streets and. other poblio places necessary for the distribution of steam or hot water, or hoth for heating or power purposes in said Cite, all the pipes, mains, branches, coe-effs aed man-heles needful for 1.:le ceeration of a stear or hee water heating and power 5Z5t9T, 512ThjeOt to the eonditione end aereemeete hereinafter earned. SFCTIOY p. This frerehlee in granted epee the exeress con- dition and agreement upon the part of said grantee, its seecee- eore and assigns that said grantee, its socceescre and assigns shall lay at least foci' melee of eteem rains be the end of one year from and after the acceptance of tide franchise 6f: that eert of 'tiet feeechise which eereecelarly seecifiet t it rieht or conceeetier herein shall be forfeited at the option of the grantor herein; and that said grantee ohall lug eight melee of het water mains be the end of tree years from and after the acceptance of this franchise or that pert hereof which parti- Ciaarly seecifiee thin right or concession herein sYll be for- feited. SECTIOt7 3. In consideration of granting Ibis franchise, the • I grantee herein, Its successors and assigns shall pay to the City of Celt Lake one eer cent per annum of the groan receipts of Bald xantee, its saccessore and assigns, during the first five years of the life of ;his franchise; and one and :ne-half per cent c.urinr- the second five ver.r ' and tao eel' curt t e�ere-- payable cnnual:'y on the third °onu.ay of January of each year. after. 1 ir, oraei to eeie.__ee tde arose receipes as n.e.ee:. e.on- tem•elat;ed, the granter, its s coessors and assigns shall annually .egin tan days prior to the y reent aforesaid, tender to Salt Lake Cr.te a statement day verified wider oirth be the secretary of said company, showing the actaal gross receipteef the grantee toethe twelve months immediately ,reosdine; and in tele matter 1 the books of the grantee shall be open to the inspection of the City Auditor. CPC'." t)N 4. The; in the oeenine of the Streets and in the lasing, a nstrection, maintenance and o >erat.ion of the eipes, mains, branches, cot-offs and -Han-holes of the said grantee, its aeccessor s and assigns stall ee ell times cena:ox•m !:o such ordi- nances; ^,.ales and reg,slae ions as nee exist or :may hereafter be rado .':ee; be the Ceie .,.,.nail Ia relation berate, and that said er:arttee, tee successors and assigns shall at all times be sub- ject to such senitatre end police rert:cletions as are lion pro- vided, and s_.nll hereafter be provided be ordinance or reso- intent of the City Council of this city. xC IC t e. The erantee herein, its s sccessore and assigns, shall hold the city free and harmless from an; and all liability for any injury or damage s: person, pe.neone, comeuny or car per:t ion,, n: icb may result from any act or neglect of said grantee, its successors or assigee, and begets this franchise shall be effective for are purpose the grantee shall execute e. bond to Salt Take Cit,, in the son of twenty-five thousand (S'ee,(Y).'ee) dollars, wit! surety, subject to the e4yrovol of the Citer Council, conditioned that the grantee stall and will hold salt Lake City free and *harmless from any each liab eiity Sect bond shell also provide that the grantee will well and , . -..... tooly perform all of the cond'Aions imposed by this fra.cchise and tie ordinances of lalt Lake Cit , and that it will, a its own. oGenoe, restoro Inc s-,:rcets nod alleys to as gc.nd condi- tiGe Gs nuorly es possiblo as they were in before they ,411re . Jicturbed by said .;;n-antoc, its sooceesore or assigns. flThl'110Z 6. All 4trk done hi the grantvi heoeic, ito sac- COSeere or assins, 1.:,- c:te -,.liblic etnocts, dlleys or other public olaces of eaid cihy at,ail be doe anThjeot :Go the in- spection of ihe Cit, -]Mojneen .r;ci .1;Lo enFineer of the nt-Itee 1)&6) to in; no . it J.,t, agreed ilat not more t. atailMONOW. feet of con- 6 ditch be eoen at eno use or an) one etrott. I'C'::"OT!' 7. 'Pts ;:rentee Yorcin, 1,:., soccesecre cmo assigns el ,11 be ,neitled to. charge coder tliie franchise a ,:lr,7ijilVrt of -fino (.75) cents -or eeaoon tor eat! ocieF,re foot of taiaien f .:nit/shod ii it and 7ceatcd t - t-,. ,.tater, anti forty i'i! ) cents Eea0 ._ ter tquaro fo of radiation furnished by u,.. 'pted '0:4 e•Leari. lice grantee may be orivileged to fir- s ict steo...; heEoi n its consamere b : meter rteasurements, h:ta tneat t, ,12 rk4te Ctutigea ti it for stedi e"nall be as lout is: Coo dolL,.tt and fift:, coots ( :; . °) per thousand fin ) Isnrde for 'bi, •_.' -at fo,n- thousand (4000) of condensa- tion, umd fifty ( 5'1) conte con •.t:ouee.nd (lot ) po,mde for all condensetjsnc cvtn Otoor tounarti (4 ) ,.cumlis. 'berever a tinter basr of ecarge f.,: used it r,initinto charge of live ( .00) _tolilars oer mottl' will be n..ce G;xtt Ti bill .-ill bo renleued for ,,. 7.(.se, ztv,suni. In the event .'r-_.t an 'practicable ,lettod of ,e, .soring, Yeo f- -ocued b% Teot watoo it necel, ,to- Its QOM,- ,J .' -:,-.:, ci,. .,-,W, tf:N2 e.,nner,, 'o3:' lc:A'. f;:- .:1.-.of — pltsr -ocat:•rtrtortc, ',oi, en& cad ee c't.G,11 be bG“.led to tAul:, i' is ill net exceed t. t -fivc oente ;.eo i. cismc fott if rGcliG,tior :omit g,t77, , -7'72-r 1).,:t itet his F°T,CTITT ! . thit francAse ii,, eres. .. .1.•alted 1.; :) 1 don&L- ti.17i tat the grqntee herein, ito eacceseors and assigns win, • on ot lofc.-e no it, 1.'"'':, ettatence aid ctutinuo the o-ca'k of . • -4.. constructing its heating, a-"L13'% oo e•-:St eri I rric') Pr•-"""3"-,c'ttl:',' the some thereafter ol,),1-..7,7 re.asc,r.dble diligence unleso prevent ea by „ e:':wen c , oL 'II,es, tsc irui Oil t",,i _1.•• enc.," f. . iv&t'g 0. fcr 1, 11 p pj, ar.d oles Or! ',cr. is ; '0 , 1h. C,c he ui so r:i ,:orl".lotod. e acce. unco of CuCf iOug-'.o.uted r,e I'lee of • c• : IL, F., • , )7,1,n 0( rn1;t,IcAni flh e , b.,tee.es:3vri: and assigns z.nd.11. toil, to ( )D'i,nene,e. 0o5".k on or 2 .1ci ,71,,r)e p ; 1 Yr:j.les of b T r,f •:1 fl,er fra. f 01,1 C"I..t.,- , ) o . f C 1'e® r), no '-oid, .ru W-f, ' tIn ".! .n.' ec ',he ":13, ). •" ,L3 • ,trd • • e fIle.. I ::C -f f 1 (.f Passed by the City Council of Solt 1,,Ify 3rd, 1909, and referred t o tIle .V.,7 or for his a pia.oval. -y Rec order 4'1)rov o thl "- doo of Ttn , 19 09. . F 4 ..„, A ', - ‘ 1)' cT,, tn -,;)\%i . 1 '.. ii.,\ '-,..',- ', 7,i r-'" '.4".° 312t l: f I. ;: tr p F