63 of 1919 - Amending Section 105, relating to unwholesome food and drink, etc. VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Jan. 15 ,192 0 Burton Crabbe - I move that bill #63, for an ordinance amend- Green -- iag. Sec. 105, relating to unwholesome food or Neslen -- drink and uncanitary condition of restaurants, etc. , Mr. ChairmantheBoardof Commissioners Nov. 1B presented to Co , until Nov. �' andlaid over , — up and read 25, Result taken 1919, again taken up and laid over subject to call, be taken up and filed. Passed by the Board of Commissioners o alt Lake City, Utah, . .. . City Recorder Z* porary Chairman _ ROLL CAI ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, November 13.,--.----.. ._.,1919.s_. Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green —.. Nesien nn 1' Scheid \i W " • Mr. Chairman i Result._ AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Section 105 of Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, and enacting a new section to be known as Section 10571. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 105 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah of 1913 be and hereby is amended so as to read as follows: Section 105. UNWHOLESOME FOOD OR DRINK SANITARY CONDITIONS OF RESTAURANTS, ETC. It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or keeper of any hotel, restaurant, boarding house, bakery, confection- ery, ice cream plant or other place where food or drink is sold, or for any clerk, agent, servant, or other em- ploye therein to offer for sale or keep for food or drink any deleterious or unwholesome substance; or to permit or allow any filthy or insanitary condition to exist in any such hotel, restaurant, boarding house, bakery, confection- ery, ice cream plant or other place where food or drink is sold or offered for sale or in any other place where food or drink products are manufactured, stored, deposited, prepared for public consumption, or sold or offered for sale; or to employ any person affected with tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea or any other communicable disease in 63 Ii 1 any capacity which requires the handling of food or drink. If any of the provisions of this section are vie-1 lated the Chief of the Division of Meat and Food Inspection! shall notify the owner, proprietor, manager or keeper of thy premises wherein such violation occurs to comply with the provisions herein within a reasonable time which time must " be specified in the notice. SECTION 2. That Section 105x1 be and hereby is enaote . Section 105xl. CERTIFICATE OP 12A TH. It shall e unlawful for any person to engage in handling food or drink, in any restagrant, boarding house,. hotel, dairy)creamery, milk depot, bakery, delicatessen, ice cream plant, confeoti.n- ery, butcher shop, slaughter house, packing house, bottling works; store or any other place or plant where any article •f food. or drink is manufactured, handled, stored, deposited, 1 prepared for public consumption, offered for sale or sold, or to carryon or�engage in the business of peddling fruit, vegetables, but,tar,, fish, game, or poultry, unless each per'.n shall have a certificate from the Board of Health of Salt L=.e City, showing that such person was examined by some officer of the Board of Health, the date of such examination, and that at the time of such examination such person was free from dice-ses dangerous to the public, and that such person may be employ d in any of the places enumerated in this section; provided t t such certificate shall be void at the expiration of three k I months from the date of issuance. The holder of such certi ficate may have the same renewed at any time by submitting to a further examination. SECTION 3. This ordinance 11,to e effe t n J ary 1, 1920. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, • tah, , A. D., 1919. Mayor. Y• @corder. -0;:"f 0:. ..1 ., - ...E- 9!(l . . — ,. ,,.., - .:-±" "r:.. r J:. :i-.... 1._ 0:r. .J .., ....L 0, . 3;,. r .00/J0 J-_.` f'.J 1`O l`.,„I:1P9Cija 4' ---. •-• .'''' ;' v ' a . .rs.J•LO ,'9'_cGc Or; _.T�C .;t ."`i :,-_ ' f. _ . ,: ' ":1-,-,,,i :0 . .LI �." 1 y • ,, ' , 1GYJJ9,;f:30e .- )' e:_ ;ACJ , ,_ ,,,C tl : rm g .O 0 fCiv'i - ) .:. �.,...,.t. xu O0,JJ.. Or "• ,:: -.i ...ir,.ri )�I rr...'Y:; -,,°•3LSO _ ,1., ),i. �, '-O f:.iiL i. �i.i J'_. " �,+ a�f �_...J.';f) f)OCi - -- r C . .. 1 71 7.7:7' .-f,',.. n-T- 6 6'--/,...w- Q. ... - -. ..,,--mow. .__.f . .. 5 j r �r